Adv. Art Q2
If I'm being honest with myself, I kind of sucked this quarter. For the blind contour drawings, I would've done fine, but all we had at home was about 6 crayons. I think I did the best I could with what I was given, but that doesn't mean it looks good. I don't paint and I don't really enjoy painting, so the watercolor I did is pretty basic. I didn't put in as much effort as I would've liked. I do kind of like the character. He's kind of adorable. The recreation is probably the thing that I'm most proud of because I didn't make it in the first place. The illustration from a piece of writing was sort of a rush job. I didn't have a good quote to draw from, but I kind of like the drawing. It's pretty boring, but I think I drew the figures right. As for photo editing, I'm going to let the quality (or lack thereof) speak for itself. Overall, I aim to do better next quarter.
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