Winston Wright Public Feed
Rodrigo: A Kid with a Dream
Click HERE for the video.
Exoplanets: Teaching kids about Space! - Winston Wright Capstone
The mini-courses were comprised of both lectures and power-point presentations, with open discussion being the majority of the presentation. Each quarter we turned in a lesson plan to our advisor to show our topic for a certain week. Inquiry and research stem from us looking at real data from missions of the Apollo program, for example or us tracking the status of yet to be determined exoplanets by the Hubble or Kepler telescopes. Collaboration came directly from our interaction with each other and how we choose to present/teach each mini-course lesson. We also took suggestions on what topics want to be discussed the most. Presentation and reflection will both be prevalent in our end of the year presentation via keynote or powerpoint.
Annotated Bibliography
1) (image)
Cook, Lynette. earth-like-planet. 2012., Ca . Web. 30 Jan 2013. < >.
This image helps depict the concept of exoplanets in other solar systems. In the Gliese 581 solar system there are planets that have the potential of being habitable planets. This helps explain the significance of exoplanets and how they can shape our future. Another important fact is that it illustrates the similarities between the artist depicted Gliese 581 planet and Earth. A blue ocean with green land masses. Most people think of Earth from an outside view as a blue sphere with green spots on them. Not all habitable planets have to/will look like Earth, but it would be easier for humans to adjust if the planet was Earthlike.
Barlowe, Wayne, writ. Alien Planet. 2005. Web. 30 Jan 2013. < >.
Alien Planet is a documentary that brilliantly explains the science behind an exoplanet. It actually is pretty futuristic especially with the artificial probes that explore a planet called Darwin IV. It really displays the biological sciences behind a different planetary system. In contrast it also helps paint a picture of how an entire solar system would have to be in order to become another Earth.
Gliese 581. 2011. Herschel Space Observatory, Cardiff. Web. 30 Jan 2013. <>.
This is an image of compiled data that has been used to make graphic of what Gliese 581 would actually look like as a solar system. It is used in my presentation to compare with the Alpha Centauri system. Gliese 581 is much different from Alpha Centauri and our own solar system because of the large amount of dust that orbits the star. These will be the two star systems that will be used for my part of the minicourse.
Calçada, . Discovery! Earth-Size Alien Planet at Alpha Centauri is Closest Ever Seen. 2012., Lisbon. Web. 30 Jan 2013. < >.
This Image that shows an artists depiction and an enhanced image of the star Alpha Centauri. However, this doesn’t show the fact that Alpha Centauri is a binary star system. I will elaborate on this during my mini course week because the students will be split between two groups Gliese 581 and Alpha Centauri. They will have to research facts on the two star systems and which one would be better to send our first probe to. This image helps compare some of the physical differences between Alpha Centauri and Gliese 581.
The Radial Velocity Method . 2007. ESO , La Silla, Chile . Web. 1 Feb 2013. <>.
This image helps explain the radial velocity method that is used to detect exoplanets by astronomers. The image shows the normal light that is given off by a distant star and then the light given off by a star if it was being orbited by a planet. The orbit of the planet tugs at the star making the velocity of the star dip. Astronomers can tell that the velocity is changing periodically because the light of the star will appear blue when the orbit of the planet causes the star to go further and red when the pull of the planet causes the star to shift backwards. The image pretty much shows the doppler effect in contrast to stars and their orbiting planets.
Berry , Dana. White Dwarf Star Spiral . 2008. NASAWeb. 1 Feb 2013. <>.
This is a more common example of a white dwarf binary star system. I’m using this image in order to explain specifically what a binary star system is and how it is important for the study of exoplanets. White dwarf binary star systems are really no use to astronomers and space explorers because they have no relevance to colonizing planets.
"EANA: ESA Exobiology." EANA: ESA Exobiology. European Astrobiology Network Association, n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2013. <>.The ESA (Europe Space Agency) gives an introduction into what Exobiology does and what required knowledge there is to know about exobiology, beyond the word "biology". Utilizing many different ways to backtrack or unveil possible extinct life forms from other planets.
Hanger , Scott. "The Future of American Spaceflight." Tulsa : 2012. <>.
This source depicts the evolution of spaceflight technology and how it will be in the future. It was created in 2009 and was last updated in 2012.
Scalice, Daniella . "Life in The Universe." NASA (2012): n.pag. NASA Astrobiology. Web. 1 Feb 2013. <>.
This shows how the different color of exoplanets can lead to scientist discovering facts about the material content of the planets atmosphere.
"Topic:Exobiology." - Wikiversity. Wikipedia, 30 June 2012. Web. 31 Jan. 2013. <>.Astrobiology is an idea that's currently in the process. Scientist around the world believe that life is or was present in millions of other planets, however through all of the extensive searching, there's only been few evidence of extra-terrestrial life out there. It's more probable to find remnants of them here on earth still awaiting to be discovered.
