Adult supervison

In William Golding’s dystopian novel, The Lord of the Flies, the boys initially celebrate the absence of adult supervision and attempt to create a new civilization.

When they first go to the Island Ralph is there with piggy and Ralph ran down the hill and fell then piggy told him “My auntie told me not to run”(PG.9). After that Ralph says to piggy “Ass-mar”(PG.9). As you can tell but if you can't I will tell you. There are too different people on this Island the ones that want the comfort of a adult like piggy, and the one that is happy of the fact that there are no adults on the island and will have fun more than survive. In this quote there was a meeting and jake had to conch and started to agree with what Ralph was saying “We have got to have rules and obey them. After all, we are not savages. We are english and the english are best at everything. So we have got to do the right things.”(42) This quote by Ralph shows that they were trying to make their own civilization without supervision or guidance from adults. But they do not want to even listen to there themselves  They try to survive so they set a plan to appoint a leader and a group of hunters to get food. However, the leader and the hunters have a argument about what to do and then they separate into two tribes.  

In the book “Lord Of The Flies” by William Golding Piggy, one of the main characters to wake up on a island and one of the first things he said was. “This is an island. At least I think its an island.That's a reef out in the sea. Perhaps there aren't any grownups anywhere” (8). When Piggy said “perhaps there are not any grownups anywhere”, to me I think that he was relieved and yet he was scared because no one was there to supervise him. It seems like today's civilization operates the same thing within the government. Relieved that there are some things that are out of the way and accomplished yet society is scared of what might happen if that “thing”, such as resources, laws, organization, etc. fail that they have. Or they will make work, so to me it seems that they forgot the simple answer to the problem and that then made it more complicated. In a study talking about why teenagers are more impatient than adults. In a paragraph in the article is says that  The structural connections between two key areas activated during decision making are not yet as strong in adolescents as they are in adults. So I think this means that when the kids were on the island they were trying to think of the fastest way off. Instead of trying to survive long enough to think of a good plan off the island. Another way to prove that the kids were have thing a hard time working on there “new Civilization” without parents is, when they were at the meeting about what to do and Ralph tells piggy to shut up and Ralph says the same thing piggy says After that piggy gets angry. “ That's what I said! I said about our meetings and things and then you said shut up-”(PG.43)

Another article that I found talks about why teenagers don't really want to be around their parents     

In the book, “Lord Of The Flies”, by William Golding, kids are not understanding how hard it is to create a civilization. Without any guidance from adults they can not really tell the wrongs from the rights and that's why some of them did not make it off the island in one piece.                

Work Cited

Golding, William. Lord Of The Flies.New York: penguin, 2006

Why Adolescents Are More Impatient than Adults | Max Planck Institute for Human Development,

A PARENT’S GUIDE TO CPS and the COURTS - SF Superior Court. ParentsGuide.pdf&p=DevEx.LB.1,5068.1.   
