Aden Nunez Capstone
For my Capstone I was given the opportunity to shadow five different working environments. I spent time volunteering at Best Buy, a local garden place, a daycare facility, a thrift shop, and Shoprite supermarket. Each of these places allowed me to think about where I would like to work while going to college. I found that I liked doing hands on work the most. At Best Buy I spent time organizing several items and at the garden place I cleaned different types of seeds to get them ready for the Spring. The daycare allowed me to help young children with what they were learning, such as basic math problems. Shoprite taught me how to stock shelves with different grocery items, while the thrift store had me organizing incoming items, to the correct spaces in the store. I learned most when being involved in the task given to me. If I was provided with more time I would have liked to return to the garden center. It was most interesting to me because I learned about many types of plants and how they grow and survive. It was neat to oversee the process that is involved in planting. If I stayed there for longer I would have gotten to plant the seeds that I cleaned. The shadowing opportunity taught me what it would be like to have a part-time job. I learned that it takes responsibility, focus, and the knowledge that you need to succeed at the task at hand. For example, at the garden center the knowledge of several plants is needed to best care for them. I feel ready to take what I have learned at these places and apply them to what I want to do for my part-time job. When I think about a career, I know for sure that I want to work with game and design. This is what I hope to go to college for. While I am in college I would like to have a part-time job. My part-time job choice would be the garden center. The shadowing opportunity has taught me what to expect if I got a job there. I appreciate Science Leadership Academy giving me this experience to find a job that fits my learning style best.
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