Advanced essay#3 On camera

I want to focus on the use of photography and the laws to use cameras for war. Also, I'm interested in how nations used photography and cameras as a weapon. There is a law that we documenting you can not crop, modify or enhance the photo in any way because this act is a modification to what is happening. The idea for police officers to start wearing body cameras. Some people and police officers were against the idea; it shows there is no trust in our authority. When there is no trust in the protection that people need to be safe. There are 3 different ways A camera can be used as; Protection, regulation, and as a weapon.

We see security cameras all the time, Do you know that some of the cameras on the street, in buildings and Nations around the world, use these cameras in a way to protect themselves for example in Russia there is a law where because of the massive size of 6.602 million mi²  and the relaxed country made it hard for enforcing road safety and laws. There's a population of people that try to fake getting hit by cars to risk their lives to get money from the insurance;  the protection from fraud.

In China under the rule of Xi Jinping Has created a new market for security cameras and putting them on the street. The increased amount of the vastly stretched cameras around the nation; lower prices have made it more accessible for stores and residents to use for their own use as protection. The police watch footage from the 4,300 cameras around the nation. This line of work employs more than 3,000 employees in Ecuador, started in early 2011 the idea to bring Chinese footage across the Atlantic to Ecuador where the police “Manually” overwatch the Chinese population.  With great power comes great responsibility, there are some nations that do abuse this as certain censorship called “public opinion guidance” with the misuse of Chinese made a controversial system that started to profile Muslim individuals, the program detected the detected these minorities using facial recognition this isn't the ones in your iphone jib jabs.

What to take away from this small dive into the use of cameras. Theres is also the other uses the cameras in so many more ways that I cant even write because of the word count but  in short there is a good a way and a bad or every way. You might find it creepy or strange. In Chinas case there is a definite sense of invasion of privacy.