"Exobiology: The Search for Life on Mars." Exobiology: The Search of Life on Mars. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2013. <>.Exobiologist looking for answers on how life came to be on Earth. With the belief that it all started with chemical compound on our planet at its infancy that led to self replication. However that being 4.5 billion years in the making, most of the evidence has been wiped away by erosion, therefore looking into Mars for possible evidence, a planet with a thin atmosphere and has suffered less extreme deformation to its surface.Exoplanets: Teaching kids about Space! - Winston Wright Capstone
The mini-courses were comprised of both lectures and power-point presentations, with open discussion being the majority of the presentation. Each quarter we turned in a lesson plan to our advisor to show our topic for a certain week. Inquiry and research stem from us looking at real data from missions of the Apollo program, for example or us tracking the status of yet to be determined exoplanets by the Hubble or Kepler telescopes. Collaboration came directly from our interaction with each other and how we choose to present/teach each mini-course lesson. We also took suggestions on what topics want to be discussed the most. Presentation and reflection will both be prevalent in our end of the year presentation via keynote or powerpoint.
Sing About Me - Winston Wright (Digital Storytelling)
This video/song tells the story of a person I knew very well at one point and the persons experiences with friendship. Please pay attention the lyrics. The video is set up as me leaving a voice mail on the persons phone.
If you cannot view the embed video please click here.
Philly Love Note - Winston
Favorite Spot: North Philly (in general), Center City
About Me: 17 year old senior high school student
Current Home: Northwest
Years in Philly: 3
Dear Philly,
I've been to a few places in my brief lifetime. I was born into a pacific northwest chill where the "inner city" never really existed. On the way home from school I could look out the window and see Mt.Saint Helens to my left and the Space Needle to my right. I knew Seattle as my home for eight years and for awhile I always thought that who I was as a kid had a lot to do with where I was from. Later on in life my family found ourselves in Nashville, Tennessee, the Athens of the South. It was a lot different being in the bible belt where football and god were king. It was difficult but soon enough I found that cows to my left and fields of hay to my right were just as enjoyable as the Space Needle and Mt.Saint Helens. I came back to you to finish out high school while staying in the city with my dad. Although since I've been here I have missed the peaceful ease of the south and the chill breeze of the west, there is a balance that makes me feel right at home. In a city like you, reality is everywhere. No matter what "good" block, or section of the city I find myself in, I realize the concrete jungle is a real place. Before I came to this city I really only knew the east coast as a harsh place where people took trains to get everywhere. Taking the broad street line home everyday has been therapeutic for me. I have a chance to just reflect on life and all of things I've seen in a day. I wouldn't trade my time in Philly for anything else. Despite the absence of ocean views or southern lights, I'm happy to call the concrete jungle my home.
Playing with Strings!
Click here to a dropbox link of my presentation (pdf format)
Foundation and Earth ~ Summer Reading Reccomendation
Los Derechos Humanos en Romero
Winston Wright- Q4 - What If?
German civil engineer Konrad Zuse, created a series of the worlds first programmable computers called the Z1, Z2, and Z3. His invention was critical in the world of computers. Possibly without his contribution he would have never built a programmable computer, delaying the current technological society we live in. The reason he even came to invent the computer was because he was working for Hitlers Nazi regime in Germany. He was experiencing with calculators, punch-tape computers, etc. and ended up making the Z series. In history, I have changed the fact that he ever worked for the Nazi regime at all. Before he was called up to service the party, he was working in aviation. Surely Konrad would have invented things that were beneficial to the progression of aviation in society. Because he was never called up to service, the programmable computers birth was delayed, also making personal computing in the later 20th century, a very controversial topic. In reality, by the 1960s people were already doing amazing things with the peripheral machines, and computers were also being used greatly for military. But this was because the idea of programming your own computer was commonplace. Without Konrad Zuse, the military were dominant and restricted certain civilian use of computers. We still see the companies like MITS, Apple, and Microsoft try to push the personal computer experience. When I mention the "computational revolution" I am talking about the fight between the military and commercial use of computers.
