Breeanna Noi Public Feed
Breeanna Noi Capstone
For my senior Capstone, I decided to host a blood drive and I worked on creating a website for future SLA’ers or anyone in general to locate if they wanted to host their own blood drive. The main reason for my Capstone is because next year, I will be studying pre-nursing and rather than just shadowing a nurse and learning about what goes on in hospitals, I wanted to do something more and help people firsthand. Well, I’ll be helping firsthand in a way. I won’t be interacting with patients, but I will help them by signing everyone up for donations. The blood drive was a perfect way to do that because Philadelphia is a huge city with a lot of surrounding hospitals full of patients who need all different types of blood. Not only was I able to help patients directly, but I was able to educate some of my peers along with the Red Cross employees who came to visit. Not everyone realizes how much we need blood in hospitals because they help keep patients healthy rather than for blood transfusions.
My Capstone addresses the all of the SLA core values. I researched the many things about blood drives and blood types in order to be able to educate people on my Blood Drive Guide website. Until you’re a senior in Mr. Best’s Anatomy and Physiology class, you do not realize what the difference is between blood types and how fatal it could be if blood types were to mix. While doing these things, I also researched about high school students and donating blood in general. Basically, there are requirements high school students must meet in order to donate that normal donors do not due to their iron count and other things. I found ways to raise the iron count and sent out mass emails to everyone who signed up to donate so that it would not be a huge issue. I also had a team help me out from school and the Red Cross to gather donors. At the beginning of my blood drive sign-ups, there were not many people signed up. In order to get more people interested, we broke up into pairs (one SLA student and one Red Cross representative) to inform people up front. In the end, all of the information we gathered and presented to everyone resulted in a really high attendance of donors. A high attendance helped me exceed the original goal we had set.
In order to complete this Capstone, the first thing I had to do was find a contact from the Red Cross to guide me through the event process. I did not know how to plan such an important event so I asked a peer who had previously hosted a blood drive for her contact person. After we got in contact, we met and I got to get a better understanding of the blood drive. We met occasionally, but when we did, we established goals to have completed before our next meeting.
I think the most difficult thing about the event was when we planned it. The event was on the week after the week we got back from Spring Break. Right after Spring Break, I had to hustle to remind everyone to sign up for the blood drive. However we got over that issue by going to people to sign up rather than just waiting for them to find time on their own. I guess that was the most successful way to get people interested and to make it easier on them because it was Benchmark season at the time.
What I am most proud of in this Capstone was that the entire SLA community contributed to the blood drive in some way. Although not everyone donated, a lot of my peers have shown an interest but due to the weight requirements, they could not. Even if not everyone had the chance to donate if they wanted to, they still alerted their friends to participate as well. I did not expect for so many people to be interested in donating.
From this process, I learned more about the blood drive process. While I was researching things to teach everyone else, I also learned more about blood and everything in between for myself as well. Not only did I learn the scientific requirements for this Capstone, but I also learned how to host a school event. When gathering participants for an event, you have to make everything available and in their face in a way. Sometimes people are interested and consider doing something, but they forget by the time they have a moment to sign up. So going to all of the juniors and seniors in their advisories personally, I gathered more participants/donors than I had anticipated.
If I could do this Capstone all over again, I would definitely plan a better date to recruit donors. The event being the second Tuesday right after Spring Break made it difficult because I had a week to crunch down on time and get everyone to sign up. If I were to do this in the future, I would definitely keep the event date in mind. But other than that, I believe this was very successful. I think SLA will be better because I have set a new bar for future blood drive hosts. We broke our SLA record of donors and although the sign ups were at a rocky start, with my team’s determination to get as many people as we possibly could and the diversity of my team, we have been able to have a great drive.
"First Time Donors." American Red Cross. American Red Cross. Web. 22 Jan 2013. <>
"About Blood." Give Blood: New England and North Wales. NHS Blood and Transplant. Web. 22 Jan 2013. <>
"Why do people have different blood types?." Scientific American. Scientific American. Web. 31 Jan 2013. <>
"Preparing Yourself to Give Blood." Give Blood: New England & North Wales. NHS: Blood and Transplant. Web. 1 Feb 2013. <>
"Genes & Blood Type." Genetic Science Learning Center. University of Utah. Web. 1 Feb 2013. <>
"Donate Blood: Blood Collection Services."Community Blood Services. Community Blood Services. Web. 1 Feb 2013. <>
"African American/Black Community Outreach Program." American Red Cross. American Red Cross. Web. 1 Feb 2013. <>
"Asian Community Outreach Program." American Red Cross. American Red Cross. Web. 1 Feb 2013. <>
"Donating Blood." Teens Health for Nemours. KidsHealth. Web. 1 Feb 2013. <>
Rusenko, David, Chris Fanini, and Dan Veltri. Weebly. Weebly. Web. 1 Feb 2013. <>
"Blood: What's Your Type?." Heart. The Franklin Institute. Web. 1 Feb 2013. <>
O'Neill, Dennis. Distribution of Blood Type. N.p.. Web. 1 Feb 2013. <>
"The Coordinator's Toolkit | American Red Cross." American Red Cross - Give blood. American Red Cross, n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2013. <>.
"Blood Types | American Red Cross." American Red Cross - Give blood. American Red Cross, n.d. Web. 30 May 2013. <>.
Watkins, W. M. (2001), The ABO blood group system: historical background. Transfusion Medicine, 11: 243–265. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-3148.2001.00321.x
"ABO Blood Types." Palomar College HUMAN BLOOD: An Introduction to Its Components and Types. Dennis O'Neill, n.d. Web. 2 Apr. 2013. <>.
Globalization Q3 Benchmark
Food Project: Chicken Alfredo
Prep time: 30 minutes
Serves: 6-8
Chicken Breast
Box of Barilla Fettuccine pasta
Bertolli Alfredo sauce
Coconut Oil
Garlic Powder
Black Pepper
1. Boil a pot of water and place the uncooked fettuccine into the pot. Stir occasionally and leave in for up to 10 minutes or until noodles are cooked.
2. Drain noodles and put into serving dish. Set aside.
3. Tenderize the chicken breast. You may use a meat tenderizer or a fork. Jab the chicken on both sides and put 2 tbsp of butter into a pan.
4. Put pan on high heat and allow coconut oil to line the pan, then place the chicken breast in and allow it to cook.
5. Leave it on for 7 minutes and then flip. Repeat.
6. When you finish, take out the chicken and cut in half to check and make sure there is no uncooked meat (look for pink).
