Biting Humor

​In 9th grade I ended up staying over a friend's house really late working on a benchmark. When April fools rolled around my parents decided to use this in a prank on my grandma. My dad was in the bedroom playing a board game with my sister and my mom was cooking dinner. Grandma was sitting on the couch when my dad called my phone from the bed room. When I answered I began saying the type of lines my parents told me to say.. which were lines along the lines of "are you sure it's mine?" after about 10 minutes of this I hung up the phone and put on the most sullen look I could muster. My mom asked me what was wrong on cue (my grandma's face was unique by this point) and I said I got a girl pregnant. I started crying and when my grandma came over to hug me i whispered april fools in her ear mid hug..... she bit me on my shoulder.
