ADM: Attention Deficit Meditation
I decided I wanted to try Meditation. I thought it would be cool to locate the depths of soul and ask it questions only God and the universe can answer. And then I would rename myself Marlow Sunshine, talk with an extension on each word and practically hover when I float. Because that is what people who Meditate learn to do. So I clear my room so that my "sacred place" has plenty of room for the impact of the Meditation, if there is one. Then I wonder if I should turn on some soft Robin Thicke or JT jams, but decided against it because I've seen that in the movies. Then I get into my Meditation position, I decided I would stand because I'm not flexible enough to sit comfortably in the pretzel stance. Also my feet and legs fall asleep and I didn't want that to interrupt me in the middle of my soul search, it is most certainly inappropriate. So I stand completely still and breathe, when I realize how soft my carpet actually is, how annoying the tag on my wool sweater inch unbearably bad, and the is an unnatural wedgie forming. So I lose the sweater, remove the wedgie and begin again, only this time standing on my bed so I won't get distracted by the carpet. Finally I try again. Breathing a tad quickly, but steady, and slowly bouncing on my Postrpedic. Then eventually I end up jumping on it, entranced in past times I used to jump on the bed as a rebellious 13 year old. Good times. Then, once again I realize my mission and decide it's probably best to just sit in a chair and meditate there. When I hop down i get to my chair and become mesmerized by my supercool screensaver of spider-like mystical movements. After five minute of diligently watching the saver my phone ring and it's Jeff telling me he's outside and ready to head to the arcade. And well I figure there are chairs there, what better place to Mediate.
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