American Government Q2 BM and Reflection
I didn't actually have any particular reason for examining the 12 identified laws, cases or offices
I just picked the ones that i found to be of interest to me and then found a ways to relate them to my life.
The laws I choose were all interested because after evaluating which ones pertained to my life I learned a great
deal about how laws made even before I was born have a positive or negative impact on my life till today.
Some laws, casing or offices I noticed if wouldn't have occurred would have affected my life negatively. Other bills
and laws made more recently have been affecting my life for years and now it just being brought to the surface.
This process was fairly easy the hardest thing was finding laws that pertained to my life either negativity or positivity.
I think resources should have been discussed more in deep because finding laws and bill and offices was extremely hard.
Overall the process was very interesting and easy.
I anticipate my life becoming more difficult as I become older. Laws are evolving as well
as time is and laws are becoming more redundant.
David A. Buckholtz
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