~*~Beautiful Soul Advertising~*~ by Gina Dukes
- You can view my print advertisement by clicking here , and at the bottom of this post is my radio advertisement in mp3 form.
What is your product? What is your message?
My product includes a short radio advertisement and two print ads. The purpose of the advertisements is to fill the void of positive advertising for women that inspires instead of promoting unrealistic standards of beauty. The message that I hope viewers take away is that, regardless of what images of beauty advertisements try to sell to women, true beauty comes from within and every woman should take value in their beautiful soul. - Who is your intended audience?
Young women between the ages of 15-30
- Why do you think this is an effective way to reach your audience?
I think that the way in which I made my radio ad, it would reach my audience because it starts off like a regular ad that tries to capitalize on the insecurities that they feel women may have, yet that narrative immediately stops and I begin talking about valuing yourself/your inner beauty. Most ads don't try to promote an idea, so I think that makes my ad stand out and combined with plain language/nice background music, I feel that it is pretty effective.
I purposely made my print ads not be overloaded with a lot of stuff, so I think that the message is easy for others to understand. - If you were to do this again, what would you change about your BM?
I think that I might consider using a different type of media, possibly a video or a differently designed print ad.
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