Immigration Visualization

This is the link to our project:


Journal Reflection

+ What surprised you most about this information?  What seemed quite obvious about explaining this data set?

The thing that surprised me the most were the restrictions that were placed on immigration and how certain races/ethnicities were favored more than others. Only a certain number of people from different countries and continents were allowed to immigrate to the US during a certain period of time. One thing that was quite obvious throughout this research was the role that different crises in Europe played in the number of immigrants who moved to the United States. Another thing that was quite obvious for me was the struggles that new immigrants, especially those of Asian and African descent, faced. I always knew that immigrants were discriminated against because of their status in society.

+ Looking at the overall trend and incorporating what you know about the US presently, predict and defend the immigration trend for the next two decades.

For the next two decades, I think that the immigration trent is going to drop slightly from its current rate because of the financial crisis that the US is facing. Unemployment is very high and not even natural born Americans can get a decent job much less new immigrants coming into the country. I don't think that were a going to see the sharp drop that we saw during the Great Depression but it is going to be a substantial drop. Maybe as economic conditions improve, more immigrants will want to come to the US.

+ Describe how you made a decision on how to visually represent the information.

My group decided to find pictures that easily portrayed the events that happened in each decade. We felt that people could achieve the same level of understanding by looking a picture than reading a paragraph. We also made bar graph for each decade to compare the overall US population for that decade and the number of immigrants who entered the country.

+ What parts of group work were challenging?

Overall, the group work was pretty easy because everyone in my group had a particular responsibility and they completed their part of the project on time. The most challenging part was finding the right program to represent our information. In the end we chose Lucidchart. We worked well as a group.   

+ What would you do differently if you had this project to do over?

I think that I would have made the Lucidchart a bigger so that the pictures and all the writing were easier to read. The information was a little bit jumbled. Also, from seeing the projects of other groups, maybe we should have chosen a better presentation tool to represent our information.

+ What would you do differently if you had this project to do over?

I think that I would have made the Lucidchart a bigger so that the pictures and all the writing were easier to read. The information was a little bit jumbled. Also, from seeing the projects of other groups, maybe we should have chosen a better presentation tool to represent our information.

Comments (3)

Malik Tlili (Student 2013)
Malik Tlili

ur visual is well done. it seems as though a lot of work was put into it. although i would suggest making the visual all on one page just one thing to look at. what you have created resembles a timeline. the pictures were an excellent idea. good job.

Nicholas Manton (Student 2013)
Nicholas Manton

In your visual, the numbers really stood out to me, but I don't understand how some of the pictures relate to the decades. If there was a caption underneath them talking about how they related to what you were trying to convey, it would help.

In your first paragraph, I was just as surprised about how they segregated the immigration limits according to country. To me, it was saying who they believe are better suited for our country.