Shamarlon Yates Public Feed
Q4 Globalization BM
Shamarlon Yates Capstone
Click HERE to view my google doc with my bibliography and process paper.
For my capstone, I learned about the local Chichewa language that is spoken in Malawi and used the knowledge I gained to create an alphabet book. After visiting the village of Jembe on my buildOn trip to Malawi, I decided to continue learning about this new language that I fell in love with. I brought my template of the book to Staples where I made two spiral books. My hope is to pass on this template to the Philadelphia buildOn so that they can mass produce these books and bring them to Malawi where they can distribute them to local schools they work with.
“Un Sueño de una Tarde Dominical en el Parque Alameda” por Diego Rivera desde el punto de vista de Father McEnroe
Mi nombre es Padre McEnroe y vivo en Chile pero soy de los Estados Unidos. Fue el sacerdote y el director del Colegio Saint George en Santiago, la capital de Chile desde 1969-1973. El Colegio Saint George sólo sirvió para los niños de la clase alta durante la mayor parte de historia. Así lo veo, todos niños tiene el derecho a educación porque este es un derecho humano básico. Creo que todos los humanos son iguales, no importa si son ricos o pobres. Como un hombre de Dios estos son mis creencias y valores. Apoyé el gobierno comunista de Salvador Allende, especialmente sus políticas para integrar las escuelas por combinando los niños ricos y pobres. En El Colegio Saint George los niños de diferentes clases de sociedad aprendieron juntos, fue maravilloso. No hay más remedio. Una realidad significativa de esta época es que hay mucha tensión entre la clase obrera y la clase alta. La guerra fría también es responsable de mucha división y inestabilidad política en el mundo. Desde mi punto de vista, los Estados Unidos y la Federación Rusa deberían mantenerse fuera de los asuntos de países.
“Un Sueño de una Tarde Dominical en el Parque Alameda” por Diego Rivera es mi obra de arte favorita porque representa la pieza de historia que es muy similar a Chile. La obra de arte tiene muchos colores diversos y esto es espectacular. El verde de los árboles en el fondo es particularmente interesante. A mano derecha del mural, hay las banderas de México para simbolizar la patria. Todo en el mural es las figuras importantes de la historia de México, especialmente la revolución como Porfirio Díaz, Carmen Díaz, La Caterina, Hernán Cortés, Zapata y Joaquín de la Cantolla. A mano izquierda superior del mural, hay un hombre con una espalda sangrienta que parece fue golpeado. La obra tiene muchos tonos porque es tan detallado. La primera parte del mural que muestra la conquista de los aztecas y colonialismo que tiene un tono muy sombrío y triste. La segunda parte del mural representa la época de Porfirio Díaz y tiene un tono feliz porque la clase alta tiene poder total. El final parte tiene un tono triste porque muestra la vida mal de los campesinos, la causa de la revolución mexicana.
En el 11 de septiembre de 1973, General Pinochet, con la ayuda de los Estados Unidos, derrumbó el gobierno democrático del Presidente Salvador Allende en un golpe de estado. Allende estuvo aliado con la Federación Rusa y los Estados Unidos quería impedir la extensión de comunismo. La CIA proveyó Pinochet con dinero y las armas para derrocar Allende. Esto era un día malo porque las acciones de Pinochet eran ilegales desde Allende fue un presidente democrático. Mis memorias del 11 de septiembre de 1973 son muy negativos. Allende estaba en el palacio presidencial porque no se rendiría al poder. En mi televisión, vi que los soldados y los tanques rodearon el palacio presidencial. Después, se dijeron que se suicidó. Dos días después del golpe de estado, los militares tomaron el control de la escuela y me envió a prisión desde me opuse el gobierno militar. Este obra de arte muestra que La Revolución de México y el golpe de estado en 1973 aunque tomar lugar en diferentes lugares. “Un Sueño de una Tarde Dominical en el Parque Alameda” muestra la división de la clase alta y la clase obrera en Chile. En la obra de arte, los ricos llevan ropa cara mientras los pobres llevan ropa vieja porque están de pocos recursos. A mano izquierda abajo hay un chico que está robando un hombre rico. En Chile, me di cuenta de que los pobres necesitan robar para sobrevivir porque este país no es igualitario. En el Colegio Saint George, un niño rico como Gonzalo llevó una chaqueta cara y buenos zapatos mientras Pedro, un niño pobre, llevó ropa sucia y vieja. A mano derecho extremo de la pintura, Diego Rivera pintó los campesinos trabajando y vendiendo comida. Esto recuerda a los mercados en el centro de Santiago cuando fui de compras durante los fines de semanas. Para mi, siempre era inspirado por el trabajo útil que el pobre tiene que hacer en sociedad. Sería mejor si los ricos hicieron lo mismo.
General Pinochet es una amenaza al total de Chile porque queremos un presidente elegido. Además, el gobierno con un puño de hierro desde hay miles de personas de la oposición en prisión, incluso mí. Otras personas han desaparecidas y se llaman “los desaparecidos.” Pinochet está aliado con los momios mientras los pobres están sufriendo. Lo más importante es que tenemos vida y tiempo para derrumbar este dictador. “Un Sueño de una Tarde Dominical en el Parque Alameda” llamó mi atención porque tiene un mensaje y un propósito a la gente de Chile. Esta obra de arte muestra los acontecimientos de La Revolución Mexicana que inspiraron algunos de los mismos problemas que tenemos en Chile. Elegí esta obra porque representa las divisiones y problemas entre la clase obrera y la clase alta en Chile. Estoy de acuerdo con Diego Rivera que los ricos y los pobres tienen el derecho a una vida buena y próspera.
La Noche Estrellada por Vincent Van Gogh
Guernica Desde El Punto De Vista de Pierce Morgan
Esta obra de arte tiene un mensaje para el público. Representa las cosas malas de la guerra. El toro simboliza el país de España y la fuerza de este país. La vela representa la esperanza después de la guerra y un futuro más positivo. Este es alguna noticia para el público y el país de España. La madre con su bebe muerte representa la muerte durante la guerra civil. Además, simboliza el sufrimiento y el dolor de la gente. La bombilla representa las bombas durante la guerra. Los dos palabras están muy similar. Finamente, este representa el pasado y el fin de la guerra.
Globalization 3QBMark: Developing the 21st Millennium
¡Soy Chavista!
Antes de la unidad, creo que Hugo Chávez era un hombre mal y un dictador. Cuando escucho “Hugo Chávez,” pienso de revolución y no derechos de la gente de Venezuela. Chávez es de la clase baja y fue un solado en a militaría. Fue presidente por catorce años. Por un lado, Chávez es un presidente bien porque ayuda la gente pobre con la programas sociales. Además, ayuda las personas durante los desastres naturales y también las personas en EEUU con petroleo barato. Por otro lado, Chávez es un presidente mal porque es contra la oposición y limita su poder. También, Chávez ilegalmente arresta las personas que no lo apoyan. Soy un Chavista porque él no es un dictador y votaría por él si fueras Venezolano. Hay los elecciones derechos en Venezuela y la gente elegío él. ¡Chávez no se va!
¡Para Una Comunidad Mejor!: Ubicado en El Oeste de Filadelfia (60th & Ludlow)
View E4 U3 El Arte Público in a larger map
Me llamo Shamarlon Yates y vivo en El Oeste de Filadelfia en la calle de Walnut con mi mamá y hermana. Yo he estado viviendo con mi familia en El Oeste de Filadelfia por cuatro años. Este comunidad estamos nuestra casa desde nos mudamos de Jamaica en 2008. Además, muchas personas del Caribe, especialmente Jamaica, viven en El Oeste de Filadelfia ahora. Es por eso que quisimos vivir en esta comunidad entonces estaríamos cercas de personas que comparten las historias y las culturas similares. El Oeste de Filadelfia tiene una historia larga y era una zona residencial de las afueras rica para la gente blanca durante el siglo veinte. Sin embargo, la mayoría de la gente blanca se mudó a diferentes zonas de la ciudad durante El Movimiento de Derechos Civiles. Hoy, afroamericanos constituyen 76.2% de la población de mi barrio. No obstante, mi barrio es muy diversa porque hay americanos nativos (1.9%), asiáticos (1.5%), hispanos (2.0%) y caucásicos (17.1%). Para la mayor parte, mi comunidad es muy tranquila y pacífica. Al contrario, a veces hay muchos delitos como asesinatos y robos como en cualquier otra parte de Filadelfia. Mi mural está ubicado en la pared de una tienda en las calles de 60th y Ludlow. Este es un gran lugar para mi mural porque está muy cerca de la estación de tren y hay mucha gente que caminando por todos los días. Es importante porque necesito un montón de gente para ver mi mural y su importancia a la comunidad.
