Art Class Convo

Me: That's a really spiffy sweater.
Substitute: Thanks! My mom made it for me.
Me: Aw that's great. Does she still make them?
Substitute: No. She is barely living. Shes got alzheimer's. Shes also blind in stuff. Not in good shape.
Me: Damn that's fucked up.
Substitute: (Retells a story) Yeah. She used to make everyone sweaters for Christmas. It would take her a whole year to make them all. I was always the bachelor, so I always got the good ones. Haha. I remember I was at the bar one time and a women came up to me and said "I'll come home with you if you give me that sweater."
Me: Well did you give it to her?!
Substitute: Hell no! I loved that sweater. There was no way she was getting it.
