Globalization in Philadelphia
The most challenging thing about this benchmark was connected globalization to Philadelphia. I knew things that I wanted to put up but I didn't know how to write how it did connect to Philadelphia. The easiest part for me was obtaining the images. Most of my images had me in it and others were easy to get since the places wasn't that far from my house. Out of all my pictures, my favorite has to be the one on the society slide. It's a picture of my family(1/8 of them) and I, in the temple praying together as a family.
I think the evidence of globalization in Philadelphia isn't that hard to see if you live in a certain neighborhood. I live in the Khmer community of South Philadelphia, so it was easy to see where my family and my culture has globalized Philadelphia. I can't tell if it's more or less than other countries but I think it's less because my family in California says their Khmer community is bigger than the one here and that people would go all out during News Years.