¿Qué es el arte? Este es una pregunta muy controvertida porque toda persona tiene un significado diferente del arte. Para mi, todo es arte porque hay un mensaje en toda cosa en el mundo y esto significa que solamente dos tipos del arte; el arte bueno y el arte malo. Entiendo que no cada obra del arte tiene una misma calidad. Podría preguntar, “¿Qué es la diferencia sobre el arte bueno y arte malo.” Desde mi punto de vista, la apariencia de una obra de arte no afecta si es el arte bueno o malo. Una obra de arte puede ser fea pero puede tener un gran mensaje y un propósito a una persona o comunidad. Por un lado, “Un Sueño de una Tarde Dominical en el Parque Alameda” por Diego Rivera es un ejemplo de un tipo de arte bueno. Este mural es único, llamativo, original y imaginativo. Como lo veo, arte bueno necesita tener un mensaje, un propósito y un papel para la comunidad. Por lo tanto arte no tiene que ser un dibujo o una pintura, pero también puede ser formas de escrituras (las poemas), bailes o cantos. “Un Sueño de una Tarde Dominical en el Parque Alameda” cuenta la historia de La Revolución Mexicana y explora los temas, las personas, y los lugares involucrados. Por otro lado, un ejemplo de arte malo es el grafiti cuando alguien simplemente firma su nombre. Esto todavía es arte porque es una forma de expresión y tiene significado para el artisto pero no sirve un propósito para la comunidad. También, dependiendo de la situación, este también es el vandalismo. Así lo veo, el grafiti, un mural, el vandalismo pueden ser y no pueden ser arte dependiendo de si tienen un significado, un mensaje, un propósito y un papel en la comunidad. Mi mural es el arte porque tiene un propósito y un mensaje para mi comunidad. Representa personas importantes de El Oeste de Filadelfia, las problemas, un lugar importante y las cosas que quiero ver cambiando. Lo más importante es, mi mural, sin duda, tiene todos los requisitos del arte bueno. Al igual que las carreteras, los supermercados y la policía tienen un propósito en una comunidad, también hace el arte público. El arte público puede documentar los valores, las problemas de la sociedad, los mensajes, las figuras significativas, los eventos históricos, las necesidades y los elementos culturales de un barrio o un país. Un gran ejemplo de este fue El Movimiento Muralista después de La Revolución Mexicana con los grandes muralistas como Diego Rivera, José Clemente Orozco y David Siqueiros. El propósito de los murales después de la Revolución era mostrar respeto hacia los campesinos, darles acceso a los inalfabetos a la información, recontruir la historia de México, honrar los revolucionarios, servir como espejo de identidad, y mostrar la vida cotidiana. Estos son algunos de los papeles arte público puede jugar en cualquier país, ciudad o comunidad.
El tema de mi mural es centrada alrededor la necesita del amor, la paz y la unidad para una comunidad buena. En el centro de mi mural es el signo de la paz, un corazón rojo que representa el amor y las manos unidas que simbolizan unidad. Cuando tenemos estas tres cualidades, tendremos una comunidad contenta. En mi mural, la comunidad contenta está representado por la gente alentando y saltando. En la esquina en la parte superior izquierda hay un fotografía de Will Smith y Paul Robeson, dos personas importantes y conocidas de mi barrio. Will Smith es muy famoso por el programa de televisión durante los 1990s que se llama “Príncipe Fresco de Aire Bel.” Creo que Will smith es una importante parte de mi mural porque representa a alguien que se levantó de la pobreza y hizo el mejor de sus situaciones para ser un hombre de éxito. Él sirve como un motivación y inspiración para las personas jóvenes en El Oeste de Filadelfia. Paul Robeson pasó los últimos diez años de su vida viviendo en El Oeste de Filadelfia con su hermana de 1966 - 1976. Aunque El Oeste de Filadelfia no fue su casa permanente para la mayoría de su vida, todavía pasó mucho tiempo en mi barrio. Era importante de celebrar la vida de Paul Robeson porque es una persona importante en la comunidad de Afroamericanos. El Señor Robeson era un hombre de renacimiento porque fue un actor, un atleta, un cantante, un autor, un activista político, un académico de cultural y él habló quince idiomas. Paul Robeson luchó para los derechos y la libertad no sólo para Afroamericanos, pero para personas todo en el mundo. Mi mural honra su legado y recuerda a la gente sobre sus contribuciones a nuestra comunidad, ciudad y el mundo. En el centro superior de mi mural es una imagen de un parque que representa El Parque de Cobbs Creek. Este parque es importante porque es donde tenemos las barbacoas y los eventos en la comunidad. El Parque de Cobbs Creek es un lugar donde la gente de mi barrio puede divertirse y relajarse, especialmente durante el verano. El zapato de correr muestra que muchas personas corremos en la parque. Los figuras de palitos que sosteniendo las manos representan la unidad y la diversidad porque son todos diferentes colores. A la derecha de esta imagen es una otra imagen de las banderas de los países en el Caribe para demostrar que mucha gente del Caribe vive en mi barrio. En la parte inferior izquierda de mi mural están dos imágenes que representan dos valores muy importantes a las personas en mi comunidad; esto de trabajador y la importancia de la familia. Un gran problema en mi barrio es la basura desde las calles están siempre llenan con basura. Es por eso que tengo una imagen de basura en mi mural para representar este problema. Además, tengo un signo de “NO TIRAR BASURA” para recordar a los miembros de la comunidad para mantener un barrio limpio. El último problema representado en mi mural es el desempleo. El hombre en el parte inferior derecha del mural con el equis rojo representa el desempleo. La tasa de desempleo en El Oeste de Filadelfia es 10.5% y el promedio nacional es de 8.6%. ¡Necesitamos más trabajos en nuestro barrio! Finalmente, mi código postal es 19139 y mi titulo es “PARA UNA COMUNIDAD MEJOR” porque si los miembros de mi comunidad viven por los mensajes de mi mural, tendríamos una comunidad mejor.
Mi mural es un ejemplo de arte público porque tiene un papel bueno en mi comunidad del Oeste de Filadelfia. Este mural promueve las figuras importantes que contribuyeron a la comunidad. Además, explora el problema de tirando basura y tengo un mensaje para los miembros de mi barrio, “NO TIRAR BASURA.” Mi mural va a tener una influencia positiva en mi comunidad porque tiene un mensaje, un propósito, un papel y un significativa. Estoy muy orgulloso de mural desde es muy detallado. Tiene un montón de las imágenes bonitas y los colores diversos. Ahora, puedo decir que esto es un obra de arte.
Los Recursos:
El Lugar Perfecto Para Mi Mural
After por Damary Burges, Ramon Lopes Colon and Alfredo Miguel
3 cosas que este mural revela sobre la comunidad
- Esta comunidad tiene una herencia hispana y puertorriqueña fuerte.
- La gente de esta comunidad extrañan Puerto Rico.
- La gente de esta comunidad como las playas y las puestas del sol de Puerto Rico.
2 objectos, imagenes, frases o palabras encontrados en el mural
- La bandera de Puerto Rico.
- Una playa en Puerto Rico.
1 razón que es significativo para esta comunidad
- Este mural es significativo porque recuerdan puertorriqueños que viven en los estados unidos sobre su herencia y su país de origen.
Jamaican Curry Chicken and White Rice
Prep Time: Approximately 15 minutes
Cook Time: Approximately 45 minutes
Servings: 4
- 4 cups of rice
- ¾ cup of water
- 4 tbsp of vegetable oil
- ¼ stick of butter
- ½ of whole chicken
- 2 tbsp of curry powder
- ¼ tbsp of black pepper
- 1 small onion
- 2 stalks of scallion
- 3-4 pieces of thyme
- 3 pieces of garlic
- 1 tsp of chicken seasoning
- ½ tbsp of pimento seeds
- 2 Irish potatoes
- Salt for taste
Instructions for CHICKEN:
1. Wash chicken (remove skin if preferred) and cut into small pieces.
2. Sprinkle black pepper and chicken seasoning onto chicken and mix well.
3. Pour vegetable oil in pot (keep stove on medium heat) and let it heat up.
4. Crush garlic and fry in oil for 5 minutes.
5. Remove the garlic and place in trash.
6. Pour curry powder into oil and stir gently for 1 minute.
7. Gently place chicken into oil and stir with a long fork for 5-7 minutes.
8. Dice onion and scallion.
9. Pour ¾ cup of water all over the chicken.
10. Add diced onion, scallion, pimento seeds and thyme and then stir.
11. Cover pot and let it cook for approximately 30 minutes.
12. Wash, peel and slice potatoes into cubes.
13. Add Irish potato to pot 25 minutes in and stir (Only cook for 5 minutes).
Instructions for RICE:
1. Wash rice twice to remove starch.
2. Put rice into pot and add just enough water to cover the
3. Add a pinch of salt, butter and stir.
4. Place stove on medium heat until water boils.
5. After water boils, turn the stove on low heat.
Curry is an intricate part of the Jamaica culture, history, and cuisine. Indian indentured servants who were brought to the then English Colony to work on sugar cane plantations after the abolition of slavery brought the spice to Jamaica in the 17th century. Curry is now one of the most popular spices in Jamaica and is used on various types of meat. As long as it is meat, it can be curried (E.g. curry goat, shrimp, chicken, crab, and even pork).Surprisingly, I estimate that approximately 80% of my meal was processed. The processed ingredients included the rice, chicken, curry powder, black pepper, and butter. On the other hand, the whole foods included the onions, thyme, garlic, potatoes and scallion since my mom buys most of our fruit and vegetable at the farmer’s market at Reading Terminal. However, if this meal was prepared in Jamaica, over 95% would be whole foods. This is because the chicken would have been raised on a farm, the curry seasoning would have been homemade and all the vegetables would have been from a garden.