Vivan Las Mariposas - Heather & Winstinho
Reseña (Heather)
En El Tiempo De Las Mariposas” sobre la vida de las hermanas Mirabal en la República Dominicana. Las hermanas vivieron durante el tiempo de Trujillo. Durante el régimen de Trujillo, muchas personas a quienes Trujillo vio como amenazas desacar de militaría de Trujillo y nunca volvieron. En la primera parte de película, Minerva, una de hermana, apoyaba Trujillo. Pero cuando una ella que Minerva tuvo un amistad con, dije a Minerva que Trujillo mató sus padre y tíos y abuelo, Minerva cambió su opinión sobre la régimen de Trujillo. Minerva conoció Leo y fue aliada con los otros revolucionarios. Minerva y sus hermanas lucharon a derrocar Trujillo. Durante la película, la tensión entre Minerva y su familia y Trujillo crecía. Minerva y sus hermanas necesitaron como la realidad que el comportamiento contra Trujillo sería castigado. Las hermanas Mirabel necesitaron participar en la revolución contra el Jefe abusivo pero ha prevenido su familia de estado castigado. En el fin de película la militaría de Trujillo pegó las hermanas a morir, pero sus mensaje se queda con las personas de República Dominicana. „En El Tiempo De Las Mariposas” las hermanas Mirabal cambiaban la país porque ellas no hicieron la vista gorda y se enfrentaban la crueldad de Trujillo y luchaban para las personas de República Dominicana.
Desde mi punto de vista, la película „En El Tiempo De Las Mariposas” es un cuento real sobre la valentía que las hermanas Mirabal tuvieron. Pienso que el cuento es muy importante decir porque es la historia de República Dominicana. Para mi los actores hicieron un trabajo bueno que representaron el tema y las hermanas Mirabal. Salma Hayek representó Minerva con la valentía y determinación que Minerva tuvo. Edward James Olmos representó Trujillo con la preocupante crueldad y manipulativo comportamiento que Trujillo tuve. El escrito convenció representar el tema de la realidad en la sociedad de la República Dominicana porque la régimen de Trujillo. Mariano Barroso dirigió la película y el cuento con las emociones del tiempo y conflicto. Para mi, no pienso que la película podría ser mejor. El guión tiene los elementos muy importante decir el cuento de Las Mariposas y los actores representaron los personajes real muy bien. Aunque la historia de Las Mariposas y la República Dominicana son triste, lo mas importante es que esto se dijo.
La Reseña(Winstinho)
La película “En el tiempo de Las Mariposas” se trata de las hermanas Mirabales y sus vidas en La República Dominica durante el régimen de Trujillo. Una mujer, Minerva Mirabal, no pudo hacer la vista gorda a las muertes que estaban pasando en su país. Personalmente, la película era horrible especialmente la actuación. No pude entender porque no hablaron español en esta película. Es loco que todos los actores sean latino, pero todos hablaron inglés. Los actores debieron de ser norteamericanos o otras personas que hablan ingles natural. ¿Que es la punta de Marc Anthony hablando ingles? Porque esto, era muy difícil para mí y suspender la incredulidad. Espero que esta película era mejor, porque la tema era muy profundo. Trujillo era racista contra los haitianos, y la populación de haitianos en Hispañola en todo disminución. Este era dijo una vez en la película. Aprendemos sobre El Parsley Masacre en clase, pero El Parsley Masacre no existió en la película. Esta película podría ser utilizado para luchar contra el racismo en América Latina y el mundo.
- Pastures-Ahmad Jamal
- Farewell-Alan Menken
- I’ll Make A Man Out Of You
- Nocturne No. 2 in E Flat, op. 9,2-Chopin
- The Breaking of the Fellowship-Howard Shore
- Helicopter-Bloc Party
- The Might of Rome-Lyndhurst Orchestra
- Coming Back To Life-Pink Floyd
- I’m Free-Soup Dragon
- Theme from Beyond Rangoon
The Future of the American Dream- Winston & Kim
¡Venga a Peru! por Julian y Winstinho
Genetics- Ruben Burenstein and Winston Wright
Genetics explains why we are the way we are. It explains how our parents effect our lives, and the traits that we inherit, and generally how our body works. Genetics also explains what can effect our lives, for example how our environment changes how we act or look. It could impact our future greatly, depending on what happens with cloning. Cloning people could provide endless organs, which would save a lot of lives but it is very controversial whether this is morally correct to do or not.
We have both a creative source of information, and a traditional presentation format. Please enjoy both, and happy PSSA testing!Maltrato Infantil Sí se va! Por Winston Wright
Love Canal Infographic - Stephen Holts, Ryan Harris, Winston Wright
- Our collaboration and process went well, as we all collaborated to present different data in the inforgraphic. It was also very easy to decide on how we were going to present the information. There were really no conflicts with any of the group members.
~I do believe that our infographic is an effective one. It shows all of the horrible things that happened to real people because fo the disaster.
What did not?
- Our infographic could have had a better design, our picture got across but we could have expand the infographic with additional picture and text.
~One thing I think we should have done better was include more information about the destruction. We focused more on the things that happened to the people, but some information about the disaster probably would have made this better.
What would you do differently next time?