7. Cut the chicken into strips and place into dish with fettuccine.
8. Pour 1 jar of Alfredo sauce into a pot and heat until it bubbles up and pour over the chicken and fettuccine. Mix until everything is all flavorful.
9. Sprinkle with black pepper and garlic powder for flavor.
Chicken Alfredo is a quick meal full of protein that my family makes because it is so easy and convenient. Originally, it is an Italian dish made entirely from scratch, but since it is a simple go-to meal in this case, we used a jar of Alfredo sauce and a box of Barilla pasta.
In order to make this recipe as healthy as possible, I only used chicken breast. Chicken breast is a naturally lean meat and contains vitamins, minerals, and proteins that we need. Chicken breast is natural and has no artificial ingredients, dyes, and has been passed by the FDA. It is also a good source of iron, which is great because my mom and I are anemic (low on iron levels). Also, I cooked the chicken with coconut oil because it is a very healthy butter substitute. It does the same task as butter, but it does not cause clogged arteries.
Fettuccine pasta was used because it is the most popular type of pasta. Fettuccine contains a good source of iron and protein like the chicken. The reason pasta is our go-to meal is because it is fairly nutritious and simple. Pasta is rich in carbohydrates, Vitamin A, potassium, and folic acid. It usually helps in preventing serious anemia and itself, is fuel for your body. It keeps you energized and full without over consumption.
I used Bertolli Alfredo sauce because if you made the sauce by hand, it would take a lot longer and cost a lot more than simply purchasing the jar. Not only will you purchase and combine multiple ingredients, but you will also have to make sure there is a good consistency. The jarred sauce is also a good source of calcium.
The reason I use garlic powder and black pepper instead of the usual salt and pepper is because garlic powder is a valid salt substitute. There is less sodium and adds much more flavor than salt itself. Also, the garlic adds flavor to the Alfredo so that there is not just one boring, creamy taste.
Reflection:Our food system is relevant to anyone who eats, so it's relevant to everyone. So to sum it up, this unit has been very helpful. Even though each of us are one consumer of 7 billion, we are each a part of the larger food system. America has been known to consume a lot of fast food and to be a very obese country, but everyone knows the struggle with staying healthier and realizing that the unhealthy foods we are told to beware of are more affordable that the things we're told to eat. So I believe that is the biggest problem with our food system. We should be making heathier foods cheaper and more accessible. Our country has its priorities all jumbled up by having cheap fastfood, but also wanting the country as a whole to be more "fit." The food system is too big and those in charge are cutting all corners to make a larger profit. They cut costs and become less careful with their goods and raise the cost for consumers and everyone loses with the companies' greed and carelessness.
Some changes I could make to my food choices based on my new knowledge from this unit would be to make wiser eating decisions. I was aware of most of the diseases that could succumb from bad eating habits, but now can make sure I do my best to avoid them. Most changes I would make are to consume less unhealthy foods and to be more active. Not only is my diet important, but my physical fitness plays a huge part in my health as well. I am willing to make these changes because what I eat now could affect if I'll live a long, healthy life whether or not I think my diet is changing anything about me.
10% Project - Electricity
For the presentation (speed dating) part of the project, I had an ammeter, lights, and a battery to demonstrate how things worked. There wasn't really much on my Keynote because it was easier to explain with the actual project than in words on a slide.
Summer Reading Recommendation
This story is very suspenseful with twists and turns all over the place. When you think things have already been at its worst and it'll get better, something else happens. The suspense in this story is never dull and you never know when one of the characters is really as trustworthy as it seems. In this story, you can't trust anyone. If you do, you have to be wary. The truth is distorted by the town.
What if?
The States of 2012 would change drastically. Becoming allies with the Soviet Union could cause us to see the world through the eyes of Russia and China. The country would be somewhat of a communist country. But the laws supporting freedom would just cause us to have less liberation in the country. The censorship of the internet would already be in play, the music will be less vulgar (which wouldn't be such a terrible thing), and taxes would be equal so that the Occupy movements would be unnecessary. The protests against other wars wouldn't be as drastic because of our alliance with Russia and China.
I envisioned a big change in 2012 because if we're not as worried about arguing with the Russians, we wouldn't be worried about the dangers of an atomic bomb. However, if we have a strong bond with Russia and China, the world itself would be a monopoly. Russia and China have similar views on politics. If three of the more powerful countries are all agreeing on something, then nothing could stop them from controlling the entire world.
The enjoyable thing about creating an alternative future is that everyone wishes they could change an event in their lives. But when we are to search a historical event and alter that, we learn more and more about the event in the process. Rather than reading about a certain topic in the world and writing a paper, we had to go in depth about a specific events in order to understand how we can make a change. Sometimes having the knowledge on a specific matter doesn't mean you are an expert. You're an expert when you can make a difference that is plausible to a time you weren't present. Also, creating such a bond and a change between America and Russia over a common enemy seemed intangible, but it made sense. If two strong countries worked against one country who's main motive was to conquer, they could overcome any problem.
President Harry Truman was the man of the divergence. If the president really planned out the events following Japan's atomic bombing and realized that Japan's citizens shouldn't have to suffer for their leaders' actions, then he would have waited. Sure the war would have dragged out for 10 months or more rather than 10 days, but it may make an impact. America may not be the free and liberal place is it now, but it would be more strict than it is. Our educational and economic situation may not be present in the alternative history. The changes of the government by the government would cause a more miserable America, however it'll be a more stable America.
The best way to improve my point of divergence is to create a more in-depth explanation of Truman's chat with the Soviet Union. If we created an alliance, how did it happen? What happened in the room? But like other governmental events, most are top secret. So to personally understand President Truman and to understand the Soviet Union's government better, it would've created a better project. To understand this event alone, you must understand everything. If I had a chance to change my process, I wouldn't spend so much time researching President Harry Truman's other decisions, but I would have tried to understand the Soviet's government and Truman's decisions with other issues.
Artist's Statement Q4 - Breeanna Noi
My first piece of art was just a piece when I was dabbling into landscapes (as listed in the course). I felt like it would have been nice to try what was recommended, first. Landscapes were interesting, but I am very particular about how I emphasize certain part of a picture.
My next sketch was just a bunch of aztec patterns in one. I've never drawn a whole sheet of just patterns alone, so it was something new for me to try. I guess this was the part when I was indecisive on what I was going to work on, so a bunch of lines and doodles was a great break rather than trying to be very precise with certain textures and areas.