After completing some calculations, I estimate that each full serving of curry chicken and rice has approximately 640 calories (48% fat) and 18 g of protein. As you can see this meal is high in fat and also in protein. If this nothing but this meal is eaten everyday, obesity, diabetes and possibly high blood pressure could occur. However, if eaten in moderation, this meal can provide you with healthy benefits since it is also low in cholesterol and high in protein.
The ingredients for this meal originated in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Texas, Wisconsin, New York and Florida. The food that raveled the farthest was the curry powder that was manufactured in Doral, Florida, 1,297 miles away. The potatoes traveled all the way from Rosholt, Wisconsin, 1070 miles away. The potatoes were organically grown with a limited amount of pesticides. As stated previously, the vegetables (onions, scallion, garlic, thyme) were local produce that was bought at a farmer’s market. I estimated that my meal traveled more than 7,000 miles, which is bad for the environment because of all the pollution.
The cost of this meal was approximately $15. The most expensive ingredient of the meal was the chicken at $5. The corporations that made money of this meal were the Wakefield Food Group and Purdue. In addition, local farmers made money off this meal. Cooking this meal at home is more cost friendly and healthier because a full fast food meal for four people would cost more than $15 and would be unhealthier.
I am used to getting a home cooked meal everyday and I do not eat fast food that often. I believe this enables me to make healthy food choices, even though most food items nowadays are unhealthy in some way. The cost of this meal would have been reduced to about $7 since everything would be grown at home.
This unit
has further informed me of the flaws in our food system and the factors that
contribute to it. I also learned of the prevalence of obesity and heart disease
in America society. It is interesting to see the connection between the way
Americans eat and the diseases are now affecting a large part of the
population. The most interesting thing I learned about was food deserts and how
popular they are in America. Food deserts help to contribute to high levels of
obesity in low-income areas where residents do not have access to healthy
foods. Based on the research we did in class about food deserts in our own
communities, I found out that I actually live in a food desert. I also
understand this because people in my community usually shop at corner stores
and Chinese stores. This is why people of a lower socioeconomic status have
higher rates of obesity.
From watching Food Inc, I have learned much about the food system and the role that I play. As the consumers, we are the drivers of the food system. Food companies makes the products that we want to buy and if we decide to not support a certain food product or company, we can bring change to the food system. A prime example of this was the pink slim industry. After a public outcry in 2012, people stopped buying pink slime, which is ammonia treated meat scraps that are grinded together. Soon after, pink slime was banned from major food stores such as Kroger’s and Food Lion, among others. This drove these companies out of business and brought change to the industry. My mom usually cooked ground beef/pink slime, but after I heard the news reports, I told her that she should not buy it again. If we can to change the food system, we have to start with ourselves and them get our families and friends to join in.
The biggest
problem with our food stem is the lack of federal regulation. Food companies
have essentially bought out the government and is often lobbying to get laws
passed in their favor. This makes companies feel that they are all powerful,
which leads them to abuse their workers and animals. I am willing to change the
way I eat but I have to think about the budget of my family. Eating healthily
means more money. I am going to stop eating at much fast food, especially at
McDonalds. I believe that this is something that I can achieve by eating more
often at home.
Supreme Court Cases Analysis
Mar Adentro
¿Cómo te siente al no podría mover? ¿Qué harías? o ¿Cómo vivirías su vida? La película Mar Adentro se trata de un tetrapléjico Ramón Sampedro. Ramón vive en Galicia, España, un estado rural en el norte de España que está cerca del mar. Cuando tenía veinticinco años, Ramón tuvo un accidente de buceo y rompió su cuello. Antes el accidente, Ramón le gustó nadar y viajó el mundo con su novia. Fue un marinero que estaba feliz con su vida y tenía buenas relaciones con sus seres queridos. Esto es comprensible porque fue independiente. Sin embargo, después del accidente, la familia de Ramón cuidó de él por veintinueve años. Perdió su independencia y con esto, su dignidad porque no puede cuidar de sí mismo. La película se centra alrededor de la lucha de Ramón por el derecho a morir en los tribunales de España. Los tribunales no están de acuerdo con su deseo a morir por eutanasia. Incluso la iglesia no respeta la decisión de Ramón. Además, esta cuestión es muy polémico y controvertido en España entonces su caso judicial comenzó un debate feroz sobre la importancia de los derechos humanos. Incluso en la muerte, Ramón siempre tuvo la esperanza y la gran pregunta en la película es: ¿Tiene el derecho a quitarse la vida?
Mar Adentro tiene muchas temas que muy importante para la sociedad. La tema central de la película es la importancia de los derechos humanos. Esta película muestra que nunca realmente vivimos en una sociedad libre. Ramón Sampedro tiene el derecho a vivir porque no tiene el derecho a morir. ¡Eso es ridículo! Un otra tema importante es la influencia de la religión en los temas legales en España. España es un país religioso y católico. Esto es controvertido porque un país moderno como España debería tener una separación de la iglesia y el estado. Esto es por qué la cura visitó Ramón a su casa. Además, la película es controvertida porque presenta unas preguntas polémicas tales como la eutanasia es un crimen, la decisión de Ramón fue inmoral y las acciones de los amigos de Ramón de ayudarlo a quitarse la vida fueron ilegales. La relación entre la pena de muerte y eutanasia es especialmente interesante. Para la sociedad, estas preguntas abren debates feroces porque sociedad siempre dividida en cuestiones que están relacionadas con derechos. Por un lado, hay distintos grupos y organizaciones que apoyan y están de acuerdo con una cuestión. Por otro lado, hay otros que están en contra de la cuestión. Cuando hay muchas opinas, habrá muchos debates porque nadie es el mismo. Esto también ocurrió durante el movimiento por los derechos civiles de los años de 1960.
Soy un defensor firme de los derechos humanos, especialmente el derecho a controlar tu futuro. Como lo veo yo las personas tienen el derecho a morir como también tienen el derecho a vivir. Aunque creo que esto, individuos deben cumplir criterios antes de eutanasia es legal. La persona debe ser lúcida y no tiene enfermedades mentales. Para mi, si una persona es lúcida y puede hacer decisiones claras, la eutanasia debería ser legal. En la película, Ramón era lúcido cuando se quitó la vida porque antes de su muerte dio un explicación gran y inteligente por qué va a quitarse la vida. Las acciones de Rosa, Gené y las otras personas que ayudaron Ramón son legales porque no cometen un asesinato. Desde mi punto vista, Ramón hizo la decisión final a beber el veneno aunque Rosa proporcionó el veneno. La iglesia y el cura están equivocados porque debemos escoger a si queremos vivir o morir. A mi me parece los tribunales en España apoyarían Ramón si la religión no tuviera una influencia en los temas legales. La iglesia es muy potente en España. Como yo lo entiendo la decisión de Ramón fue moral porque su deseo era comprensible desde que no tiene una vida digna. Hay que respetar la decisión porque no hay más remedio para él. Lo más importante es vivir una vida feliz y Ramón no estaba feliz con su vida como un tetrapléjico. El tema final quiero discutir es la relación entre la pena de muerte y eutanasia. Estos temas son similares porque ambas se refieren a la muerte. Para mi, si la pena de muerte es legal, la eutanasia también debería ser legal. El gobierno no debería ser capaz de tomar la vida de un ciudadano pero un ciudadano no tiene el derecho de tomar su vida en su propia voluntad.
Para mi, esta película de Alejandro Amenábar es conmovedora, controvertida y un poco deprimente. Mar Adentro muestra cómo una persona puede inspirar a otros con perseverancia y valentía. Me gusta que Ramón luchó por algo importante para él y nunca dejó a nadie pararle. Ramón ignoró las opiniones de su familia, amigos, la iglesia y los tribunales y hizo su propia decisión. La vida de Ramón me inspira a vivir una vida que va a hacerme feliz. Ramón es realmente maduro, sensible, único, expresivo y tiene mucho confianza en él mismo. Su escritura es hermosa y es sorprendente saber que usa su boca para escribir. Desde mi punto de vista, la actuación del reparto fue muy bien porque hubo mucha emoción en cada escena. Hubo muchas relaciones complejas en la película entre Ramón y otros. Por ejemplo, sus relaciones de amor con Julia y Rosa. Aunque sus seres queridos no apoyaron su decisión, ellos no juzgan él. Me encanta la premisa de Mar Adentro porque hay muchas lecciones para la audiencia. Voy a ver más películas similares en el futuro.
Salir de Aqui Chica
Yo correría afuera. Me sentiría muy mal para mi amigo Pedro porque es un buen novio.
¿Le dirías algo a su novia?
