Blog post #1

My lobby topic that I have chosen is “Anchor Babies.” Anchor babies, are babies that are born from “illegal” immigrants. They are born and known as U.S. citizens, but once they are born, the parents are to leave the country, until the child is 21 years old. Once the child is 21 years old, he/she can apply for a US Visa for their parents. I am lobbying to keep the law that has been put forth.

My motivation for picking this topic, is that I find this law beneficial to the U.S. Each birth in the U.S. increases the U.S. citizen’s tax. This will effect the economy because tax money are usually used for school or fixing the city, but instead they are being put to use by paying for the welfare cost of illegal immigrants. Not only that, but the term “Anchor Babies” are used in a way to say that the only reason why the person having the baby in America, is to use it as an excuse to stay in America. Usually we wouldn’t suspect a women with a baby to be an illegal immigrant, we would just think, “what a cute baby”.
The main supporters of the law, are state legislators that are sick of seeing the tax money going towards babies born from illegal immigrants in their state, than using it to fix up their state’s school systems and supplies.  Also people who agree with the Arizona law supports this law because it will help keep the illegal migration rate down.

The opposing supporters, might be supporters people who see this topic in a personal perspective. Some are mothers and fathers, or even kids who were born here by their illegal immigrant parents.

Some extra information about anchor babies is that, in 2003, at Stockton, California, 70% of 2,300 babies were anchor babies.