My third sketch was the beginning of my typography. What better way to try something new than to start with the basics? My first step was sticking around in Google Images and finding different font styles to sketch up. When I finished my alphabet, I went on to look at different sentences and I worked on different styles of words to get a better view on the art of typography.
My fifth sketch led me to incorporate the things I've done in my previous work to sketch my name. I used very simple block letters, but I went back to different patterns in my name like I did in my second artwork.
Last, but no least, I wanted to Google a work of typography where the word related to the picture. I, like everyone else in the world, love bacon. So I tried to make a bacon face while I wrote bacon in a bacon-y looking style.
Proyecto de Conversacion #5
I just continued to do what I always did and speak to people about their day. Then as soon as I asked for a "chiste" they either didn't know one, didn't understand, or just didn't say anything.
The only flaw with this conversation is that no one wanted to give me a joke. Maybe they don't value jokes in Spanish speaking countries. I tried to Google a few jokes, but I never understood the jokes. I guess I could have kept trying, but after ten people stopped replying after the mention of a joke, I felt like I hurt them in some way. One person not knowing a joke is fine. But when everyone just stops replying, it seems like something bigger.
Conversacion 4
I tried to speak as well as I could just to get my point across. I made mistakes by just throwing our random words that one would think would get my word across, but Henry K kept correcting me and I got frustrated.
I guess my main mistake was mixing up similar words with one another, like "por" and "para."
Proyecto de Conversación - Pt 3
I spoke to Seba F. on Skype after I met him on SharedTalk. I chose to speak to him because he was eager to learn and was very curious. So instead of me asking a bajillion questions, he asked and I answered.
What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?
I didn't learn much about him. He was a curious person who was planning on moving to the States and it seemed like a really big change because he barely knew the language.
How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goal?
It helped me achieve my goal because I didn't feel like an interviewer. I was actually having a legitimate conversation with someone who was just as curious as I was.
What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations?
I did well with conjugating my words better and explaining things to Seba.
What specifically do you need to improve on? (Quote specific things you said or did and what you would have done or said if you could do it again)
We were kind of speaking Spanglish. He spoke broken English and I spoke broken Spanish. But we understood each other. He'd ask a question in English and I'd respond in Spanish then we'd switch.
I've only attached part of the conversation because it was lengthy.
Proyecto de Conversación (Pt. 2)
I spoke to Miguel G. from Panama. I chose Miguel because he speaks and teaches, Spanish, English, and Italian.
What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?
I learned that Miguel was a teacher and it was easier to speak to someone who knew English and Spanish because most people were too eager to speak English, they didn't want to assist me in learning Spanish.
How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goal?
Speaking to a person who could help and converse with me helped me because I started having more fluid conversations in Spanish.
What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations?
I was able to keep up with the questions being asked without taking an extended amount of time to respond.
What specifically do you need to improve on? (Quote specific things you said or did and what you would have done or said if you could do it again)
Something I need to improve on is asking more questions. I need to plan more questions to ask.
Proyecto de Conversación
Who did I speak to and why did I choose that person?
I spoke to Carlos N. who lives in Spain from ShareTalk because I was just looking to speak to someone my age and he happened to be the only person online in my age group.
What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?
I learned that Carlos was a typical Philly kind of kid. He went to school and would just hang out with friends, but he's more studious that a majority of the city.
How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goal?
I don't think it really seemed helpful because I can't carry out conversations fluidly with strangers. In a way, I asked so many questions, it seemed like I was an online surveyor telemarketer person.
What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations?
I guess the thing I did well was ask a lot of questions, I just couldn't make small talk out of it.
What specifically do you need to improve on? (Quote specific things you said or did and what you would have done or said if you could do it again)
The one thing I need to work on it making it flow well like an actual conversation rather than just saying "De donde eres?" then waiting for their response only to reply with another question.
The Characteristics of the Universe
This PSSA topic is centered around the life cycle of stars. The star is born from the nebula is goes through a process in which the core changes, eventually running out of energy and collapsing on itself or becoming dimmer. The process depends on how big the star is.
Artist Statement Q3 - Breeanna Noi
I worked on my self portrait that didn't quite end up looking like me because I chose features of my face from different pictures. So my self portrait looks good TO me, but it doesn't look LIKE me.
The next piece of art was the 2 point perspective that is shown to be very rough. I'm not very good at drawing landscapes so when I get frustrated with drawing specific detail of a sky or of the ground, I just turn everything into a rough shadow of the entire landscape.
Afterwards, I worked on my color wheel using the primary colors of water colors. It was fun because I felt like I was back in elementary school using my general knowledge of colors to match it up to the color wheel.
As for the textures and drawing hair, I'm not too experienced at drawing realistic looking features. My features look cartoonized in a way. However, I looked at an image of a braid and I tried my best to show a realistic sketch. My strokes were hidden from my over-shading so it isn't how I wanted it to turn out.
My other pieces are various works of art I've worked on during the quarter. The girl's back and her hair is something that is the most realistic I'll get in a picture. My "Batman" looking image was something simple that I wanted to try out, so I did. Lastily, I drew Stewie as a nerd because Stewie has always been a challenge for me to draw. His head was either too round or too oblong, but with this sketch, I'm finally content with Stewie's head.
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Infographic
Something that went well with this project is that we were able to break things up evenly and assist one another here and there. We each became experts with a certain time frame of the accident and were able to summarize each part to the whole group.
The only flaw in our project was that it was hard to incorporate everything into a visually appealing project. We only displayed the event and what was harmed/killed, but we didn't get to incorporate how it happened or how it was improved because it was just due to lack of preparation for disasters.
Something to consider for next time is adding more information or show symbols for things on how it happened or what was going on.
The areas we excelled in as a group were graciousnss, visual appeal, transparency, accuracy, creativity, it was different, it was concise, and it was varied but not repetitive. The areas we didn't represent so much were the knowledge we learned wasn't portrayed in the infographic as much as it should have been because it was hard to incorporate it into the project in an appealing manner.
BMQ3: Reflection
During this project, I learned how to conjugate more fluid sentences and I also got a hang of the pronunciations.
How do you feel about your final project?
I feel confident in our final project. My acting skills aren't prepared for a Grammy award, but it's good enough - for a high school student.
If you could do your project all over again, what would you do differently/the same?
If I could do my project all over again, the only thing I'd change is having more time to film and rehearse the script. I feel like we just jumped into writing and editing that we didn't put much thought into the actual screenplay. So we performed the project as we went along.
Clash of Cultures

Reflexion (:
Por crear el PSA, la cosa más importante que aprendí fue como conjugare los verbos.