No diría nada a su novia porque sería muy extraño a este momento.
¿Qué le dirías a Pedro?
Yo diría pedro sobre la situación porque él es mi amigo. Sería honesto.
¿Tratarías de ayudar?
Trataría de ayudar ellos porque siempre hay una solución.
¿Qué le recomendarías a Pedro?
Yo en su lugar, daría ella un otra opputunidad pero no viviría con ella para un par de semanas.
Otras Posibilidades
Así que si, podría vivir mi otra vida,
Pasaría más tiempo con mi familia
No estaría tan preocupado sobre todo,
Tomaría mi vida un día a la vez,
Porque la vida es un viaje.
Aprendería como nadar y viajaría a Sudamérica con mi familia.
No me despertaría temprano los sábados.
Iría en un crucero con mis amigos,
Compraría una casa en la costa
Miraría las ondas del océano azul.
Volaría un helicóptero
Pescaría con mis tíos y cocinaría los pescados con mis tías.
Haría mucho más,
Entonces mi vida sería perfecta.
El Otro Lado De Mí
nombre es Shamarlon Yates y soy de Jamaica. Soy muy simpático y cariñoso
así que ayudo a mi hermana con su tarea de la ciencia y inglés. Valgo mucho de
mi madre porque es muy paciente, permisiva, y trabajadora.
Somos uña y carne porque tenemos características similares. Tengo compromiso
con mi educación. Además, trabajo muy duro en la escuela. En el futuro, quisiera
ser doctor porque estoy muy interesado en la biología. Me molesta mucho
cuando no tengo un paraguas cuando está lloviendo. No creo en romper con mi
novia porque coquetea con mi mejor amigo. Sueño con vivir una
vida tranquilla. Sin embargo, yo quiero pasarlo bien con
mis amigos y mi familia. Tengo miedo de amor no correspondido.
Esta situación es muy deprimente. Me siento tranquilo
cuando estoy en mi cama en las noches frías.
Tengo ojos marrones y el pelo negro y corto. También,
llevo mis gafas en la escuela y en mi casa. Por un lado, soy muy delgado
así que no como mucha comida y corro en el parque cada el fin de semana. Por
otro lado, mi doctor dice que necesito más peso porque soy muy alto. Una
cosa interesante sobre mi apariencia física es una cicatriz en mi brazo
derecho. Esta cicatriz es muy vieja y fea. Cuando estoy enojado o agobiado,
siempre tengo una cara seria. Al contrario, siempre sonrío cuando
estoy feliz. Además, tengo dientes blancos. No soy muscular porque no
voy al gimnasio. Estoy muy saludable porque quiero vivir por mucho tiempo.
Los demás dicen
que soy muy cariñoso y respetuoso. Es todo la verdad. Es
por eso que tengo éxito en las relaciones académicas y amistades. Me
caen bien mis profesores porque soy muy tranquilo en sus clases y
respeto las reglas de las clases. También, respeto las opiniones de mis
compañeros de clase.
Sin duda,
soy realmente maduro, tradicional y sensible. Por
lo tanto estoy buscando una chica que escucha muy bien y no es llamativa
o narcisista. Para mi, chicas como estos no me entiendo
porque nuestros personalidades no son similares. Tengo éxito con las
chicas que son similares a mí. No soy inseguro o introvertido. Mi
próxima novia necesita tener la confianza en ella misma porque
una personalidad buena es la mayoría importante cosa en una relación.
Me cae bien Cyndi
porque es mi mejor amiga. Cyndi es muy simpática, graciosa, y
tiene una personalidad buena. Además, tenemos mucho en común. Nos gusta
los animales y una persona que tiene la confianza en él mismo/ella
misma. Cyndi es muy inteligente y cariñosa porque ella me ayuda con
mi tarea de matemáticas. No obstante, tenemos mucha diferencias. Cyndi
es tan tímida como un ratón y muy reservada en la escuela pero
soy muy expresivo y sociable. La peor parte de nuestra amistad es
cuando discutimos sobre cosas estúpidas.
Según dice
soy persistente, trabajador y independiente. Es todo la
verdad. Es por eso que soy tengo éxito académico. La educación es
muy importante en mi vida y para mi familia desde que nadie en mi familia fue a
la universidad. Voy a ser la primera persona en mi familia para ir a la
universidad. Aprecio la oportunidad a estudiar en los Estados Unidos,
estoy increíblemente contento. Recuerdo de vivir en la pobreza en
Jamaica, no obstante, ahora tengo una vida mejor. Soy independiente
y ambicioso porque en Jamaica, tuve que trabajar con mis abuelos en la
granja para ganar dinero. Esta experiencia me enseñó la importancia del
trabajo. Me mantengo en contacto con mi familia en Jamaica. Les dijo
sobre de la escuela y la vida en América en general. Digo, “Abuela,
estoy agobiado y ansioso por el proceso de la Universidad.” Preocupado
por el coste de asistir a la universidad porque mi familia no es rica.
Mi religión es una parte muy importante de mi vida
porque me enseña buenos valores. Es por eso que soy paciente, ordenado
y diplomático. Fui a la iglesia cada domingo cuando viví en Jamaica,
pero ahora, no voy a la iglesia frecuentemente. Para mi, mi religión me da
esperanza y me ayuda en los situaciones malos. Guardo mis opiniones políticas
privadas en todo lo posible. Valgo mucho de los políticos que tienen los
ánimos buenos. Por lo general, nos preocupamos por la
política en mi casa pero, sueño con votar en la próxima elección.
Afghanistan War Political Cartoon
It's Time for Reform
This act is credited with thwarting dozens of terrorist attacks since its introduction. The PATRIOT Act helped to further modernize our anti-terrorism laws and capabilities in the wake of increased worldwide technology usage. An example of this is Title III of the legislation. This provision seeks to prevent terrorist groups from receiving funding by requiring banks to monitor for money laundering. It is so easy in this modern world for anyone to donate money to a cause, and some people choose to support terrorists. Title IX is arguably the most logical clause of the PATRIOT Act since it promotes the sharing of essential intelligence between government agencies. The 2001 attacks could have been prevented if the NSA had passed on known information about the activities of the bombers to other law enforcement agencies such as the FBI. There are many other similar provisions of this act that helps to keep America safe, but at the same time, other provisions infringe on our civil liberties.
The PATRIOT Act infringes on people’s right to privacy through covert wiretapping and surveillance. In light of this, it is also important to note that this infringement is necessary in order to protect the larger population. Covert surveillance is often needed to monitor and apprehend suspected terrorists. The right to privacy is one of our civil liberties that we have to sacrifice in the name of security. We need to realize that we cannot have our cake and eat it too.
There are other provisions of the this law that goes too far. The PATRIOT Act gives the government the power to detain terrorist suspects without charges and deny them access to lawyers and the due process of the law. These parts of the law infringes upon the rights are guaranteed under the Constitution. These rights are definitely more important than national security and should not be sacrificed. This is some of the language that should be removed from the PATRIOT Act.
The USA PATRIOT Act should be reformed to respect rights that are guaranteed to us under the Constitution. Many provisions of this act helps to protect the United States from terrorist attacks like 9/11 and should be kept in place. It is never acceptable to sacrifice our constitutional rights in order to protect against terrorists.
Spy Games
JAM CooL: E-Textiles 10% Project
i,Robot by Issac Asimov
$$ Crisis Financiera En Perú (Quinto Objectivo) $$
• What will be your topic of conversation be?
I will talk about how the financial crisis is affecting people in
their everyday lives. We learned about "Huelga total en la enseñanza" in
Spain but we still need to learn about this same situation in other
• What are 5 questions related to your conversation goal that you can think of ahead of time to ask your partner?
1. How has the global financial crisis affected you and your family?
2. Are there budget cuts in education?
3. How do you save money?
4. Are things like groceries and fuel more expensive?
5. Do you think life will improve soon?
• What are you looking forward to about this conversation?
I am looking forward to learning more about how the economic crisis
is affecting people across the globe. I am excited to learn about the
outlook of the people and how they are coping. We have learned about the
issues facing Spain and the cuts that were made to the education system
but I want to expand this to other countries.
• What are you nervous about?
I am a little nervous about this conversation because this is an
advanced topic and I might not know all the vocabulary words that I will
probably need. This is why did did now some prior work trying to get some of the essential vocabulary words that I will need for my conversation.
• Who did I speak with and why did I choose that person?
I spoke with Hector Paisanocharca from Lima, Peru. I wanted to talk
to Hector because he is 38 years old and he is likely to know more about
the financial situation in his country.
• What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?
Hector told me that the financial crisis did not affect Peru as much
as it did other countries. However, Peru has seen a rise in the price of
goods and services. Hector also said that the economy of Peru is seeing
less growth. On the family level, he says that people have to spend
more money for the same products than they did before. Hector says that
he had to cut back on spending to save money. I also learned that
sometimes the prices of gas and groceries sometimes double in Peru.
Hector is very optimistic and thinks that life will get better soon. I
also told Hector the life int he United States has gotten very hard for
some people and prices are higher. People here in the US are also trying
to save money by spending less.
