Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
In my first blog post I talked about what internet addiction was and how it can affect your life. I also talked about a few reasons why people are addicted to the internet. One thing I never talked about is carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome is something that only affects the hand and fingers and rarely anywhere on your arm. Carpal tunnel syndrome is when you feel pain, numbness, or tingling in your fingers or hand. Not gonna lie, I have had a bunch of carpal tunnel syndromes in my life at night and its short ones and only in one finger. I wanted to talk about carpal tunnel syndrome as one or two people who responded to my survey said they had no clue what it was when I checked the responses. I sort of blame myself as I left a little explanation at the top but forgot to add that it was at the top on the question. Carpal tunnel syndrome happens when there's pressure on the median nerve in your wrist. The median nerve to simplify it is the nerves in your entire arm and hand. Want a more scientific term for it follow this link. I should mention that carpal tunnel syndrome is one thing you can get from an internet addiction and that’s why I am talking about it.
Image found at: CTS
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