Me gusta el PSA de mi grupo porque el vídeo es muy diferente. Es profesionales.
Si pudiera hacer el proyecto otra vez, yo cambiaría nada. Es muy bueno y explicativo.
Artist Statement Q2 - Breeanna Noi
Photos 1-3: I edited pictures of my family and I. The first and second pictures are just images I've edited by just pressing a few buttons here and there to come up with an "interesting" photo. My third picture was a picture I edited using a tutorial founded online. It kind of has a 3-D ish effect and I thought it was interesting for a first time editor. Next quarter, I hope to improve my editing skills.
Clear glass object: I drew a picture of the triangular beaker using charcoal. My biggest problem with drawing with coal was that I usually sketch with pencil and to try to draw with charcoal was a challenge. I used to press hard on my artwork and using charcoal has trained me - which is a good thing.
Mickey Mouse: I drew Mickey because I was working on drawing people, but everytime I tried, I could never get the face right. So what better way to start improving that drawing cartoon characters? Based on my drawing, I'm proud of the way I drew the face. However, Mickey isn't realistic enough to relate to an actual face.
Hand: The reason I drew the hand is because I've been working on drawing people. I can never draw an entire person successfully yet, but I work on each body part and improve in order to fit all of the pieces together.
Next quarter, my goal is to draw an entire person including their face. I'm going to attempt to draw each body part and attempt to draw men since I've only been working on drawing women.
(Untitled BMQ2 Sci-Fi Story)
Waking up in the morning, rushing to the shower, and waiting for mother. We went through this pesky process of cover-up to the extreme.
“Mom,” I signed “why do I have to go through this process every morning?”
She looked down. She seemed afraid or more ashamed. I couldn’t tell. The way she furrowed her eyebrows and pursed her lips tight with her candied red lipstick let me know there was something to it. Other than the fact that I cannot speak clearly but I can hear while she and my sister, Julie, can speak makes me wonder.“Do you know why everything you say sounds so foreign to you or not the way we say things? Why you look like me, but you have transparent skin in addition to a tail?”
Where is she going with this?
With hesitation, I signed, “What -- what are you trying to say..?”
“I’ll explain later. Just go get ready for school.” I saw the tears in her eyes as she said that statement. I walked away and obeyed. I hurried and got ready.
I covered my transparent pink face with some beige substance. It made me look more like my mom and Julie. When I got dressed, I had to wrap my tail around me and put on my normal clothing. It was my daily routine, but I felt like I deserved some answers. Why couldn’t I be like Julie and just wear some comfortable sweat pants, tie my hair, and not bother with covering my face so early? Doesn’t everyone do this? How do we truly know a person’s identity?
I got lost in my thoughts and forgot to wake Julie up for school. I always have to wake up an hour earlier just to get ready and she literally rolls out of bed looking like me after I do everything. She’s flawless - or just what mom wants. Either way, this was unfair.
“Bye, mom!” yelled Julie. I then stomped twice to let my mom know I was leaving. It was something we created since I was little. I could never pick up on speaking properly so when we weren’t nearby one another, I’d use noises.Same old day. Same boring classes. My life is like a book that has already been written, but today I had a knot in my stomach. It’s probably the school lunch. 3:30 came. I was anxious to get home and here what mom had to say.
As I walked up the driveway, I saw a van. I guess it was mom’s coworkers. I went to the front door. Looked for my keys and put them into the lock. As the door clicked and I turned the knob, I could hear scurried movement on the other side of the door. I saw mom sitting with someone and wondered where the other people were if they had a huge van outside. There was a giant computer setup in the middle of the living room. As soon as I saw it, I saw my reflection and I was glowing. There was a weird thing on the screen. It sounded like white noise, but I could understand it.
“Mom, what’s going on?”
“You’re not who you think you are - I got a donor. You’re the way you are because someone thought it’d be ‘interesting’ to put you, an outsider in me along with your sister. We couldn’t abort you because we didn’t know and it may have harmed Julie. But hearing you dislike changing yourself every morning got me thinking and I called some people. Sweetie.. they’re here to help you.” She said as her tears rolled down her cheeks.
Shocked. I could not respond. I knew I didn’t fit in because of my tail, but when I see everyone with different skin tones, I thought that it was okay. I got answers to my original questions, but now more questions remain. Then suddenly, some men appeared from behind me.
Who am I? I am a mistake in society due to one’s curiosity. I don’t know what happened after the men appeared, but now I can speak. I can walk amongst you and the rest of society without being revealed. My name? Not available. My reason for being on this planet with you? You’ll due time.
Don't Eat and Drive PSA
Trader Joe's Cancion
Letras de cancion
Yo trabajo por doce horas,
no tengo molto(much) dinero.
Necesito comida
por mi familia
Yo trabaja por I C W (ee - say - beh)
yo soy no está un esclavo
Trader Joe's should change their ways
If they want their dinero.
Trader Joe's es muy mal
y no sé que tal?
Trader Joe's es no justo.
No parte el dinero.
Yo trabaja por I C W (ee - say - beh)
yo soy no está un esclavo
Trader Joe's should change their ways
If they want their dinero.
Nos trabajamos por
poquito centavos.
Los tomates es
muy, muy pesado
Yo trabaja por I C W (ee - say - beh)
yo soy no está un esclavo
Trader Joe's should change their ways
If they want their dinero.
No vocales. Solo música.
Artist Statement - Breeanna Noi
My first drawing was of a round clear object. Again, still and realistic art pieces have never been my strong point. I also have a tendency to outline my pieces really dark and then include the detail. Which may be the reason why they didn't come out too well. I started out just drawing because I didn't watch our outline video. I learned a new thing with shadowing with helped me tons. Shadowing first was never something I thought about. Now, I feel like I'm gradually improving in art. But I'm also improving on my real life writing so that's always a plus..
BMQ1 - Reflection
To start everything off, my group just had their own ideas of what we wanted to change. Our list at the beginning was: Removing Electoral Colleges, Changing the voting age, and making it mandatory. First off, everyone else was already having a mandatory voting weekend - so that wouldn't be interesting. Secondly, we would have to change many more things in the law if we changed the voting age. So the one we were left with was Electoral Colleges.