- Try to focus on a different aspect of the Love Canal Accident.
~Include some information about

Clash of Cultures
¡Soy una Chavista!- por Winstinho
Antes de la unidad sobre Hugo Chavez y Venezuela pensé solo cosas negetivas sobre Presidente Chavez. No sé por qué, porque mis padres se gustan Chavez muy mucho. Pensé que el era un dictador de un pais pequeña en America del Sur. Los politicos en Venezuela, no sé sobre al primero, pero petroleo es muy importante para Los Estados Unidos e para el mundo.
Durante la unidad de Presidente Chávez aprendé mucho sobre él y las qualidades positivas el tienen. Él le gusta poder, mucho poder. . . pero su creencias sobre las problemas grandes en el mundo estan magnifíca. Él es feliz de su pais, y creé que el poder de Latinos Americanos es grandismo en numeros. Cuando él llamdo Presidente Bush "Él Diablo" el ayuda gentes de Louisíana depués de Katrína.
¡CLARO! Soy una chavista siempre. Si los gentes de Los Estados Unidos tienen un Presidente como Presidente Chavez, este pais seria mucho mejor. Presidente Chávez es un hombre de Amor, Respeto, y Orgullo. No estoy de acuerdo con todo el dice, pero Hugo Chávez es un Presidente de los gentes. *Muchos gentes que apoyan Presidente Chávez son que de La Clase Obrera.
Seis Palabras. . . "¡Uh. . . Ah . . . Chávez no se va!"
¡Soy Chavista! - ¡Winstinho!
Antes de la unidad sobre Hugo Chavez y Venezuela pensé solo cosas negetivas sobre Presidente Chavez. No sé por qué, porque mis padres se gustan Chavez muy mucho. Pensé que el era un dictador de un pais pequeña en America del Sur. Los politicos en Venezuela, no sé sobre al primero, pero petroleo es muy importante para Los Estados Unidos e para el mundo.
Durante la unidad de Presidente Chávez aprendé mucho sobre él y las qualidades positivas el tienen. Él le gusta poder, mucho poder. . . pero su creencias sobre las problemas grandes en el mundo estan magnifíca. Él es feliz de su pais, y creé que el poder de Latinos Americanos es grandismo en numeros. Cuando él llamdo Presidente Bush "Él Diablo" el ayuda gentes de Louisíana depués de Katrína.
¡CLARO! Soy una chavista siempre. Si los gentes de Los Estados Unidos tienen un Presidente como Presidente Chavez, este pais seria mucho mejor. Presidente Chávez es un hombre de Amor, Respeto, y Orgullo. No estoy de acuerdo con todo el dice, pero Hugo Chávez es un Presidente de los gentes. *Muchos gentes que apoyan Presidente Chávez son que de La Clase Obrera.
Sies Palabras. . . "¡Uh. . . Ah . . . Chávez no se va!"
Tira Cómica de Hugo Chavez
María Luisa Infante. . . Niño Geopolítico Observando el Nacimiento del Hombre Nuevo
Business Reflection Unit
Going a little deeper than what we learned in class, I believe that F.D.R was/is the greatest example for assessing the role of an individual in creating and sustaining change. If one were to look at F.D.R's case of polio, they could see that the president had to strive to be strong for his people, to give them a hope in themselves. Many things were held into affect even after F.D.R's death, and many presidents should strive to be more like Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the future. His own will and courage propelled F.D.R to lead the U.S through the great depression, becoming one of the most beloved presidents ever known. Not only dead he begin fighting the depression with the New Deal, but he sustained the effects of the New Deal, always putting in hope of the American people.
"Jangwa" - Winston Wright
Note to Reader:
As of now if you are reading this it probably means I have been inspired by something that will play an imperative role to the main purpose of this piece. It is Monday, January 2nd, 2012, 1:20 AM. I still have not started my pre-calculus benchmark and I am catching a flight to Philadelphia tonight. It has come to my understanding that I should be very grateful for the age of humanity I was brought up in. Sometimes, it is difficult for me to think of my life as interactions between humans (a.k.a humanity). I realized at an earlier aged I didn’t ever want to be in the presence of most of my peers. Being a twelve year old saying you do not like people sounds extremely sick in a humane sense. I now understand that Humanity has evolved from what it used to be. At one point I get tired of the microwave society I have fell accustomed to. I used to think that technology was the evil of all evils but it came to my realization that it is not technology itself, but mankind’s manipulation of technology. We live in an age where we are holding our planet hostage, and waging war among each other in every aspect using the Earth’s womb as a battlefield. As a human being, it is my understanding that my life is no different from anyone else’s. We are all apart of a global/cosmic consciousness. But right now we are not willing to channel humanity’s greatness for the greater good of humanity. I do not want to ramble, but I like to think of Earth right now as a radioactive barren wasteland, once home to a great kingdom. In closing it is up to myself, you, as well as the rest of humanity to restore that great kingdom to its once awesome existence.
