Advanced Essay #1: What's Bad Is Good
The goal of my paper is to show that bad things that happen in life can become benefits or good thing in the future. In my paper, I have things that happened to me while I was little and as I grow up it becomes something that will help me and others. Parts I am proud of is how I added certain stereotypes to my race, and show the truth behind things or how a certain thing came to be. Area for improvement would probably be more reflection throughout the start to the end of the paper.
What's bad Is Good
I remember long ago those days when I would panic because it was a day until my report card conference. I wouldn't consider myself to be the brightest when I was younger. It was my third-grade year, I was heading to my school report conference and my blood was boiling with fear of what my parents would do to me. I had no idea what my grades were but I knew it wasn’t going to be good. I didn’t really find school important. When my parents and I saw my report card, and my heart stopped.
In disbelief, my mother gave me the death stare and stated in Chinese, “You’re not coming home with these grades!”
I used to beg and cry to my parents for another chance. The same thing would repeat every report card cycle.
I wasn’t really sure how I fit into the stereotype of Asians being nerds. But I knew the Asian grading scale was pretty accurate for me at the time. A for average, B for bad, C for catastrophic, D for disowned, and F for forgotten forever. I was essentially a goofball who only really liked to go to school to play fight my friends and have fun. I hated everything else. I hated the class work, the homework, and especially the tests. I simply ignored the importance of school altogether, but I was still forced into learning.
Each day school was still like torture to me. It was a day at recess, my friends and I were all running around play fighting. I was usually always the dominant one in those play fights. Some people even said that because I’m Chinese and I know Kung fu, but that isn’t true. We usually have recess with kids many grades higher than us. There was a day where the older kids didn't like the fact I was dominant in one of the play fights with a friend whose skin tone was dark. So they decided to bully me. They would shove me around and call me names like Ching Chong, which made my days at school even worse. At my old school, a lot of people struggle with bullies, especially during the time where bullies were a huge thing.
My only interaction with older kids was the bullies, so I questioned if all the older kids are like that. The only things I knew was that I wasn’t going to do when I get older is stand by and watch as my friends get pushed around by some bully. I never understood why my friend didn't tell them to stop, but I knew there were going to people who are not always going to like me.
I was soon one of the older kids, my parents started to get more lenient, mainly with the discipline. I figure that was because at a certain age some parents expect you to mature and know what's right or wrong. School started to become way more serious for me because I realized that I’ll be stuck doing this for a while. I knew that I have to go through processes in order to be successful in life. I ended up really enjoying math my 7th and 8th-grade year, even to the point where I would get one hundred on all of my tests.
This one day, a friend of my asked me, “Why are Asians so good at math?” I told him,“When I was younger, my mom would keep me up all night to make me remember my multiplication. Each time I get it wrong, I would get hit.” There was even a point where my mother tested me and if I get one problem wrong, she threatens of kicking me out the house. My friend had no words! In the end, it benefited me in many ways, such as making me enjoy math.
The bad things that happened to me in the past helped me in some type of way in the future. Around 7th grade, I grew up to be pretty big and tall mainly because my parents stuffed food in me a lot. No one would mess with me because of it. There was a bully who likes to pick on my friends all the time. And I had experience of being bullied, and because of that, I stood up for my friends resulting in getting the bully to back off.
Not everything will go your way in life. There are both good and bad things that will happen. I was always stuck in the moment of the bad things that have happened to me, but soon I realize that bad moments can turn into good moments. Now when I look at life, I wouldn’t consider things to be the end of the world for me. Instead, I look at it as something that can help or benefit me for something in the future. It’s like when you make a mistake, you learn from it and move on to make better things happen.
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