Capstone Jakobi Martin

For my capstone, I plan to make a short documentary film of this year’s 2012-13 SLA Boys Basketball Team.  My documentary will focus on the highs and lows of this season, as well as how everyone grew in their own aspect as well as what they learned throughout the season.  I will include game time decisions in the heat of the moment, on/off court commentary, and interviews.  Interviews will just be asking a few individuals how they felt the season went, what could’ve been better, what they learned, who they saw grow, and whom they thought was the best teammate and why.  I will also focus on what they are looking forward to next season, and what they’ll miss.  I chose this topic because basketball is a game that I’ve fall in love with since a child and it’s taught me many lessons as well as helped me grow and mature, and I’m very interested in Psychology so this would allow me to take a step back and see how basketball affects others and if it provides the same benefits.

-missing interviews.
