Blog #4 Moving On From Food
Kleber and I's communication has been lagging a bit due to busy lives and he tends to not answer my questions all the time so we talk about whatever he responds to my emails with. Since it has been a short while since I emailed him from tonight, I've decided to kind of change the direction of our conversation. So after a few weeks of getting to know Kleber a bit, I finally asked him (for the second time) where he's from. He replied by saying Ecuador, so at that moment I decided that I wanted to ask him what is the culture of Ecuador and what is the life of a teen in Ecuador like. Sure my conversation topic could be googled but information is always better when it comes from a person who experiences that particular topic on a daily. I have yet to wait for his response but I'm actually fairly interested as to what he says. Maybe the teenager life is very active with outdoor activities and having fun. Or maybe they don't have much fun because they have to spend their free time assisting their families. Who knows, I can't wait to hear what life inEcuador is like and if it can relate to my life or not.
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