To Mother
Ad Astra.
Chapter 1
“Heima’s Dream”
We had skies that allowed the veins of our bodies to run free, opposed to the sky that suffocates us now like a plastic bag over our heads. Our ground was covered in the nerve endings of Terra Madre and as we marched with our companions she responded in a plentiful abundance of life.
What happened as of now? Why must we live in such an isolated dessert? Was the entire world like this?
Why of course not my young darling. There were cities of Gold, Platinum, and Silver. Mega metropolises that ruled the highest points of the sky acting as receptors to the beams of sun and moonlight. But we must not speak of the past anymore.
But why not Babu? I dream of a time where I could see birds flying, the beast racing along the stone, the days of night, when man became alive. I’d give anything to see the things that you saw, to breathe the air you breathed…
You mustn’t talk about such silly dreams. You will never see nor want to see the things that I witnessed. At the time of my existence, life may have seemed well, but I and everyone around me were only contributing to the downfall of mankind.
But Babu I want to know of the marvelous things man could achieve. It could have only been better back then… Some say that the end of the world is upon us, but I think we are living in the end of the world. Life doesn’t seem natural. I only know of the same blistering sun, and the redundant seas of sand that go on until the edge of the world. What more can be out there? There has to be something more to life.
The current year is 2035 and contrary to beliefs, the beginning of the end of humanity has not come because of nuclear welfare. Humanity has been in an unstable period of changes as if a pandemic of death has spread across the world. But not death in the way that most of us would think of it, but death in progression of human thought.
Oya! Heima, come play some ball with me. We wont have this sun forever.
What may he mean by that? The sun is the object that makes man suffer for human’s mistreatment upon the heavens. At least according to Nabi…
Heima come over and play ball!
You must be patient little boy. I am too old to be playing ball with you. Don’t you have anything better to do in life?
Better? Life? Ball is my life. Now please play.
All right little boy… But we must not be late for supper, shall Mamai notice we will be in trouble. How can he only have ball, as is life? Do we, the misfortunate descendants of human beings have nothing but finite things such as ball to live for?
The new place of Earth is now called Terra Madre by its inhabitants and by the heretics Jangwa. Many have came to believe that the Earth is now a desolate planet nowhere near the possibility of being apart of the galactic consciousness called the milky way. Not many humans no anything of the realm outside of the planet. Life’s everlasting redundancy has taken a toll on humanity. Because of the early humans of the 21st century pursuit in warfare, the infighting was taken to a cosmic level. The sun is always in the sky, and the oceans have turned to sand. And just for the reader of this journal to know, Jangwa is not referring to the physical state of the world…
Los Reflexiones de Unidad- Ubicado en La Iglesia de Jesus de Arroyos Blancos 4022 Whites Creek Pike
Driver's Education Public Service Announcement: Ruben Burenstien & Winston Wright
Celebración de Poesía por Parris Stancell
Mar Adentro- La Vida de Ramon Sampredo
I) Sinopsis
En mil novecientos noventa y ocho , un hombre por el nombre de Ramón Sampedro quitarse la vida. La película Mar Adentro se trata de la vida de Ramón y los controvertidos ideas sobre que La Eutanasia. Cuando Ramón tenía veinte cinco años, el tuvo un accidente. Después de su accidente el se hizo un tetraplegíco, su familia tuvieron apoyar sus. La película es muy profunda y tienen muchas cosas que están problemática en sociedad. Porqué Ramón pensó que su vida era horrible el quiere quitarse la vida. Pero en España (el país de la película) La Eutanasia es ilegal. Ramón cre que todos las personas haciendolo sufrir estaban en contra de sus creencias. Esta película es muy emocíonal y muestra que vida es mucho mas complejo que pensamos. Los seres queridos de Ramón tienen significos partes en la película. La película es magnifica y simbolica para vida, muerte, y lo que hacemos con nuestro tiempo.
En Mar Adentro las preguntas están sobre que mas que eutanasia, pero una persona derecho a muerte. Si vida es un derecho natural, muerte debes ser también. En este mundo muchas paises pensan que eutanasia es mal para vida, y humanidades. La iglesia tambien piensan que eutanasia es inmoral para vida. Ramón Sampedro dije que el quere terminar su vida con dignidad. Las personas de la iglesia (como el cura en la película) piensan que vida es mas que fisical, y no quieren Ramón quitarse la vida. No solo en la película pero hay estan muchos situatciones cuando un niño o bebe tienen un condicion de muerte. Si un niño tiene sufrir, La Eutanasia debe legal. No soló en la película pero hay estan muchos situatciones cuando un niño o bebe tienen un condicion de muerte. Si un niño tiene sufrir, La Eutanasia debe legal.
