Blog #5 Finalize & Extend

For my final blog post, I wanted to actually contact my representative Dwight Evans. I wanted to see what his plans are to reduce violence in Philly and introduce some of my plans to him. I also wanted to attend one of his events/ try to help him with his attempts to solve the issue. To start this process I wrote and sent an e-mail to him with my ideas:
My ideas included:

•Interventions for teens to educate them about violence and create a way for them to feel safe when they feel in danger of uncomfortable.
•Creating more after school programs for teens rather than just younger children.
•Create another organization similar to Work Ready but make it more accessible so teens can have more job opportunities.

My email was sent but I didn't receive a response. Dwight Evans didn't have any  scheduled events that I was be able to attend before the due date of this assignment.

Here is a photo of the letter that I emailed him: Please Zoom in.
Blog #5
Blog #5
