Artist Statement

Art work is an expression of one's self. Art is creation, creating, molding and building something from a pen and paper. Art has always been a form of expression for me, ever since I was a child I liked to create things. I always had a habit of getting off track in class and drawing things, always practicing, especially in my third grade class, where almost every five minutes I stole paper from my teacher's class to continue drawing. I drew mainly things that I watched, I never worked on perfecting or strengthening my weaknesses, such as hands, feet and circular shapes. As I grew older, I took time off from drawing and class, focusing more on my studies. Soon art began to fade as something that was once my greatest form of expression, due to lessening creativity and time. Between kindergarten to eighth grade, where I had an art teacher who made us watch films in class and not create.  I never had a proper art class till 9th grade, where we learn new things and create. I'm now in 11th grade, taking my second real art class, where I'm learning to be able to express myself again through my art.