• How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goal?
I learned many new spanish vocab words from this interaction with Hector. I also got to learn about the financial struggles of people in Peru while at the same time sharing information about the economic impact here in the United States. Finally, I got to use my existing spanish language to form sentences and ask questions of Hector.
• What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations?
One of the things that I did well is that I went into this conversation not knowing anything about the financial situation in Peru but came out with a vast amount of knowledge. The conversation flowed very easily and I responded to Hector's questions very quickly. I used my five pre-conversation questions to push the conversation along in the direction I intended. I also used different verb tenses in my conversation with the correct conjugations.
• What specifically do you need to improve on?
Over the course of all my blog posts, I have managed to improve on my conversation skills and for my fifth blog post, I am proud to say that I don't think I need to improve on anything except for small errors such as punctuation. I also need to improve a little on my spelling but I did excellent in other areas such as conjugation.
Newspaper Article about Peruvian Economy:
Report of Price Hikes in Peru:,,contentMDK:23180612~menuPK:343629~pagePK:2865066~piPK:2865079~theSitePK:343623,00.html

Política y Gobierno de Costa Rica (Cuarto Objetivo)
• What will be your topic of conversation be?
I will investigate about the politics and government of and the role it plays in people's lives.
• What are 5 questions related to your conversation goal that you can think of ahead of time to ask your partner?
1. How many states/provinces are in Costa Rica?
2. What are the different political parties in your country?
3. How are the people represented?
4. How often are elections held?
5. How does the government help improve the lives of people?
• What are you looking forward to about this conversation?
I am looking forward to learning about the role that the government plays in the lives of the people. This include how the government helps the poor and even student who want to go to university.
• What are you nervous about?
I am not nervous about anything since this is my fourth blog post and I have had a lot of time to practice and improve my skills. I am prepared with all of my questions, so there is nothing to be nervous about.
• Who did I speak with and why did I choose that person?
I spoke with Carlos Huertas and I chose him because he lives in Costa Rica. I also choose him because of his age. Carlos is 38 years old and this means that he might know more about the government and its polices that a younger person.
• What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?
I learned that there are 7 provinces in Costa Rica and Carlos lives in San José, which is the name of the province and the capital city. The name of the other provinces are Alajuela, Heredia, Cartago, Guanacaste, Puntarenass and Limon. San José is located in the center of the country. There are many different political parties in Costa Rica. The main ones are the Liberacion Nacional, Partido Accion Ciudadana, Movimimento Libertario, PUS and the PASE. The political system is largely bipartisan and Congress is made up of multiple parties. Carlos also told me that election are help every 4 years in Costa Rica. The government has many programs to help its citizens like such as student loans to student so they can go to university and housing programs. There are also food stamps and employment programs run by the government.
• How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goal?
I was able to learn about a topic hat I was interested in while at the same time sharing information about the government of the United States. Carlos was also very enthusiastic about the conversation and this helped to drive the conversation even more. I learned a lot of new vocabulary and I got to use vocabulary that I never even knew I had. I also had to substitute words that I wanted to say with words that I actually knew how to say in spanish.
I did not use a translator during the conversation. I used my 5 questions that I had prepared before hand and these questions helped to drive the conversation. I was also able to sustain the conversation for well over 5 minutes and ended up talking to Carlos for over 15 minutes. This was not something that I could have done before so I was very proud of this achievement.
• What specifically do you need to improve on?
I think that I need to respond more quickly during the conversation. This conversation was hard because I had to think hard about what I wanted to say and the vocabulary that I had to use. I also had to think of words that I could use as a substitution for words that I did not know.
List of Costa Rican Political Parties:
Travel Guide to Costa Rica:
La Rutina Diaria en España (Tercer Objetivo)
• What will be your topic of conversation be?
I will try to find out what a typical day in the life of a person living in Spain is like. I will inquire about what time people usually go to work, eat lunch and dinner. I also want to know what people do on their weekends. I have been hearing on the news lately that Spain is facing a huge economic crisis. I also want to find out about how this is affecting people in Spain.
• What are 5 questions related to your conversation goal that you can think of ahead of time to ask your partner?
1. What time you wake up and you go to bed?
2. What time do you eat lunch?
3. When do you have work?
4. Do you go to church on Sundays?
5. What do you do for fun on the weekends?
6. How are the current economic problems affecting people you know?
• What are you looking forward to about this conversation?
I am looking forward to having a long, sustained conversation because I have so many questions to get answered. I am also looking to share things about the United States, especially Philadelphia, with the person I talk to.
• What are you nervous about?
I have gotten so used to sharedtalk that I am not nervous about anything. I am only feeling excited to get the conversation started because I have an interesting conversation question that I can't wait to get answered.
• Who did I speak with and why did I choose that person?
I spoke to Luna Riverio and I chose her because she was the same age as me (17 years old). I wanted to get the views of a young, relatable person. Luna also lived in Madrid, which is a city similar in size to Philadelphia and I wanted compare my daily routine with her's.
• What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?
I learned that Luna is a 17 year old living in Madrid. On the weekends, Luna likes to go to the movies or the theater, visit the park, sing and play the guitar. Sundays are spent with the family. Luna is a ballerina and she practices for 3 hours everyday after school. Luna said that her family does not have financial problems but life is bad for other people. Because of the poor economic situation people do not go on vacations, to the movies or go out to eat. I learned that people in Spain often go to work at 8 in the morning and eat lunch at 2 or 3 in the afternoon. One thing that I thought was interesting is that people in Spain typically eat dinner at 9-10 PM and a meal often consists of tapas. This is a huge contrast to the United States because most families usually eat dinner at 6-7 PM. The most common form of transit in Spain is the metro/subway.
• How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goal?
My personal goal is to learn about the life, politics and culture of foreign countries while at the same time learning new Spanish vocabulary and using my current vocabulary to effectively communicate. I this conversation, I was able to fulfill all of the above goals since I learned a lot of new vocabulary words and I got to use my existing vocabulary to talk to Luna. I also got a glimpse into the daily life of people in Spain.
I was able to get all of my questions answered and even after this, I still kept the conversation going. I also responded to Luna's questions about my life in the United States. I did not just keep on asking questions after questions. I not only gain valuable knowledge about Spain but I also got the opportunity to tell Luna about my daily routine and what I do on the weekends and after school.
• What specifically do you need to improve on?
For this conversation, I had to use word reference a few times in order for me to ask Luna some of my questions. I decided to use word reference because I really wanted to get my questions answered because I worked so hard preparing them. I have not used any translation help for my two previous blogs so I felt a little bad using it now. However, this will push me harder to try to use my current Spanish vocabulary to get my point across without using word reference.
Travel Guide to Madrid:
⚾ Deportes de Argentina ⚾ (Segundo Objetivo)
• What will be your topic of conversation be?
The topic of conversation will be about the sports that are played in Argentina and how that relates to the culture of the country.
• What are 5 questions related to your conversation goal that you can think of ahead of time to ask your partner?
1. What is the most popular sport in Argentina?
2. What kinds of sports do you play?
3. What is your favorite football team?
4. Do most children like playing sports in Argentina?
5. Who is your favorite soccer player?
• What are you looking forward to about this conversation?
I am looking forward to learning about the sports of Argentina since I myself is a big sports fan who follows professional football and even play football on SLA's varsity football team.
• What are you nervous about?
I am only a little nervous about having a full conversation without using a translator. However, I have learned how to deal with this from my work on my first goal.
• Who did I speak with and why did I choose that person?
I spoke to Juan Vela and I spoke to this person because I wanted to know about sports in Argentina and he is a native of Argentina.
• What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?
I learned that Juan is a very passionate soccer fan. I learned that football is the most popular sport in Argentina but other popular sports include volleyball, tennis and basketball. I also found out that Juan plays football and tennis. His favorite football team in Argentina is Boca. Juan's favorite player is Carlos Tevez. Juan also learned that I also play football for my school and my favorite football team is Man City in the English Premier League.
• How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goal?
I am very passionate about soccer and I wanted to learn about soccer in foreign countries and Argentina has one of the best national soccer teams. I have learned a lot of sports vocabulary while at the same time learning about something that I enjoy doing. I also liked that my conversation with Juan included different tenses.
I was able to learn so much about different types of sports in Argentina and the role it play in the lives of an individual. I also able to utilize all the pre-conversation questions to guide the conversation in the direction that I wanted. I was also able to share information about sports in America with one. It was a two way cultural learning process.
• What specifically do you need to improve on?
I need to improve on my punctuation and to not rush the conversation. I need to stop asking so many questions in a short period of time.
♫ ♪ Música de España ♫ ♪ (Primer Objetivo)
Conversation Question: What does music look like in Spain?
• What will be your topic of conversation be?
The topic of conversation will be about the history music of Spain and the role it plays in society.
• What are 5 questions related to your conversation goal that you can think of ahead of time to ask your partner?
1. What are the different types of music in Spain?
2. What are some traditional Spanish musical instruments?
3. What are some of the more modern types of music in Spain?
4. What kind of music do you listen to?
5. How does music relate to dance in Spain?
• What are you looking forward to about this conversation?
