Playing with Strings!

​During the 4th quarter in our Physics class we were assigned to do a 10% time project. This project would be one where we would dedicate "10%" of our time on doing something physics related or something that related to science in general. I chose to make a presentation on my understanding of the hot topic in cosmology and theoretical physics, String Theory. I was inspired after watching a lecture from Brian Greene, a physicist, who explained why our universe is "fined tuned for life." I concluded from his answers that we have lives to live all thanks to our strings! My process was a bit simple, as I continued to research and read new articles published on String Theory so I could overall better my understanding. I wanted to present to my peers, and others a potential candidate for the "Theory of Everything," an idea which outlines all of the forces and laws of physics in the known universe. I did have several contacts during the research portion of my project, some which have not yet responded with answers. For the future I plan to keep following the developments of String Theory well into my college days, hopefully becoming one of the scientist who may pitch in an idea or two!

Click here to a dropbox link of my presentation (pdf format)

