Business Reflection Unit

I chose to present my reflection through the form of a power point. Using the format of a ppt. presentation I was able to clearly convey a central topic, and historical events that helped support the overall theme of the presentation. For the observer, I wanted them to be able to be drawn directly to F.D.R, as he had great significance in developing change in the United States, during one of the country's most struggling times. The vivid color (green) was used almost as away to display the hope that F.D.R restored in the United States people. The first page encompasses the most important thing that was created by and under F.D.R's presidency, The New Deal. With the central point being a picture  of an old New Deal flyer, with a brief description of it's primary function. After that in both directions, two pictures follow. One of the CCC or Civilian Conservation Corps. And another that is an advertisement for the Social Security Act. Both were pivotal additions to the United States foundation, and helped the country greatly during the time of the Great Depression.

Going a little deeper than what we learned in class, I believe that F.D.R was/is the greatest example for assessing the role of an individual in creating and sustaining change. If one were to look at F.D.R's case of polio, they could see that the president had to strive to be strong for his people, to give them a hope in themselves. Many things were held into affect even after F.D.R's death, and many presidents should strive to be more like Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the future. His own will and courage propelled F.D.R to lead the U.S through the great depression, becoming one of the most beloved presidents ever known. Not only dead he begin fighting the depression with the New Deal, but he sustained the effects of the New Deal, always putting in hope of the American people.
Winston Wright_F.D.R Change_Water Stream