I am looking forward to learning from a native Spaniard about this topic. I am also looking forward to having a full conversation without interruption or a translator.
• What are you nervous about?
I am only nervous about keeping the conversation going and not pausing for too long thinking about what I want to say.
• Who did I speak with and why did I choose that person?
I spoke to Peter Kurt and I chose this person because they were a
native of Spain. This was the country is wanted to know about so this
person was perfect.
• What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?
I learned that some traditional Spanish musical instruments are the
guitarra española, gaita, castañuelas, tarabilla, chicotén and sonajas. I know that the spanish guitar is a very popular instrument all over the world. I also learned that the music of Spain differs depending of the region. In Andalucía
the Flamenco music is very popular while in Castilla, Aragón and Madrid
Jota music is very popular. Guitar music is very common in Galicia,
Cantabria and Asturias. Young people in Spain listen to music from all
over the world, just like here in the United States. I learned that Peter's favorite type of music is rap and I also like rap music.
• How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goal?
of my personal goals is to learn Spanish while at the same time learn
about the culture of Spanish speaking countries. This interaction has
helped me move closer to achieving this goal because I learned many new
vocabulary words and I also learned about the music of Spain. I wanted
to have a conversation without using a dictionary and I was able to do
this during this conversation.
I believed that I was able to guide the conversation in the direction of answering my conversation question. I greeted the Peter and introduced the project to him. My five pre-conversation questions came in handy when I did not know what to ask about. I also used a lot of words in my spanish vocabulary that I thought I had forgotten.
• What specifically do you need to improve on?
I need to improve on my grammar and punctuation while completing the text chats. I need to remember to put on my accents and enyas.
National Geographic Music Profile of Spain:
Anniston, Alabama PCB Poisoning
a. What went well?
Our group was able to divide up the work equally to be as efficient as we could be. We also used a lot of pictures in our info-graphic in order to explain this catastrophe to the reader. Our info-graphic contained a lot of facts and also pictures to show the scale of destruction.
b. What did not?
I think that we could made the project more visually appealing but using better pictures that were not as blurred. I also think that we could have made our explanations more concise.
c. What would you do differently next time?
Next time, we will make sure that our text is more concise in order to make the information more easily accessible to the viewer. We would also make sure we use better pictures.
d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective info-graphics -
Be Concise: Conciseness was one of the things that we lacked in our project. We had a lot of long text explanations. It would have been better if we had just included bullet points for the facts.
Be Visual: Our info-graphic contained a lot of pictures to show the effects of the PCB poisoning on both wildlife and people.
Be Smarter: We used a picture to show how much money the Monsanto company settled the federal lawsuit for. The company had to pay $700 billion dollars and a graphic was included to show what $700 billion dollars look like.
Be Transparent: We showed how the spill affected the residents and the diseases that the chemicals caused. We also showed that the company was intentionally dumping chemicals in the creek near the town.
Be Different: We used a variety of colors and very graphic pictures to capture the true scope of the disaster.
Be Accurate: We completed through research to make sure that all our claims were supported by credible sources.
Be Attractive: I think that our info-graphic could have been more attractive. However, it was not completely boring and it was somewhat visually appealing.
Be Creative: I think that our project was very creative because we were able to pack a multitude of information in a small presentation. We were able to also use pictures to communicate some of the information.
How were the Native Americans forced from their ancestral homes?
Business Unit Reflection
1. Explain your choice of presentation format.
We used a Prezi because it was an interactive way to answer the question and support it with facts from our business unit. A Prezi is very interesting since your viewer is involved in your presentation and it takes you step by step through the presentation. It was also a an easy way to include our cartoons in our presentation.
2. Two sentences about your answer to the essential question.
Change is usually caused by the actions of an individual. One person can influence a thousand more to support their cause. Both President Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt have made an impact on American society through individual change. Not only did they create change, they also maintained the change they created throughout their presidency.
3. What questions do you sill have about business in America.
How many of President Roosevelt and President Franklin D. Roosevelt's policies are still in place today? What are some of the acts that congress can pass to further improve regulation in the business sector?
- Mi grupo y yo hicimos un PSA sobre reciclaje en Filadelfia. Por crear el PSA, la cosa más importante que aprendí fue cómo trabajar con los miembros de mi grupo. Me gusta el PSA de mi group porque hay vídeos comicos y las fotos y música interesante. Si pudiera hacer el proyecto otra vez, yo cambiaría la duración del vídeo y agregar más información.
¡Recicle! PSA Sobre El Medio Ambiente
La Introducción:
- Hicimos un PSA sobre reciclaje en Filadelfia. Es un asusnto importante a nosotros porque el medio ambiente para la vida silvestre y la gente que vive en el medio ambiente. Es importante que el público de Filadelfia recicle los papeles. Yo espero que la gente de Filadelfia recicle las latas y las botellas plasticas.
Shamarlon Yates
Maggie Long
Vincent Russell
Michael Sanders
Jazz During the 1920s Poster
The Eagle
“Behold, one of the Seven Wonders of the World!”
James whispered this simple, yet nostalgic thought to himself as he gazed at the towering Pyramids of Giza. The marvels of engineering glistened in the soothing sunlight that projected enormous shadows off in the distant desert. He was basking in excitement that could potentially rival that of a young teen at a Justin Bieber concert. Contrary to everyone around him, he lived an extremely dreary life as a second grade math teacher in the small town of Warrington, Kentucky. Faced with this stark reality, James decided to finally pursue his dream of visiting the Egyptian pyramids. From a very young age, he shared a distinct interest in ancient Egyptian mythology, culture and history after his mother began to read him stories about mummies. As he got older, he sought out more advanced information on the topic and soon fell in love with the engineering capabilities of the ancient Egyptians.
James always knew that he wanted to visit the place he pictured in his mind so many times. This drove him on a five year saving campaign to raise enough money to pay for his trip. This process was hampered when the State of Kentucky slashed his salary by 25% and he still had to take care for his mom. After each paycheck, James barely had enough money left over to pay for his trip. However, he made it work through sacrifice, dedication, and prayer.
As he walked up to the base of the Pyramid of Khufu, the largest of the three pyramids, he stated, “I am living my dream right here, right now. I am finally here at last!” As he made his way toward the pyramid to get a better look, the idea of climbing the largest pyramid popped into his head. There was an internal battle as he decided if he was going to make this idea come to fruition. Before he reached the security fence surrounding the pyramid, James had already made up his mind. “Yeah, I am going to do it. I have to make the most of this trip. I am coming back after dark.”
He came back after dark when all the security guards had left and hopped over the security fence under the watchful light of the full moon. As he neared the top of the pyramid, James saw a small golden eagle protruding from one of the stones. “What is this doing here?” he exclaimed, “I guess this is my lucky day.” He could not believe something this valuable was left lying around of this pyramid that is frequented by some many scientists and researchers. As James got closer to the eagle to pick it up, he soon realized that this was no ordinary piece of gold.
James suddenly lost total control of his body and stood motionless in the same spot on the pyramid for about two minutes. After this initial period of time, his body began to slowly jerk forward with his left arm outstretched, trying to grab the golden eagle. He tried to suppress these movements but his resistance was futile. When he finally grabbed hold of the golden eagle, he held it up in the air and turned his head towards the moon.
The next thing James remembered was waking up in a well-lit room surrounded by individuals peering down at his face. As he slowly opened his eyes, he realized that none of the faces were familiar and he sprang out of his bed, grabbed a small Swiss knife and threatened anyone who dared approach him. “Who the hell are you people? Where am I? What am I doing here? Is this even real?” James was so confused since it seems like it was only seconds ago that he was in Egypt with no control over his body while clenching a golden eagle. “How did I get here? Was it that eagle? Was it some kind of ancient magical instrument? ” James definitely suspected time travel and the golden eagle since he picked it up against his will and that was his last complete last memory. These series of thoughts were interrupted by a muscular, middle –aged man who stated, “Are you drunk or crazy or something. Please put the knife down.” James immediately complied because he was only making a fool of himself and he needed the help of these people to figure out what is going on.
“Excuse me, if you don’t mind me asking! Do you happen to know today’s date? ” asked James tentatively. The same man that urged him to put down the knife replied, “March 11, 3110.” This proved what James had thought all along since the date he visited the pyramid was July 1, 2010. He was a time traveler and the power of the golden eagle was the source of the power. “Where is my golden eagle? Please locate my golden eagle for me?” screamed James frantically. Without the eagle he could not go home to his original time period and if the eagles was not with him in the facility, it must be on the where he found it on the Pyramid of Khufu. James knew that if he was to return home, he will have to visit this pyramid again so that he could get access to the eagle one more time.
I soon realized that I was living in an underground military facility commanded by General Wallenberg of Fourth Stryker Battalion. In the year 3085, a type of humanoid species known as Ewigs invaded Earth with the hopes of establishing a new colony. Although the humans fought bravely, they were not match for the advanced weaponry and intellect of the Ewigs. This was a small band of soldiers that survived the initial war and now waged a guerilla war against the occupying aliens.
