Artist Statement

In thie second quarter I had the opportunity to display my artistry in an array of ways. In our first project, working with contours I really challenged myself and the results came out great. When it came to the faces and the still objects that i drew, everything came out well shaded and sculpted. Next, we went onto the painting assignment and I decided to paint the Philadelphia skyline with the wording of,"Philly", on it in the colors that Philly teams usually posses in their uniforms. Later on in this class we were granted the gift to recreate a famous art piece. My piece was the Son of Man and I used colored pencils and a No. 2 pencil to complete the task. As the quarter came to a close, the final assignment we were asked to sketch up and draw was the words of a famous song. I chose to recreate a Kendrick Lamar song and in the second to last slide you can see my result.Finally, you will see a picture of a wall in South Philadelphia where I was able to highlight depth of field and apply a filter through the app.