Para mi yo pienso que una personsa debe quitarse la vida si ustedes quieren. En nuestro vidas tenemos oportunidades para felicidad. Cuando malas cosas paso en una personas vida (como parálisis, cáncer o otros cosas) ellos deben tener opurtunidad a quitarse la vida. Es solo natural. Muerte es lo mismo a muerte a vida. Para mi tenemos experiencias en vida, en muerte tenemos nada por lo tanto, están igual. La Eutanasia debe legal en todas partes del mundo. Es inhumano que La Eutanasia es no normal en nuestros ojos.
Finalmente, la película Mar Adentro era muy bien y es mi segundo película favorita de español proximo a Como Agua para Chocolate. Javier Bardem era magnifico, me encanta cómo el habla en español. Sin embargo mi favorita carácter era Rosa (yo pense que ella era muy bonita y cómica). Yo recomiendo este película para alguien quien necesita buscar para el definición de vida.
La Muerte de Pedro (vida es un gran chiste)
El Rey de Carne
Q1 Benchmark Reflection - Winston Wright
Somethings that we knew were important to our project is the appeal of our audience. We knew that since our over all goal was trying to change the 26th amendment, we would need to have material that catered to the younger people of America. Therefore in our papers, and our visual ads, we tried to use things that would both appeal to the younger and older portion of youth. I wrote the position paper, Ryan wrote the rebuttal, Paige created the Print Ad, and Jakobi made the video. I can say that each individual role really showed in our project, in a positive way. In some way each individually assigned aspect of the project correlated with one another, and I think that shows the impact we all had on each other's work. My understanding of the election process in this country, and overall democracy, has recessed. You can write about something you might not necessarily care about, but when you start to actually reflect on that topic you get a better appreciation for it. In this case I am talking about youth voting. In this time in america, it is imperative that everyone be heard, everyone, including the youth. Again, I think that our group took a simple enough approach that anyone/everyone in our demographic could understand what we were trying to convey. Although most of the thoughts of the individuals being interviewed in our PSA were about the same, there was one conflicting idea. One person stated that they wouldn't feel sure enough that they knew what they were doing to vote. They simply thought that they weren't experienced enough as a citizen to make a conscious decision about something that needed to be changed. Overall I would say that we certainly appealed in a smooth convincing way, without using any material that would be to difficult for anyone to understand.
Position Paper Let Us Vote
Position Paper - Winston Wright.
One problem in American society today is that the opinion of young minds are truly undervalued. Interestingly enough it is experiences as young children that help mold mature adults, making decisions that will affect the rest of their lives as adults. In the United States Constitution, the 26th amendment states that persons of eighteen (18) years of age or higher are pretty much allowed to vote. Now the age eighteen in the U.S is the age that citizens are branded “Adult.” Being dependent upon themselves and no one else. Many politicians across the country put on a “front” like education comes first. The motto is that we (as in adults in the United States) need to help the future generation figure out a way to effectively lead themselves. “By educating young people, they will be able to make the same successful choices that past Americans have made, resulting in a continuous Utopia!” Still when presented with some of the liberty that few have, young people do not vote compared to other demographic groups in the U.S. The voting age should be changed. If we are the future, Let Us Vote! It is a generalization that most young adults/teenagers are lazy, or unfocused. Despite the fact that this is true in many cases there is a percentage of young people in this country who want change for their own future. Now today there are many programs/associations that promote youth leadership, and assist young people in helping the world. In only makes sense, to give the responsibility to those who are working so hard towards the future. Sixteen (16) is the perfect age to begin to vote. Young adults are usually in the 10th/11th grade during this time in their lives, and are just discovering their own intellectual interest. By the time they become eighteen they have applied to college, obtained the right to drive, other things that come along with being an adult. Most 16 years old are prepared to take on the world, prepping themselves to become adults, functioning members of society. Negative imagery can commonly be associated with young adults in the United States from drugs, violence and other types of reckless behavior. It is only in making becoming more older more appealing will the actions start to change. The only thing 16 year olds have forward to look to in most part of this country is their permit. This must change. When granted the privilege to vote, young people will have a better understanding of how and what is going on in the country. In addition to this, it would only make sense to grant the privilege of voting among young people. So many transitions are happening in their lives, as most are finishing some type of academic career. In the U.S there are many problems with education, and certainly putting the young people in the battle will help form solutions. It is a challenge to say that every single citizen of the union, should be granted the right to vote, but limiting the parameters of the freedom to vote to a certain demographic, defies the purpose of America. This is a place of progression, change, and liberty, therefore it’s future shall be endowed/dependent upon the children it births. The experience of life in America is a significant one, and all participants should be have a say in how they live their life. Lowering the voting age to sixteen (16) will give more responsibility to young people of the country. One of the biggest benefits from lowering the voting age will not only be a wider audience to appeal to, but it will encourage more of the older voters in the demographic to vote. Political, Economical, and Social consciousness can be built from the change of this amendment. A positive uprising will be the most beneficial result from change. It is because the youth are looked down upon in regards to responsibility that they act out. Compared to other nations of the world, the United States has system of the older a citizen gets, the more valuable they are to society. Everyone has a thought of value, and everyone posses the ability to contribute in a positive way. These natural rights should never be taken away no matter age, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.
