Bureaucracy Reflection: Flow Chart for FAFSA
- My partner and I, Amber chose to create a flow chart that displayed the process of completing the FAFSA. FAFSA means Free Application for Federal Student Aid. With completion of the application, eligible students receive federal aid to pay for college. Amber and I decided to identify the main components of the process first. Then, we went into further research to find the step- by- step procedures, and all of the small details that take effect on the process of filling out a FAFSA. We made a rough draft of the steps and continued to edit it until we both agreed on the information and the format of how the information would be displayed. We made our flowchart on a website where we both could work on it at the same time.
The actual FAFSA application is pretty simple as long as you have the information you need. If you are a student with no job, and no source of income, then your section of completing the application is easy. The parents are the ones who may have to calculate yearly income and things like that, but the application doesn't call for too much. It can be completed in one sitting.
If I could change one thing about the FAFSA process, I'd change how it determines the 'Expected Family Contribution'. The application requires student and parents to input tax information and they use that information to determine how much money a person should be able to afford to pay for his college education. I'd change that because in my situation, the tax returns and the amount of my money that my family can actually afford to pay will be two completely different results.
I don't think that FAFSA is entirely complicated, but anything that deals with receiving money from the government wether it's free money or loaned money will not a very simple process. Any process that involves the government will reflect the government, and the government is not simple.
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