Blog post 4
Today I emailed PA state representative, Daryl Metcalfe and asked about his views on anchor babies. This is the email I sent to him:
Daryl Metcalfe,
My name is Kristina Chiev and I am a student at Science Leadership Academy, a public high school in Philadelphia. In my America Government class, everyone was given an assignment to pick a topic that interested them the most. I came across "anchor babies" while researching and became very interested in this issue. I've found your name as my state representative and was wondering if you can tell me your stance on the issue of children born from illegal immigrants and their effects on America financially.
Thank you for your time and consideration, I hope to hear from you soon.
Kristina Chiev
And the reply was:
Thank you for your email.
I personally receive and read the communications that are sent to this address.
I appreciate the time that you have taken to contact me.
If your message expresses your view on legislation or a specific policy, please be assured that your input will be considered.
You will be contacted by one of my staff if you have sent a constituent service request or have shared a concern that requires further action by my office.
Serving the 12th District,
Daryl Metcalfe
State Representative
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Then a 2nd reply:
Dear Ms. Chiev,
Representative Metcalfe asked that I e-mail you regarding your interest in researching the anchor baby issue. Please see the below press release sent from his office October 19th.
For additional information and press releases please visit and
If Representative Metcalfe can be of assistance to you in the future with any state-related matter, please do not hesitate to contact his office.
Samantha Clarke, Legislative Assistant
State Representative Daryl Metcalfe
12th Legislative District
At the end of the email, he sent a press conference release document on his opinion of illegal immigrants and I found it very helpful
I think I will email him again soon on the steps of making this aware to others and also how would I effectively present this information to others without starting a fight or arguement
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