Works Cited
Baker, Marge. "On Capitol: Student Voting Rights." youngpeoplefor. Blogger, 9/28/09. Web. 4 Nov. 2011. . "Disenfranchising Young People." feministsforchioce. 3/18/11. Web. 4 Nov. 2011. .
Election Day Interview- Citizenship HW
Miller School
4300 Westminster Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19104,
Voting District: PHILADELPHIA WD 06 PCT 10
First Interviewee:
1. What motivated you to come out and vote?
- Change for the better.
2.Do you vote in every election?
- Yes.
3.Do you know why we vote on tuesday?
- No.
4. What impact will your vote have?
- Change for the future.
Second Interviewee:
Rd. Bell
1. What motivated you to come out and vote?
- My personal upbringing.
2. Do you vote in every election?
- Yes.
3. Do you know why we vote on tuesday?
- No.
4. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?
- Economical change.
Third Interviewee:
1. What motivated you to come out and vote?
- Civil engagement.
2. Do you vote in every election?
- Mayor election only.
3. Do you know why we vote on tuesday?
- No.
4. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?
- More educational funding.
Fourth Interviewee
1.What motivated you to come out and vote?
- The mayor. He represents our voice, and has a place voicing Philadelphians in government.
2. Do you vote in every election?
- Yes.
3. Do you know why we vote on Tuesday?
- That's a good question! 1845, Congress,Americans shall vote on Tuesday/Wednesday of November?
4. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?
- Property Taxes go down.
La Pantera en mi Vida- Winstiho Obrero
Soy una persona muy graciosa y sarcástica. A mi me gustan las ciencias(físicas) y el fútbol, porque estas cosas son muy importante en mi vida. Soy de Seattle, Washington pero hace 4 años que vivo en Filadelfia y Nashville por dos años. Ahora, vivo en Filadelfia. Una cosa que es muy importante en mi vida es mi relación con mi madre. Mi madre me inspira por todos cosas bueno. Es muy interesante que muchas personas piensan que yo soy muy fuerte porque mi características físicas, pero no soy fuerte o atlético. Valoro el mundo . La planeta de Earth es muy importe por todas personas en vida! Soy una persona que es generosa y gracioso. Muchas cosas me influye en mi vida pero el mas importante es mi relacion con mi madre. Yo nací en el trece de septiembre en 1995. Mi vida en Seattle era muy diferente que todos lugares yo vivé. Yo me gusta mi vida, mi familia, y las personas yo conozco. Pienso que es muy importante que yo tengo amigos, y compañeros por escuela. ¡Los relaciones ayuda personas en el mundo están alegre!
Yo me gusta musica, Yo siempre me gusta musica. Cuando yo era niño mi madre y yo, escuchabamos a Bob Marley, Pape Fall, y todos tipos de Salsa Africano. Yo se como tocar la guitarra. a mi me gusta Reggae, Salsa, Electrónica, y mas tipos de musica. Los deportes que a mi gustan son el Fútbol, y basquetbol. Juego Fútbol mucho, todos los dias, con mi equipo de escuela. Fútbol es un bien deporte para el mundo, y cuando yo juego fútbol yo soy muy alegre. Mi vida es bueno, y yo me gusta el tiempo tengo a vivo. Animales de África es muy interesantes. Leopardos, y tigres es mi favorita. Yo veo documentarios en youtube en los fin de semana por los gatos. Yo quiero visitar África un dia con my esposa y niños. Yo como mucho. Todos tipos de comida, pero muchas comidas yo me gusta es de México. Cuando soy un niño , mi madre hacio frijoles y arroz con tortilla y carne. Me gusta vivir una vida cultural, con un montón de influencias. Muchas informacíon pueden saber por me, de mi hermana menor. Sus nombre es Wisdom (sabiduría), y ella tiene dos años menos que yo. Tenemos muchas experiencias cuando nosotros éramos niños. Yo me amo mi hermana mucho, y quiero que vaya el mismo universidad con me. En Nashville, mi vida era muy difícil porque las personas en Estados Unidos sur. Tengo un persona que era muy diferente que la mayoría de chicos. Todos personas piensaron que yo soy muy extraño. Escuela era horrible, yo no me gusta las personas en Nashville. Pero con mi familia y mi perro Bella es un lugar bello. Creo que lo mejor es que el fútbol es un deporte de amistad y de la competencia. Sólo hace un año que juego, creo que puedo ser realmente bueno.