James explained to General Wallenberg that he wanted to journey to the Pyramids of Egypt but he did not tell him a specific reason. The general while scratching his beard replied. “A dangerous trip like that is virtually impossible given the air dominance that the Ewigs possess. We would not make it ten blocks from this base before we would be shot down. I am sorry but I do no think that we have the necessary equipment or the resources to carry out such a mission.”
James’s heart quivered as he heard this news since he did not intend on living in this time period. His real life was back in his original time period. James knew that he had to keep his resolve strong and find a way to rectify the problem. After minutes of sobbing softly at the dinner table, James responded to the general’s comments stating, “Instead of trying to fly to Egypt in a human airplane, why don’t we just hack into the computer system of one of the enemy’s airplane and guide it to a safe location using remote control. This way, they won’t suspect one of their own jets.”
Over the course of the next six months, James along with other military scouts studied the flight paths of the jets. They recorded the acceleration, displacement and velocity of the particular jets that they could hack so that they would know exactly when to spring the trap. The main battle jet (MBJ) of the Ewig Airforce could accelerate from rest to a speed of 150 m/s in 5 seconds. James then found the acceleration of the jet, which was a whopping 30m/s/s and the distance the object traveled during this time is 375m. After the initial 375m of the jet’s flight path, the jet then slows down for 10 seconds and then moves at a constant velocity of 80m/s for the rest of the patrol. James knew that the perfect time to attack the jet was while it was moving at a constant velocity.
Armed with this key information, James and a team of two others soldiers settled into their positions in skyscrapers along the flight path of the jet. The jet approached right on schedule and was scanning the buildings and roadways for the signs of any humans. As the jet passed by James’s position, he shot the jet with a bullet that contained malware that bypassed the security firewall. He quickly gained control of the vehicle through remote control and guided it to a secure section of the city where the driver was taken prisoner and James was praised as a hero. James could now fly to Egypt in the captured vehicle without being fearful of being shot down.
The next day, James said his final goodbyes to the people who had cared for him and assisted him in achieving his goal. “I was a stranger to all of you but still treated me as one of your own. You treated me like a brother. I admire your undying loyalty and support for me in my quest to return how. I marvel at your values, brotherhood and intelligence. Again, I thank you all and I will never forget your kindness.” As James turned around to shake General Wallenberg’s hand, a tear glistened in his eyes. When he finally climbed into the cockpit of jet, he broke down crying because he knew that he would never see these people ever again.
As he flew towards Egypt, James knew that nothing was guaranteed. If the Golden Eagle was not on the pyramid, this means that he would be stuck in this world forever. Even if the eagle was there, there is no assurance that it takes him back home to his correct time period. However, James yearned for home, especially his elderly mother. He wanted to go back to his job in his small southern town. James realized that although his life can seem uninteresting to the outside world, he is happy with the decisions he made. During the ten-hour flight, James grew more sophisticated with a greater appreciation for life, the world and the role he plays in it. As James landed in front of the pyramid of Khufu, the environment looked unchanged. He dashed out of the jet and ran towards the pyramid and began climbing up toward the spot where he first encountered the Golden Eagle. James constantly mumbled:
“Please be there, God please let it be there.”
Maintain A Safe Following Distance (3 Second Rule)
A couple seconds could mean the difference between life and death.
Dropbox link: Second Rule%3ASafe Following Distance PSA.m4v
La Vida de un Recolector de Tomate/ The Life of A Tomato Picker
Q1 Benchmark Reflection
Link to my individual portion:
Reflection: Each member of your team must post an individual reflection at the end of the project (SLATE):
How did you group go about making a decision for what to focus on for the project?
My group brainstormed numerous ideas about how we can improve voter turnout and then we decided to pick repealing the Electoral College since this was very influential during the 2000 elections. We thought that this was an important aspect of our voting system since it affects voter turnout.
11th grade Essential ? - What is the role of the individual in creating and sustaining change?
Great change have been created throughout history though the role of one individual. An example of this is Martin Luther during the Protestant Reformation. Change can start with one person but an individual has to initiate that change first and then other people will relate to this change and become part of it.
How has your understanding of the electoral process and whether or not the US is a democracy evolved during this unit?
Before this project, I did not even know about the Electoral College and the role it plays in Presidential elections. I thought that the president was elected through direct popular vote. While conducting research and reading my group member's proposal paper, I learned about the history of the Electoral College and why it was created. I also learned about the pros and cons of both the Electoral College and the direct popular vote systems. I think that the Electoral College is very democratic since the direct popular vote method is used in each individual state to decide which candidate gets all the Electoral College votes in that state.
How did you decide to best relay a message to a national audience with your marketing campaign?
We had a commercial and a print had to promoted why the Electoral College should be repealed. The commercial could go on TV and the print ad and the proposal could be printed in newspapers around the country.
Voting Day Interview
The Evolution of Voting Rights in the United States
"U.S. Voting Rights." Info Please. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct 2011. <>.
"Voting Rights Act Timeline ." ACLU. American Civil Liberties Union, 4 March 2005. Web. 23 Oct 2011. <>.
Why I write.....
Writing can be a very challenging subject for some people but for others, it is the easiest thing in the world. Writing for me has always come easy because always know what I am going to write before I even start. I think that these are one of the reasons why I am so attached to writing, since it comes easy to me. I also write because it is also a way for me to express my feelings and emotions. Writing is like an extension of myself because I can see myself in everything I write. It can make me feels better because the pen and the paper always listen to what you say. I also write because I can escape to a world where I can be whoever and whatever I want to be. I can write a poem about Jamaica and then I can picture myself there with my family and friends. This is one of the most important reasons why I write. When I first heard my sixth grade teacher tell me this, I did not believe her until I experienced it for myself. Every time I write a 2fer, I am happy because I get to write in a different way in the form of a more informational and unbiased way. I don’t get to state my opinions but instead, I used outside sources to prove a point. This is different from when I write about my own personal experiences. I write because it comes easy to me and it is just an added bonus when I get to sure my writing with my teachers and my fellow students.
Mi Casa Para Siempre: Shamarlon Yates
+ Description of project (in English)
This is our first project in in Spanish 3 and we had to write a song that addressed the question, ¿De dónde vengo yo? or Where did you come from? We could describe the type of foods, customs, geography, climate and history of where we came from. Our teacher made this possible so we would all write unique songs the truly expressed where we are really come from. After writing the song, we then recored it on Garageband and the final step was to upload to SLATE and complete the reflection.
+ What did you learn?
I learned a lot of new vocabulary while writing my song such as valiante (brave), la tierra (land), amistad (friendship), llanos (plains), bosques (forests) and probreza (poverty). I also learned how to effectively manipulate your voice on Garageband. I also learned how to incorporate the suggestions and comments of my group mates into my song as I made revisions.
+ What are you especially proud of?
I am especially proud that I was able to use all of my class time to work on my project effectively. I am also proud because I did not use google translate. I used the words that came to me and then used the dictionary for additional assistance.
+ What would you change if you could do it over again?
If I could do this again, I would design my own beat so that it goes with the song better. I would also change some of my lyrics because at times it did not flow together. I would have also made a music video to go with the song to add an extra layer of originality to it.
Vengo de donde hay las playas
Gente amable y sonrisas
Una tierra santa con un sol
Siempre amistad y amor.
Verso 1
De donde yo vengo
Hay mucho amor
Descendientes de esclavos
Hombres y mujeres valientes
De donde yo vengo
Hay una gran familia
Nunca hay un momento aburrido
Yo vengo de un lugar tropical.
Vengo de donde hay las playas
Gente amable y sonrisas
Una tierra santa con un sol
Siempre amistad y amor.
Verso 2
Yo soy de los llanos y bosques
Vengo de donde hay frutas tropicales, pollo y arroz
Hay carnavales, música reggae y la pobreza
Mi país está en el mar caribe
No es perfecto
Pero en mi casa para siempre mi casa Jamaica.
Vengo de donde hay las playas
Gente amable y sonrisas
Una tierra santa con un sol
Siempre amistad y amor.
Vengo de donde hay las playas
Gente amable y sonrisas
Una tierra santa con un sol
Siempre amistad y amor.
Fin de Semana Extra Credito- Facebook Language
Immigration Visualization
The thing that surprised me the most were the restrictions that were placed on immigration and how certain races/ethnicities were favored more than others. Only a certain number of people from different countries and continents were allowed to immigrate to the US during a certain period of time. One thing that was quite obvious throughout this research was the role that different crises in Europe played in the number of immigrants who moved to the United States. Another thing that was quite obvious for me was the struggles that new immigrants, especially those of Asian and African descent, faced. I always knew that immigrants were discriminated against because of their status in society.
+ Looking at the overall trend and incorporating what you know about the US presently, predict and defend the immigration trend for the next two decades.
