Cat Naps and Documentaries
I've discovered how useful and powerful cat naps can be. They really do rejuvenate you. I've been taking cat naps every day this week and feel F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S.
My mom lost my school ID and now I have to pay for a new one.
I watched a documentary about lions, tigers, leopards, and cheetahs and Netflix. Apparently when a lion digs it claws into it's pray it hooks into the skin and it's impossible for it's meal to escape from it's latch. I also started to watch a documentary about dreams, but I only got 5 minutes into it because I feel asleep and started dreaming.
My mom lost my school ID and now I have to pay for a new one.
I watched a documentary about lions, tigers, leopards, and cheetahs and Netflix. Apparently when a lion digs it claws into it's pray it hooks into the skin and it's impossible for it's meal to escape from it's latch. I also started to watch a documentary about dreams, but I only got 5 minutes into it because I feel asleep and started dreaming.
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