Election Day Interview- Citizenship HW

​First off, I would like to say that I am not the most patriotic person towards America nor am I enthusiastic about anything having to due with the government or politics. My background is far from traditional in this country. It was not to my surprise when my parents where skeptical of me interviewing adults on their beliefs of voting. But nevertheless this is how my interviews went.

Miller School
4300 Westminster Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19104, 
Voting District: PHILADELPHIA WD 06 PCT 10

First Interviewee:
1. What motivated you to come out and vote?
- Change for the better.      
2.Do you vote in every election?
- Yes.

3.Do you know why we vote on tuesday?
- No.
4. What impact will your vote have? 
- Change for the future.

Second Interviewee:
Rd. Bell
1. What motivated you to come out and vote?
 - My personal upbringing.  
2. Do you vote in every election?
- Yes. 
3. Do you know why we vote on tuesday?
- No. 
4. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election? 
- Economical change. 

Third Interviewee: 
1. What motivated you to come out and vote? 
- Civil engagement. 
2. Do you vote in every election? 
- Mayor election only. 
3. Do you know why we vote on tuesday? 
- No. 
4. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election? 
- More educational funding. 

Fourth Interviewee 
1.What motivated you to come out and vote? 
- The mayor. He represents our voice, and has a place voicing Philadelphians in government.  
2. Do you vote in every election? 
- Yes. 
3. Do you know why we vote on Tuesday? 
- That's a good question! 1845, Congress,Americans shall vote on  Tuesday/Wednesday of November?  
4. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election? 
- Property Taxes go down. 