Individual change in America begins when one truly understands and believes in the thing they want to change. Everything begins with knowledge and research. You can't enlighten others about change you'd like to see and have nothing to tell them. If you try to enlighten people about Mac vs. PC, for example, and you have never in your life used a Mac - your points following are then invalid. (Because we all know, Once you go Mac, you never go back)
I didn't really have a background on the learning process before this unit. Before, I thought "You go into the poll and press some magical button and it goes into the computer." But then when I went, I realized it was a pretty long and time consuming process. But it's okay because there are MANY voting polls around the city of Philadelphia.
I thought the best way to relay my message was follow through like Rick Perry's Ad Campaign. Show what's going on now and I showed how things will be if things DO change. All we need is change and if we get that, happiness will follow along - of course.
Election Day Interviews
The first person I interviewed was Jennifer Hartman and she was a volunteer at the polls.
Jennifer has voted for every election from our small elections to the Presidential elections. Why do we have voting day on Tuesdays? She has no clue, but it is what it is. The most memorable campaigns are the ones for the 2008 elections because everyone was so hyped up about it all. As for change in our political system, she'd like to see our government improve because we, Philadelphia, are not in the best economical state at the moment. I told Jennifer about my group's benchmark and what we wanted to do to improve the voting system, she agrees that we should get rid of the Electoral Colleges because it is, of course, unfair and we are disenfranchised.
The second person I interviewed was an old man (Louis?)because the woman Sabrina interviewed told us to see the views of an older person and differentiate her answers and his. We're outside because I was waiting for an old person to show up and just asked if he was going to go inside and vote.
Louis is obviously old and he too, votes every year. Why? He doesn't know really. People remind him and he shows up. The thing is, Louis doesn't expect to see anything change from this election. As for the amount of impact he has on voting, he doesn't care of know how much his vote will impact the outcome. So if he doesn't really care, why did he come out and vote? Louis was reminded by his neighbors to vote when he was strolling through his neighborhood. He also said his "friend" Obama called him and told him to go out and vote. (HAHA - funny old people..)
Bee's Cancion
I'm proud of being able to write it out and understand where my family is from. We've been all over the place, but it's what makes my family unique.
If I could do this over again, I would probably learn how to sing beforehand. I sing horribly, but that brings us to the next problem - I didn't have a instrumental in mind. I wrote out the lyrics and then decided to find a song, but that didn't work considering my lyrics didn't go with it. I then had to change my lyrics while recording. So next time, I'd plan this out better.
Mi familia vino de Asia.
Soy de Scranton y Filadelfia.
Mi mamá es muy joven
yo tengo dos hermanos.
Mi familia es muy raro
nos gustamos las comidas
Mi familia está muy grande
todo por el mundo.
Yo tengo dos hermanas
y yo tengo dos hermanos
Soy estás mas viejos.
Mi familia está muy grande
todo por el mundo.
Te gusta un reunión familiar - mi familia es muy cómica.
Si mi nombre es Bee,
yo no puedo cantar
Este es el final
yo estoy muy mal.
Immigration Visualization Project
The challenging part with working in a group was that it didn't seem like enough work to distribute out to three people. The researching of the dates and events was evenly distributed, but when it came to showing the visual part of the project, it didn't seem like enough. If I had to do this project over, I think my group and I would make it a priority to include more and some phrases here and there. There's a lot someone can understand by looking at the photo, but if they don't know exactly what even occurred in what time frame, they'll stare blankly at the photo.
Group Members: Maximilien Marton and Jennifer WrightBee - Ahorita 20/9
My refrain is supposed to communicate about how my family is the main part of where I'm from and I have no original home since I moved so much at such a young age.
I'm happy about the fact it's all about me. It's not about my location, but all about the people in my life. Even if they're not biological relatives, I still consider them family.
I would like to add more to my refrain.
The problem I had with writing the refrain was to find a theme to go with the song. To me, choruses are like thesis sentences. Every other verse has to relate back to it.
Where I'm From
In Scranton, where the landscape is green, luscious, and nice.
I am from all around,
Pennsylvania to North Carolina,
I am from different states and towns.
I am from families all around the East coast,
we don’t really have unique foods we like,
we can settle with spaghetti and toast.
I am from a plain, simple family,
we go through some bumps long the road,
from the lessons that not everything is about money.
I am like a nomad,
moving all around this city,
look at all these homes - do you like my pad?
I am from worry-free folks,
everything is fine as long as you’re still alive,
life’s too short to sit around and mope.
I am from a young family,
so their experiences make them overprotective
and never want to leave me be.
There’s not much else to share,
if there’s any questions just ask,
I don’t want to bore you with information if you don’t care.
Humanities Portfolio 2-11
Change; it’s not something that happens overnight. "Change is an intellectual thing. Change is the epidemic." It happens through time and experience. One simply does not decide to transform and viola, it happens. You need to have motivation and determination."People have the choice to enlighten themselves but they use the crutches of people in power to guide them."
Before I began sophomore year, I didn’t have much of an interest in history and dates. I enjoyed English class very much, but the same wouldn’t be said for History. You know what they say, you have to put your mind into something if you want to get the feel for it. With the learning experience in Mr. Block’s class, I was able to think as those historical figures we were learning their positions. It’s not like a typical History class where you hear, “These are the good guys, and those are the enemies.” We can make our own opinions based on how we feel and listening to each other’s view on someone. We don’t listen to one person explain and persuade us one way. The interaction in our mock trials (Cortes Trial for example) and us being assigned parts as a certain social group in an issue whether or not we believe our issue is a great way to not be biased and learn all sides of something. "It's easy for me to listen to both sides of a story and generally, I hate to admit that I'm wrong." The main lesson through the unit was everyone has their own reason behind their actions. Research is the key to history and if you don’t understand a fact, research. If you need want to prove a point, manipulate your research to follow through with your point. It’ll clarify everything up and after a while, you realize history isn’t all about dates and deceased presidents. It’s all about why and how we all got to where we are and how we’ve all become us.
English, as I stated above was a very interesting class for me because I love reading and writing. Ever since my first assignment in English class, I've grown as a writer. However, English class the way we did it this year was new to me. We’ve even incorporated History into English, which I usually never do. It’s typically lessons in English and facts in History. Meshing the two seems different. That’s exactly what this year was; different. We read many stories and we always found a way to relate to the story no matter how chaotic the character's situation was (Short Story Letter to a friend). As we read stories about people having spiritual beliefs and we had our religion unit in History. We contrasted the two and realized, spirituality and religion are two different things. You can be spiritual, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be religious. You can have hope in something and not praise a ‘God.’
