Ami Doumbia Capstone

My mission for my capstone was to create a historical artifact about, what can be agreed upon as, the most historical 4 years of SLA. I want to create something that future students and possible prospects could use to get insight and understand the core of Science Leadership Academy; while making something we all can look back at. This website is a mix of stories, poetry, narratives, and reflections from the people at SLA.

Website Link:
Capstone Bibliography - Google Docs

Abstract: My mission for my capstone was to create a historical artifact about, what can be agreed upon as, the most historical 4 years of SLA. I want to create something that future students and possible prospects could use to get insight and understand the core of Science Leadership Academy; while making something we all can look back at. This website is a mix of stories, poetry, narratives, and reflections from the people at SLA.
