Anna Davies Capstone
For my capstone I chose to focus on the importance of living a healthy lifestyle such as eating healthy and working out to keep your body and mind healthy as well. My project consists of a pamphlet that has a 28 day workout plan, and numerous recipes for low calorie healthy breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. As I got older I became more conscious about the food that I eat and how good or bad it is for my body and mind which is why I chose this as the topic for my capstone. I want to make people aware that eating healthy can be fun and way more tasty than eating unhealthy processed foods. Not only is eating healthy and working out good for you in a physical aspect, it’s also good for you mentally. I know I personally feel really good after a quick 30 minute workout and delicious fresh plate of food. I had two people, a close friend of mine and my sister try my 28dayfix workout plan and meal plan and both of them felt 10 times better than they did before. Not only did they feel healthier and happier, my sister especially saw some physical results. She lost a total of 11 pounds by following the workout plan and adding a daily 1 mile run to her schedule. The reason that I chose to make my project in physical form is so I can hand it out to students and they can easily access the information if they don’t have access to the internet.
"Healthy Eating Tips." Healthy Eating Tips. N.p., n.d
This source will give you some tips on little things that you can do to improve your diet and get rid of some of the things that you eat that you would be better off not eating. Even little choices like there are on this link can make you feel better inside and out on a daily basis.
"Healthy Eating." : Easy Tips for Planning a Healthy Diet and Sticking to It. N.p., n.d.
This link was very helpful to me because the hardest part of dieting is sticking to it and not cheating. In this article it gives you some tips on how to plan the right diet for you and how to go about sticking to it. Also it has some good information about how eating food that is good for you can actually make you feel better all around.
"Healthy Recipes, Healthy Eating, Healthy Cooking | Eating Well." Healthy Recipes, Healthy Eating, Healthy Cooking | Eating Well. N.p., n.d.
Think source has many different recipes and ideas for healthy tasteful meal. One misconceptions that people often have about eating healthy is that the food is bland and not tasty. This websites will bring you to tons of different delicious healthy recipes.
"Benefits of Eating What's in Season." Seasonal Food:
Another thing about eating healthy that most people aren’t aware about is how important it is to try and eat fruits and veggies that are in season rather than ones that aren’t. Eating foods that are in season is way better for you than eating them when they aren’t because fruits and veggies being produced in winter are far from natural.
"Real Food Defined (The Rules) - 100 Days of Real Food." 100 Days of Real Food.
Eating “whole” foods is another really important part of eating healthy. Eating whole foods means not eating processed foods. It means preparing your own food in it’ whole real form. This link gives lots of helpful information on the topic.
"Health & Fitness on Pinterest - Workouts, Healthy Diets and More."Pinterest.
For the workout portion of my capstone a lot of the information that help in my decision making was workout plans that I found on pinterest. There’s tons of helpful charts and weekly workout techniques on here.
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