So basically, this year with English and History being taught by the same teacher was a great experience. To have someone being an expert in both subjects make them both simpler in order to complete work. If something you’re reading in English has to do with historical facts and you don’t know the background of the story is, you’re pretty much stuck and will have to resort to Googling for answers the way we created a large issue and mutilated the information to go along with our point in our Op-Ed assignment. Also, if you’re reading Olde English in historical documents and can’t find the word online, how will you figure out the rest of the document? It’s just so much more convenient to have a teacher knowledgable of both subjects if both are going to incorporate a little of each other in each subject.
Bee - BMQ4_E2
In the process of this benchmark, I enjoyed looking through all the pictures in the past and it was very fun. It brought back a lot of memories one wouldn't really remember at random moments. Some struggles I went through were scanning the pictures. My scanner wasn't connected to my laptop, so I couldn't really use it. What I had to use was a camera. I attempted using Photo Booth, but that was a fail. So, I resorted to using my camera on my phone - which would explain some of the horrible quality. Next time, if I were to re-do this project, I would find a working scanner and use that for better pictures.
Bee: You Cant Appreciate it Until its Gone
Waan - Mother who becomes a prostitute for a “better” life. About 17 years old.
Dao - Waan’s daughter. About 5 years old.
Jake - Typical 19 year old American kid just out of high school.
Chailai - Woman 25 years old. Realizing she has nothing/no one to work for.
*All characters are on stage. Light shines on one person at a time. Extra people who aren’t speaking are like extra props.*
ACT 1 Scene 1
(Waan looking through old family pictures and thinking of everything in her hotel room alone. thinking to herself.)
So I'm not even 18 and I've gone through hell. I never really had the ability to live the life of a child. I had to take care of my family ever since I could remember and I even started a family of my own already. Crazy, huh? Well that's just how it is. I can't be free and live my own life. So sure there are plenty of teen mothers out in the world. What makes me so special? Like every other teen mother out there, I needed to find a job. I started out finding any other job that was suitable for our area - being a day laborer. I made 100 baht a day. Seems like a lot, doesn't it? It's really only $3. That's the only I have considering I live in the countryside.
One day, my friend who moved to the city came back to visit and told everyone how well she was doing in the city. People started rumors because she sends 10,000 baht home to her family every month. That's $300 - not a typical wage for a waitress. Of course, she denied everything everyone accused her of. She tried to convince me to return to the city with her since the pay was so good and it'd be good for my daughter.
(Flashback: Waan is talking to her best female friend.)
“Want me to go to Bangkok with you? Yeaahhh, I'm not sure about that. I don't think “waitressing” is suitable for me considering I’m a mother and all... Air quotes? Nah, it’s nothing. Just letting you know I know you don’t waitress. It’s obvious... Oh so you’re not a hooker? That’s highly doubtful... I know I’m your friend, but come on, you don’t make that kind of money walking around giving people food. It’s just not likely... Fine, want to prove it to me? I’ll go then.”
I left my daughter with her father. I wish I didn’t have to, but I had no choice. This is already hard enough as it is. I have to leave my daughter with my ex-husband and his new wife. Of all people. I’ll try my best to get her back when I get the money.
(Lights fade out and onto Dao)
ACT 1 Scene 2
(Dao playing in the dining room playing with her toys talking to a visitor.)
Mommy is never here for me. I know she’s out there trying to create a better future for me, but I doubt it’s in the right way. I need my mother’s presence here. I can’t stand another day with my father and his wife. I mean, I love him and all, but this is too much. His wife already hates my guts just because I resemble my mother.
(begins to get crayons and paper to draw a society full of men.)
What’s up with women, they either love you so much that they end up leaving to get “a better life” or they hate you so much they’re only here because they have no other choice. I can’t stand women. Yeah, she’s doing it for me, but I don’t ask for much. She can actually go to school and get a better job because I’m living in hell anyways. So what difference would it make if she tried to go out and get a better career? I’m mad that she’s only thinking about herself. Just because it’s ‘easier’ to be a sex worker does NOT make her a better mother.
(Lights fade out back onto Waan standing next to Chailai or close to her.)
Act 1 Scene 3
(Waan is walking down the street watching as other women are being picked up by men for ‘services’ and sees Chailai in a distance just waiting around.)
..this is not what I expected it to be at all. All these men - mainly tourists think that we enjoy this misery. It’s just good pay to us. But they are total perverts. Give them an offer where there’s more affordable sex compared to every other place and they’re all over it. This is against my religion to have sex before marriage or for married people to sleep with anyone except for their significant other. I’ve gone far from my religion. I’ve broken the biggest rule out there. I’m a home wrecker. How would I feel in their shoes? Well I’ve done so much damage already as it is. It’s not like me continuing would change anything. Wives shouldn’t blame me. Blame their husbands, blame themselves for not being able to satisfy their husbands to the point they go out paying for what they can get from their wife. That was mean - but honestly, women need to keep a hold on their men. I know that women have absolutely no power here, but we need to do something. I’ve already screwed my life over by becoming a sex worker and leaving my daughter, but I can help warn other women that they should never leave a good thing behind to find what they believe might be better. That’s what’s wrong with people, they are never satisfied with their happiness. All we do is find something better and half of the time, it backfires.
(Sees a little boy through a window across the street coloring.)
I need to find a way back to my daughter’s warm hugs who was always there to wipe my tears away. Her little innocence is refreshing. I’m going to find the next train to her and spend all the time I have with her until she’s all grown up. But know one thing, I’m not ever going to allow her to make the same mistake I did. I’m going to let her know that if you have something good, don’t seek something better. Be happy with what she has.
(goes off to buy a train ticket back home.)
(Lights fade out and onto Jake who is standing next to a random girl.)
ACT 1 Scene 4
(Jake is roaming the streets of Bangkok checking the women out because the only reason he’s there is to find a girl to have fun with.)
HEYO! What’s up?... Do you offer the (clears throat) “services?” Mhmm, we both know you do... Wait what?! You’re not a you-know-what?
(Starts fixing his shirt and gets closer to the girl.)
Hey sweetheart, I’m not a cop. I know everything about this business. Come on, not every guy out there will be hot enough for you be able to actually enjoy this job of yours. Now, I’m not the hottest guy in the bunch, but I sure can hit it. Oh, how old am I? I’m 18. You know, just passing in after high school.. My buddies and I decided to hit up this fantasy land for a little bang bang, know what I mean? We heard wonders about this place. Every hot chick in this place is a prostitute and the sex sure is cheaper here than everywhere else. Wait - if you’re all hot, why aren’t you guys married or with someone?.... oh yeah, you did say that you weren’t in the business. Are you sure? Because I thought you were just making sure I wasn’t a cop... Whoops, my bad. Well now I know you’re not a hoe, wanna go out to dinner some time? Why not?.... It was an honest mistake. Don’t other guys mistake you for a street walker? Well see, you should be used to it by now. I mean, dressed the way you are who wouldn’t come to that conclusion?
