Anniston, Alabama PCB Poisoning
a. What went well?
Our group was able to divide up the work equally to be as efficient as we could be. We also used a lot of pictures in our info-graphic in order to explain this catastrophe to the reader. Our info-graphic contained a lot of facts and also pictures to show the scale of destruction.
b. What did not?
I think that we could made the project more visually appealing but using better pictures that were not as blurred. I also think that we could have made our explanations more concise.
c. What would you do differently next time?
Next time, we will make sure that our text is more concise in order to make the information more easily accessible to the viewer. We would also make sure we use better pictures.
d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective info-graphics -
Be Concise: Conciseness was one of the things that we lacked in our project. We had a lot of long text explanations. It would have been better if we had just included bullet points for the facts.
Be Visual: Our info-graphic contained a lot of pictures to show the effects of the PCB poisoning on both wildlife and people.
Be Smarter: We used a picture to show how much money the Monsanto company settled the federal lawsuit for. The company had to pay $700 billion dollars and a graphic was included to show what $700 billion dollars look like.
Be Transparent: We showed how the spill affected the residents and the diseases that the chemicals caused. We also showed that the company was intentionally dumping chemicals in the creek near the town.
Be Different: We used a variety of colors and very graphic pictures to capture the true scope of the disaster.
Be Accurate: We completed through research to make sure that all our claims were supported by credible sources.
Be Attractive: I think that our info-graphic could have been more attractive. However, it was not completely boring and it was somewhat visually appealing.
Be Creative: I think that our project was very creative because we were able to pack a multitude of information in a small presentation. We were able to also use pictures to communicate some of the information.
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