Mi Casa Para Siempre: Shamarlon Yates


+ Description of project (in English)

This is our first project in in Spanish 3 and we had to write a song that addressed the question, ¿De dónde vengo yo? or Where did you come from? We could describe the type of foods, customs, geography, climate and history of where we came from. Our teacher made this possible so we would all write unique songs the truly expressed where we are really come from. After writing the song, we then recored it on Garageband and the final step was to upload to SLATE and complete the reflection.

+ What did you learn?

I learned a lot of new vocabulary while writing my song such as valiante (brave), la tierra (land), amistad (friendship), llanos (plains), bosques (forests) and probreza (poverty). I also learned how to effectively manipulate your voice on Garageband. I also learned how to incorporate the suggestions and comments of my group mates into my song as I made revisions.

+ What are you especially proud of?

I am especially proud that I was able to use all of my class time to work on my project effectively. I am also proud because I did not use google translate. I used the words that came to me and then used the dictionary for additional assistance.

+ What would you change if you could do it over again?

If I could do this again, I would design my own beat so that it goes with the song better. I would also change some of my lyrics because at times it did not flow together. I would have also made a music video to go with the song to add an extra layer of originality to it.

Mi Canción


Vengo de donde hay las playas
Gente amable y sonrisas

Una tierra santa con un sol

Siempre amistad y amor

Verso 1

De donde yo vengo

Hay mucho amor

Descendientes de esclavos

Hombres y mujeres valientes

De donde yo vengo

Hay una gran familia

Nunca hay un momento aburrido

Yo vengo de un lugar tropical.


Vengo de donde hay las playas
Gente amable y sonrisas

Una tierra santa con un sol

Siempre amistad y amor

Verso 2

Yo soy de los llanos y bosques

Vengo de donde hay frutas tropicales, pollo y arroz

Hay carnavales, música reggae y la pobreza

Mi país está en el mar caribe

No es perfecto

Pero en mi casa para siempre
mi casa Jamaica.


Vengo de donde hay las playas
Gente amable y sonrisas

Una tierra santa con un sol

Siempre amistad y amor


Vengo de donde hay las playas
Gente amable y sonrisas

Una tierra santa con un sol

Siempre amistad y amor

De donde vengo yo

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