Athalia's Slide

I chose to make my slide like that for many reasons. One reason is that I chose to use large text and I decided to manage my space so it wouldn't be too crowded. I also made some of my pictures bleed off the slide because not the full picture should be used. I wrote "Express Yourself" in red because I think that it would catch people's attention if it was on a billboard. It contrast with the light background which catches the eye. The pictures shows what I like which expresses me; myself. I like things simple but meaningful so I decided to make my slide not too flashy but resembles what I like. I sing and dance at church, so it became a hobby for me. I like working and helping out little kids, they're always make someone smile. I love chilling out with my friends and watch movies. Music and shopping is just my thing! I love music because everyone can relate to them and shopping is always fun.
Untitled presentation