(He gets smacked)
Daaaamn, I’m sorry hun, just letting you know how it is. If you didn’t want the wrong attention, be a bit classier.
(Girl walks away.)
Oh you’re just gonna walk away now, huh? Awww, don’t be like that. WAIT!... you didn’t gimme your number.
(Jake tries to follow behind the girl and light goes onto Chailai)
ACT 1 Scene 5
(Chailai speaks in ‘broken English’ at the corner, feeling overwhelmed with her life she doesn’t think she can handle it. She’s lost it and is muttering to herself.)
I don’t like being called bad things all over Bangkok. All the mean people just say “She is a hoe” and they throw stuff at me. I not smart like other people because my family can’t do nothing for me. I want to be like everybody who do this for the family, but I have nobody to take care of except for my grandma who is sick. I have no husband, no kids, no brothers, no sisters, no anybody. What if my grandma die? She is so old. What am I going to do? No body there for me. Nobody wants to love me because they say I am stupid. All they want is my body. They run around and say “Oh hey there sexy lady” I feel happy they like me. But only to sleep. They don’t care if I die tomorrow or right now. They only want to sleep in the bed with me. I am a nobody. I have nobody. You know what? I don’t care anymore. I am 25 year old. Soon no body want to sleep with me either. I am too old to go sleep with everybody and be the sexy woman. All the man want is the little girl that 15 year old. So nasty.
(Lights go off and Chailai is in her hotel room full of suitcases and is in front of the mirror.)
ACT 1 Scene 6
(Chailai is looking at herself in the mirror and getting ready.)
This is so new to me! I finally have first boyfriend. Not the one where the guy want to pay me to be with him. The one where he want to spend time with me. This is a new beginning for me. I can go to school and try to learn to speak the English language and get a real job. How someone like me meet a guy like this? All I need to do is don’t go stand and wait for the guy anymore. I find respect for me, then someone find respect too. This guy so nice too. He promise something and he pull through with it. It’s not like the guy I work for who promise a better future. This guy let me move in with him in beautiful house. It’s not whore house where he do that to a lot of people. I’m the only woman in the house. He make me feel like I am the angel, but he know what I used to do. You can’t have relationship without communication.
(Looks off into a distance and pauses with makeup.)
Sometime I still have nightmare that nuk lang, that mean gangster, is going to come find me and kill me. But, Adam is always there for me. He comfort me when I have nightmare and cry.
(Gets back to Earth and continues to apply makeup.)
Oh well, everything is okay. We going to move to America to start new life and forget about everything that happen here. The past is past. Time to burn it all and let the ashes blow with the wind.
(Gets up and gathers suitcase to leave.)
That’s not shocking at all. We have McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King’s, and other fast food chains everywhere we look in this country. Why is that? Because the healthy food industry doesn’t have as many advertisements as the fast food chains. But now, fast food chains are becoming “healthy.” Truthfully, adding a slab of lettuce, a tomato slice, or two pickles isn’t healthy.
Those unhealthy drinks that now say fat free, sugar free, diet, no added sugar, etc. seem healthier now, correct? According to a source, they all translate into something much worse: Fat free, but full of sugar and chemicals. Sugar free, but they have increased carbohydrates. “Diet” but it’s going to give you health problems if you digest enough of it. Sugar free, because the original has more than enough sugar as it is.
False advertisement? Let’s look at it like they’re enhancing the part that will attract your attention and leave out the part that makes it a lot worse than it actually is.
Another factor in the unhealthy eating habits is the lack of access to healthy foods. Here, there are fast food chains within walking distance from home, but the next Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods is 30 blocks or further from home.
Naturally, we all make up excuses and compromise. “I’m going to get a Big Mac meal and a diet Coke,” “I’m walking 3 blocks to get food so I should reward myself with a Whopper.” You should reward yourself with something healthy. You’re getting a soda that is TWICE as sweet as the original Coke with the use of artificial sugar and a heart attack in a box. Not only is it bad for your weight, but it’s going to give you a lot of health issues in the future - if you even have one.
It’s normal, right?
Personally, I’ve done small tasks and have felt obligated to reward myself with chips. But the one thing my family is against are those diet products and the products that say sugar free on the label. Yes, we do our research and it’d be beneficial for everyone to do that. Of course we’re lazy and aren’t in the mood to exercise to stay healthy. So the lazy way of improving your health would be to eat healthier.
How do we change ourselves?
First thing’s first, don’t be mislead by those “healthy” labels in your favorite food. They are much worse than the original package. Now the message isn’t to stop eating your unhealthy foods, just eat a lot less of it.
The government’s position in this crisis should be to make healthy food more accessible and raise the prices in junky foods. People get soda and other unhealthy snacks under food stamps. They should be aiding the people to be healthier. Raise taxes for junk food, make it less available, do something to save everyone from their lack of self control. Promote the healthy lifestyle to everyone and make it more affordable.
Honestly, who is to blame here; You, your parent’s for raising you to be this way, the government, or society?
We are fools to fall for these foods and developing the habits or was it our parents? They are the ones who raised you right from wrong. If they allowed you to develop such bad eating habits, maybe they’re at fault.
In recent health statistics, the weighted average of obesity in 28 different countries was 14.1% with the U.S. ranking #1 at 30.6%. That’s not something to be proud of.
La Rutina Diaria - BEE
During the process of this experiment, I learned how to conjugate and actually remember words more easily. With new vocabulary, I tend to forget the words right after the unit is complete. But with this assignment I was able to think back to the beginning of everything we learned.
I am somewhat proud of my completed assignment. Due to a few obstacles, I was unable to film part of my evening routine. I think I did pretty well not showing those things, although they were big parts like dinner, showering, and putting on pajamas.
If I were to do this over again, I would work at a pace because when we were told that the due date would be a week later, I thought I was pretty far ahead and I could hold it off. Big mistake because of the short week and everything just slipped my mind. I would pace myself and be able to turn it in on time.
I did enjoy this project. It's a very creative way to show that we learned something and be able to have some fun with it.
Descriptive Essay (:
I didn’t know what to expect because I was starting without knowing anyone at all and I didn’t attend Summer Institute. It was just a bunch of mixed emotions because with the amount of television I watch, I always saw high school as a brutal place.
