Where I'm From

I am from The Office
- just kidding, but where they filmed the show.
In Scranton, where the landscape is green, luscious, and nice.
I am from all around,
Pennsylvania to North Carolina,
I am from different states and towns.
I am from families all around the East coast,
we don’t really have unique foods we like,
we can settle with spaghetti and toast.
I am from a plain, simple family,
we go through some bumps long the road,
from the lessons that not everything is about money.
I am like a nomad,
moving all around this city,
look at all these homes - do you like my pad?
I am from worry-free folks,
everything is fine as long as you’re still alive,
life’s too short to sit around and mope.
I am from a young family,
so their experiences make them overprotective
and never want to leave me be.
There’s not much else to share,
if there’s any questions just ask,
I don’t want to bore you with information if you don’t care.
