Advanced Essay #1: The Connection We Make
When I was little, one of my favorite parts of the summer would be the family cookouts we would have. My Dad and my uncles would gather around the grill, drinking and catching up with each other while my mom and aunts would be helping to serve the food. All of the kids would be running around back and forth annoying all of their parents. One of the most memorable parts of these get togethers would be the dancing and the music. Whether it had to do with watching the dance moves of my parents, and sometimes joining in or just singing along, Music was one one of the constant points in my childhood that has connected me with many people. Especially my family members.
Music has been and always will be, in my opinion, one of the ways for people to connect with one another. Music has the ability to tell one’s story and it’s through that story the musician tells, you have people who will relate to it or learn from it. Meaning, you either relate to the experience or you relate to the feeling, or at least the basic theme, that the musician is talking about. Or when you are just on the learning side of the connection spectrum, you are taught a story that will open up a new world to you. Either way, you’ll see a connection with people that probably never would have happened if both parties never would have sat down and pressed play.
For instance, take into account the song "Sing about me, I'm dying of thirst" by Kendrick Lamar. In this song Kendrick takes the point of view of two people that he had known while growing up as well as adding his own commentary in the end. Throughout this song, Kendrick tells the story of Dave's brother and Keisha's sister. Starting with the brother of Dave, Kendrick explains through his story the bloody, destructive cycle of ghetto that the people take part in. This especially takes a toll on the children, since the destructive cycle leaves them without any proper guidance. Which explains the verse "this orphanage we call a ghetto is quite a routine". Later on, Dave's brother expressed his views on gang affiliation and how in the verse "it's a trip how we trip off of colors" explains how blood is senselessly spilled over pointless matter, like wearing the wrong color that associates with another rival gang.
Next Kendrick brings up the story of Keisha's sister. She starts talking about Kendrick putting her sister "on blast...judging her past" in his previous song talking about Keisha's being a prostitute . She criticizes him for doing that especially its states in the song "well it's completely my future". She sees that kind of life in her future which indirectly makes her feel like she is being judged as well. Towards the end of the song come again at Kendrick stating "you lying to these motherfuckers, talking about you can help'em with my story". She has lost all hope for change from that kind of lifestyle. She firmly believes that telling her story won't make the slightest difference. The prostitution world will still keep going long after this song has lost its popular appeal.
The song then ends in Kendrick point of view. He starts to express how he doesn't want to be forgotten. This is the common that is repeated throughout the song. That's trying not to be forgotten. Even in the in chorus where it says " promise that you will sing about me" he wants to leave his mark. He wants to make sure that he meant something that why he ends his part with " Am I worth it? Did I put enough work in?". He wants his mark on the world to be more than a passing inconvenience.
It’s at this point in the song that you come to see the connection that many people can relate to this artist on. And that is the main theme throughout this entire song which not wanting to be forgotten. No wants to be forgotten, and it is a fear that mostly everyone can relate to. No one likes to be forgotten because we want to feel like they are more than just filling space, that what they are doing will make a difference in the future and they will be remember. People want someone to sing about them when their gone . He conveys all of this through his song which is amazing, and why I love music and the connections it makes.
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