Student Name: Kenisha Hood
Mentors: Xinyi Zhang, Nyeema Martin
Capstone Summary:
Produced a fashion show and worked as documenter and videographer as well as create a backdrop & red carpet.
Project Abstract:
For my senior capstone project, I produced a Fashion show. In the beginning of the year, another student and I decided to do a combined senior capstone. Her part was making the clothes and the models and my part was the event. In the beginning of the school year, we got together SLA students who were interested in fashion to join our fashion club. I documented the fashion club from the beginning of the process and edited and created an introduction video for the audience. I also designed and created my own backdrop for the fashion show as well as a red carpet for hollywood effect. I handled the lighting, camera shots, and photography as well as the projector. I chose to do this capstone because it was combining two of my interests which is fashion and videographer and I thought it would be cool to do something that was close to a technical producer. Another reason I chose to do this capstone is because in the future I plan on working in the medical field and I know it takes plenty of collaboration and communication to be successful just as it does in a fashion show and to be exposed to the environment of a fashion would give off the same effect as working in the medical field. I've been in digital video class since the beginning of my junior year and has worked with previous projects of RoughCut productions. RoughCut productions is a film organization that Mr.Herman, a teacher at SLA, runs. Being apart of that organization, we've worked on numerous amounts of projects which in turn has exposed me to video graphing and documenting. When creating a film, it also takes a lot of collaboration to make a film successful. With that being said, I was used to filming and never got a chance to actually learn how to edit and create final products. One of my main goals for this project was to have a successful show and to explore documenting and videographer.
Link to Keynote:
Link to video:
Link to Annotated bib:
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