Blog #1 - Nadif Bracey
The instrument I want to play is a xylophone. This instrument originated in Africa. The xylophone belongs in the percussion family and consists of either wooden or metallic bars of different lengths. These bars are then adhered or tied down to a base that gives enough space to allow the bars to vibrate. These bars are struck by a mallet that can be made out of plastic, wood, or even rubber. This is what gives the instrument its sound because when struck the bar vibrates.
The general shape of a xylophone is a rectangle. To change the not of a xylophone, you have to hit a different note on the xylophone with a mallet. You can alter the sound by altering the density of the individual notes. I've noticed that different dimensions of bars give off different sound. So this can tie end to density and surface area having something to do with what produces certain certain waves. (This is a link that shows a xylophone being played).
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