When I arrived, I got off of the 7 bus and walked in through the doors. The café was packed and it was sad that with all of the people in the café, I didn’t recognize a single face. I stood near the wall like a lost puppy. Until two friendly people came around and said,
“Hi, how are you?”
Being shy, I replied quietly, “Hi, I’m Breeanna.”
“Oh, I’m Kristina and this is Gil.”
They were so friendly and I was glad to have met them. I hoped they were in my grade but sadly, Gil was a sophomore and Kristina was a junior. They began to ask if I knew anyone and I replied no. They were shocked and began introducing me to a bunch of random people. In every school I’ve ever been to, I have never been able to remember so many names. I was surprised that I met so many people.
For the first week of school, I hung out with many people and learned many names quickly. I guess it wasn’t so difficult to remember the names of basically everyone in the school. I had many different groups of friends. However, not all of those groups hung out with each other. I was kind of swapping back and forth between all my white friends group and my more mixed group. I didn’t really hang out with Asian kids because with all of the previous schools I’ve gone to, I was always the only Asian kid and my family isn’t a really traditional Asian family. My first Asian friend I met here was Pauline. She came up to me and introduced herself and we began talking. She then asked,
“How come you don’t have an accent?”
I looked at her confused and said, “What do you mean? I’m supposed to have an accent?”
“No but Asians have accents, you sound white.”
I’ve never really had many Asian friends so I didn’t know what she was talking about. I’m supposed to have an accent? It never occurred to me since going to an all white school in Delaware County, I sounded just like everyone else so I didn’t really think much about it.
Last year, I was known as the ‘twinkie’ because I looked Asian but I didn’t act like one. I always hung out with white people and supposedly sounded ‘white’. But this year, I met a new friend. She was a freshman and her name was Ellen To. I met her during lunch because Kristina introduced the two of us and said we were alike. That’s rare because I’m extremely loud and weird.
“Breeanna, meet Ellen. She’s evil like you.” Said Kristina.
“Oh my god! Hi do you like Big Bang?” Greeted Ellen.
“Hi, and yes?”
“Who do you like better, Taeyang or G-Dragon?”
I saw the look in her eyes and slid across the table and calmly said, “Taeyang”
The look in her eyes said it all. As her eyes got sharper and her face got bright red. It was funny because with my other friends, I could never have that kind of conversation with them. If I asked them about Big Bang, they would just give me a puzzled look.
I’ve never really attended school with Asian kids so I was sort of taken away from the experiences with other Asians. The only Asian people I hung out with were aunts and cousins. It was something new I found in a friend other than the same sense of style or choice in bands. But someone who knows how the typical Asian parents are – extremely strict, knows how weird it can be to be non-Caucasian and not Asian, and how fun and weird it is to express ourselves for whom we truly are. No matter how many years I spent with friends all over the city that are either Black or White, I’m still Asian on the inside and it’s just natural.
Not saying that we are all specified by our ethnicity, but it can also be defined by our culture and the culture of our family. My friends were either Catholic or Christian, but my family was Buddhists. Occasionally, I would go to church because of my mom’s friends, but that really isn’t my religion. With other Asians, they know what I’m talking about. But, not only does culture define who we are but what we eat can make us seem ‘different’. Yes, my mom does make a variety of food, but when the time comes that I want to invite friends over for dinner or a party, they would be used to something simpler and question what they’re eating.
Language Autobiography (:
Being Thai, Vietnamese, Laos, and Chinese isn’t easy. Sure it’s fun being from many different Asian backgrounds, but it’s also very difficult. You can struggle with remembering all of the languages and you can also struggle with your identity.
When I was about three years old, I spent the summer with my mom and grandma. If I recall, I was walking around the house and they were in the kitchen cooking. I sort of slipped walking around and I went ballistic lecturing them in Laos saying;
“Oy, Anna see thi you nee thok thao.”
But now, I can barely speak the language. I understand large portions of the language. Strange isn’t it? Well, I can understand what people are saying to me, but I don’t have the accents to reply in the language. For example, when immigrants come to the Americas, they usually can understand what you’re saying. They’re not completely lost, but they haven’t been trained to speak our language. So people think just because people can’t speak one language, they can’t understand it. I was talking to my grandma’s aunt and uncle one time and I haven’t seen them for many, many years. They’re the older generation so they are like me, but reversed. They can speak Thai, but their English is very limited because they haven’t been taught how to speak English. But my visit with them was interesting.
“Sa bi dee, ma pah.”
“Sa bi dee, Bee. Hui khaao?”
“No thank you.”
“Chan dai?”
“I ate at home with mommy before I came.”
“Oh. See ow soda, baw?”
“No thank you.”
That’s how our conversations usually went. We conversed in two different languages. I, obviously spoke in English and whomever I spoke to spoke whatever language they were. From my responses alone, you can get a gist of what we’re talking about. If you’re not being able to converse in the same language as what everyone else is being able to talk to you, then it’s just awkward even though they understand you.
So we know I spoke Laos and I understand Laos and Thai. Now what about Vietnamese and Chinese? Well I understand portions of Vietnamese and I only know random words in Chinese. My aunts speak Vietnamese to me and I only hear it when they speak to my cousins. I learn the way little children do.
“Jacob get ready to dee tham.”
“Okay, Aunt Nhu.”
“Jaden give them to aem.”
“Bee, what do you want to eat?”
“What is there to eat?”
“Fried rice or lahp cheung.”
“What’s lahp cheung?”
“It’s the chinese sausage.” “Ooh, okay.”
Sure she may not speak complete sentences using Vietnamese, but when it was in English, I can use context clues to learn what the words in Vietnamese are. When she says “dee tham,” it means to go shower. When she said “aem,” to Jaden, it’s kind of something you call your elder brother or male cousin.
So because I can barely speak any of the languages, what am I? By blood, I am all Vietnamese, Laos, Thai, and Chinese. But my language identity, I’m what they call a ‘Twinkie.’ I am Asian and it looks that way on the outside, but I only speak English and on the inside, I don’t really have anything Asian about my language or culture.
I feel like Amy Tan in her short story. Her mother speaks ‘broken English,’ and she speaks proper English when she’s talking to people outside of society, but when she’s talking to her family, she code switches to broken English. Sometimes, I need to do the same with my elders. Not necessarily my mom, but with the older aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Code switching affects my true identity because depending on who in the family I’m with, I will speak differently or add bits and pieces of another language with English when I speak to them.