Bike Paths- Blog post #4
Although it's the snow season and season for jackets as well as being in a car with heat! It's actually a wonderful season to fight for more bike paths! Since there will be more snows and more road/sidewalk being block by our wonderful weather creation. There will be less space for our bicycles to move around town due to the lack of paths as well as paths that sure will be covered by the snow this season. I am looking forward to work with Philadelphia Bikers as well as my fellows to maintain our right to bike!
The most effective and efficient way to maintain people's attention and to make a change is by stepping in by making people realizes what they will have to deal with! One of the bigger idea that I have for this arrangement is to get down and dirty!
1. Block off all of biker lanes
2. Stop bikers from biking
3. Take up all of the bike paths
Bikers need to see and realize all of the possibility that will take away their rights to remain moving and biking in a safe and efficient condition. By stoping bikers from biking, they will soon to realize how important it is to have a bike lane and continue to bike without any disruption.
1. Block off all of biker lanes
2. Stop bikers from biking
3. Take up all of the bike paths
Bikers need to see and realize all of the possibility that will take away their rights to remain moving and biking in a safe and efficient condition. By stoping bikers from biking, they will soon to realize how important it is to have a bike lane and continue to bike without any disruption.
70% of all citizen own a certain source of social network and anyone can get connected to one way or another. It'd be one interesting and quick idea to pass on the words by using social media. Many attentions will be grabbed by and many minds will be seeking into by the facts as well as the words passing on by the quickest method. I will be using my personal social network as well as connecting friends and family to spread the words for everyone to get involve!
However, majority of numbers will make a change but not necessary if one with power does not get involve with the majority. I will personally write a letter of petition to Philadelphia Councilman Bill Greenlee as well as our Mayor Nutter to address the issue. 

I will do what it takes to keep out Philadelphia Bikers alive and moving!
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