Immigration Visualization Project
username: msanders123
password: yogurt123
For American History we had to analyze and interpret different graphs that represented the population increase correlating to immigration. Interestingly enough, it seemed that inhabitants of this world would come to America even in its worst time of peril. I would say that the population/immigration wouldn't increase and probably stay at a steady rate. With the constant fighting between congress, the economy, and the revival of the judgmental American I cannot imagine an influx of people migrating to the U.S.
Originally, we had planned to create a video representing immigration and population in a super creative way. But nevertheless we decided to stick to the normal criteria of a visual project. The first picture is a picture of my original work, the second is the group presentation. Nothing was challenging besides effective communication between the group members. Honestly to do this over, I would have done the video if more time was allotted. It would have been a nice addition to this blog post. The most difficult task was having creativity while trying to make a decent mathematical/visual representation of the information given to us.
Where I'm From
I am from "Next time on Dragonball Z,"
from top ramen and hot dogs.
I am from training wheels until I was 9,
from melancholy Seattle weather.
I am from waking up at six only to go back to sleep at seven.
I am from reading Marcel Proust,
from practicing penmanship.
I am from "LET THEM EAT CAKE",
from venica por favor.
I am from treat others as you want to be treated, and what goes in must come out.
I am from tuna casserole,
from tandoori salmon.
I am from putting pearls in my little sisters ear.
I am from reading, playing , and loving life.
I am from the science of mind to who cares about religion.
I am from Goku can beat Batman
from are you from Great Britain.
I am from winning my first gym badge,
from losing to the elite four.
I am from space jam, who framed roger rabbit,
from catdog and keenan and kel.
I am from Gandhi Speaks, and Jesus walks,
I am from “Winston Why Do You Always Talk?”
" How Religion Affects the High-school Experience " by Winston Wright
Winston W. Wright
What Happens in the Sandbox, Should Stay in the Sandbox?
What happens in the Sandbox, Stays in the Sandbox?
Winston W. Wright
Science Leadership Academy
January 4th, 2011
As a child,
adults constantly told me
" A hard
head makes a soft ass."
“ Stay in a
child’s place.”
“ Don’t you have
some sandbox to get dirty in? “
“ The only thing
bigger than your forehead … is your mouth. “
I never understood these common phrases
until; in the 4th grade I received a 75% on a project about my original origins.
We were studying the cultural differences in the different regions of America. I,
being from the Pacific Northwest did a paper on Seattle, Washington. According
to my teacher, there was no such thing as the Pacific Northwest, and I was very
confused because everyone I knew recognized it as that. I told her it was common
sense to any intelligent person, and under any circumstances I should have
received an A on the project. The next day she singled me out in class, saying
I imagined a place in America and lowered the class average. I was baffled, and
when I told my parents they were furious.
How dare this woman, tell our son that where he is from is not real? “
“ Ben, it is sad that adults feel inferior to a 4th
Indeed, honey, indeed.”
At the time I was not conscious of what was going on, and that is when the first observation of society entered my mind. Language was something that I never paid much attention to, and never changed the way I talked in front of anyone. Now my mother used to tell me to watch the way I talk to people, because I talk so smart. Myself being a little kid, I used to think,
“ If I talk smart, what is the problem here people ? “
It had seemed my 4th grade world history teacher, was offended and rightfully so. Only she had accused me of being a rude child, and exaggerated on how I contradict the history lessons we learn, and claiming I made it hard for other children to progress, due to my immature language and nature. This put me in an awkward position because I felt, conscious of what I was doing. You can put your own connotation on a word, without even describing it. It is easy to let the way you speak, leave impressions on other people. Whether it is adults, people from different ethnic groups, or even the Social Economic chain. They rhythm, tone, pitch, articulation, and resonance, can change the outcomes of many situations in ones life. Now seeing this, I realized that language would be the bridge that I can walk on to the road of success. It is not the extended vocabulary that one has, or the dictation, but it is the power of words, and how they are used to make a life lasting impression. Thus, one word can express over 1 million different emotions, and can affect people in any type of way. Here are some interesting quotes from Winston Churchill, which can easily be related to language.
Eating words has never
given me indigestion.
Winston Churchill
Ending a sentence with a preposition is
something up with which I will not put.
Winston Churchill