For the next two decades, I think that the immigration trent is going to drop slightly from its current rate because of the financial crisis that the US is facing. Unemployment is very high and not even natural born Americans can get a decent job much less new immigrants coming into the country. I don't think that were a going to see the sharp drop that we saw during the Great Depression but it is going to be a substantial drop. Maybe as economic conditions improve, more immigrants will want to come to the US.
+ Describe how you made a decision on how to visually represent the information.
My group decided to find pictures that easily portrayed the events that happened in each decade. We felt that people could achieve the same level of understanding by looking a picture than reading a paragraph. We also made bar graph for each decade to compare the overall US population for that decade and the number of immigrants who entered the country.
+ What parts of group work were challenging?
Overall, the group work was pretty easy because everyone in my group had a particular responsibility and they completed their part of the project on time. The most challenging part was finding the right program to represent our information. In the end we chose Lucidchart. We worked well as a group.
+ What would you do differently if you had this project to do over?
I think that I would have made the Lucidchart a bigger so that the pictures and all the writing were easier to read. The information was a little bit jumbled. Also, from seeing the projects of other groups, maybe we should have chosen a better presentation tool to represent our information.
+ What would you do differently if you had this project to do over?
I think that I would have made the Lucidchart a bigger so that the pictures and all the writing were easier to read. The information was a little bit jumbled. Also, from seeing the projects of other groups, maybe we should have chosen a better presentation tool to represent our information.
Mi Cancion
Verso 1
De donde yo vengo
Hay mucho amor
Una gran familia
Todos mis amigos me conocen desde la infancia
No hay nunca un momento aburrido
Yo vengo de un lugar
Donde puedo ser libre
Deporte y fraternidad
Un pequeño país en el mapa
Pero este es un país donde la felicidad vidas.
Vengo de donde hay las playas
Las granjas y el sol hermoso
gente amable y deliciosa comida.
Verso 2
Un lugar donde reina la libre
No Estados Unidos, sino que funciona de la misma
Mi casa para siempre
No es perfecto
El lugar para estar
Mi casa Jamaica.
Vengo de donde hay las playas
Las granjas y el sol hermoso
gente amable y deliciosa comida.
Vengo de donde hay las playas
Las granjas y el sol hermoso
gente amable y deliciosa comida.
Mi Reflexión
+ What are you especially proud of?
I am especially proud that I was able to use my class time wisely to work on my song. I am also proud that I was able to finish my song on time. I am also proud that I was able to address the question ¿De dónde vengo yo?
+ What do you anticipate having to change before recording your song?
I think that I might add another verse or I might make my existing verses a little longer. I also might adjust some of my lyrics so that the song sound better. There is so much I still want to say so I have to work on getting this into the song.
+ What did you talk about in your song? Why did you choose to talk about those things in talking about where you are from?
I talked about the geography of Jamaica, my friends, my family and all the good memories I have of my home country. I talked about these things because they helped to shape who I am today and they are a part of my culture, heritage and identity.
I think that I might add another verse or I might make my existing verses a little longer. I also might adjust some of my lyrics so that the song sound better. There is so much I still want to say so I have to work on getting this into the song.
+ What kind of music are you planning on setting your lyrics to?
I am planning on setting my lyrics to some medium paced lyrics. Not too fast by at the same time not too slow.
Mi Refrn
Las granjas y el sol hermoso
Gente amable y deliciosa comida.
- What is your refrán supposed to communicate?
My refrán is supposed to communicate a general description about the people, geography and food of Jamaica.
- What are you especially happy about with your first draft?
I am happy that it flows and the lyrics just go together. All the lines come together to paint the picture that I want the audience to see.
- What would you like to improve about your refrán?
I want to make my refrán longer and maybe improve the quality of the lyrics.
- What was difficult about writing your refrán?
The only difficult part was coming up with a topic that I wanted to address in the refrán. After I got this, it was pretty easy.
A Place Called Home
I am from rolling plains,
from glistening beaches and golden sunshine.
I am from the blood red poinsettia flowers
painting the landscape with colors of harmony,
love and joy.
I am from the sizzling sound of bacon
greeting me each and every morning
along with golden brown eggs.
I am from the hand-built hammock
that lays beneath me as I fall asleep
and comforts me like a true friend.
I am from Grammy and Pop Pop
who strengthens the soul inside me
I am from Uncle Freddie and Aunt Patty
who always have a funny joke to tell.
I am from all those crazy Christmases, Thanksgivings and picnics
that bring back so many tearful memories,
giggles and delight.
I am from the remember your pasts
and the you can do it alls
The always try something new
and stay true to your self.
I am from "Our Father"
and long church services
I am from guava smoothies
and rice with peas
From exotic fruits to lean red meat.
I am from those long soccer games
that drifted into the night
And those plum coconuts that offered a refreshing drink afterwards.
I am from triumphant memories, shattered dreams, foolish mistakes and gained hope
I am from Jamaica, a place called home.
"Breaking Free" by Shamarlon Yates
A Language That Connects Us
Adjusting to a brand new environment is not always easy. A wide array of unfamiliar faces, languages and cultures can really have its toll on your self-expression and how you react to the new people around you. When I first moved to America and started the seventh grade at my new school, I did not talk to anybody. I could tell that I did not fit in, so I tried desperately to stay by myself. I was completely surprised when a kid walked up to me during lunch on my third day of school and began speaking to me in Jamaica Creole, but I was even more surprised when I responded in Creole too.
“Kuyaman, awara Shamarlon?” said Stephen politely.
--Hey Shamarlon, what’s up?
nah gwaan, a nyam mi a nyam lunch.” I responded, looking up
from my table.
--Nothing is going on, I am just eating lunch.
“Suh, yuh gudehe? I hav bwein nuticing yuh ina klashe ahn yuh sheem suh kiete? Ah why yuh suh shiete and tensiete? ” replied Steven, in a fluent Creole accent. He stared into my eyes as if he was reading my mind.
--So, are you okay? I have been noticing you in class and you are so quiet! Why are you so shy and tense?
“Bway, ebethinete es jus nwew tuh mi bekahese mi jus movitete fah Jamaica. Mi jus nuh fit een!” I answered. I was gaining more confidence with each question I answered.
everything is just new to me because I just moved from Jamaica. I
just don’t fit in!
“Haha…Bway mi diiete pheel de samiete way pheie mi de movitete fah Jamaica tuh wen mi dida jus six. Eniyone woulda pheel dat way ef dey lefiete deh jome dey phewn alla dey liphe. Jus khone dat yuh a mi fren.” he replied in a friendly voice as he turned and walked away.
--Haha…well, I felt the same way because I moved from Jamaica too when I was only six years old. Anyone would feel that way if they leave the place where they had grown up all their life. Just know that I am your friend!
the course of the next few weeks, Steven and I developed an unbreakable and sacred
friendship that was centered around our similar language. We did everything
together, from sitting at the same table at lunch to going to the movies on
Saturdays. Throughout the course of our friendship and by speaking to him in
Creole, my personality had begun to change. I was not the same shy insecure boy
who was afraid to talk to people and to be apart of the society that existed
outside of my home. I was not the same boy who only left my house when I had to
go to school and who didn’t socialize with anyone except for my family. I had
always blamed my language for my complete withdrawal from society because
English was the dominant language in this new country and I did not relate to
it. I soon came to realize that Creole also liberated me from the same secluded
pit that it had created. Creole was the reason why Steven and I developed such
a wonderful friendship and through this friendship, I gained a better
understanding of society and my language. From this experience, I developed the
courage to speak Creole in public without looking over my shoulders to see if
someone is ridiculing me. Fast-forward three years and now I am teaching my
friends how to say different phrases in Creole. My friendship with Steven has
changed my life by making me embrace my language and not being ashamed of it.
Due to the fact that Steven also moved to America from Jamaica, and went
through the same situation that I was in, he gained a lot of experience on how
to not seclude himself from society because of his language.
In the words of James Baldwin, “…[Language] reveals the private identity and connects one, with or divorces one from, the larger, public or communal identity.” Language can either bring people together or set them apart from the larger identity that is widely accepted by the speakers of this language. Language can also determine how you associate yourself with a person and also a larger group within society. Through this, it also helps you to understand your true identity and develop your own unique perception of your language. In my story, I had difficulty associating myself with other people at school, in my community and wherever I went. I only connected with people who spoke Creole, including my family and Steven. It came down to the point that my language controlled my life by alienating me from the rest of society, but at the same time, it connected me with a specific group of people. As time progressed and with the mentoring from Steven, I was able to develop a better understanding of my personal identity and Creole. I realized that my language made me unique and that I should embrace and not disgrace it. From understanding my personal identity, I was then able to connect with other larger groups in society, something that I had never done before. I began to socialize with my peers, teachers and anyone that who I came in contact with.
“Patios es apaat a yuh identity, yuh jus hafi akcep ite. Yuh language fi mek yuh hapi!” was an inspirational phrase that Stephen often told me to live by every day and that it will always bring guidance and support.
--Creole is apart of your identity and you just have to accept it. Your language should make you happy!
I often told Steven that he was Dr. Phil’s little prodigy because he is such a smart person who can solve anybody’s problem and make them happier. I am surely a testament to that.