Emma Connell Public Feed
Econnell Globalization Benchmark
Writing two paragraphs for one picture was quite challenging for me at first. I had trouble knowing what to write for the second paragraph, but after some collaboration with my fellow students I figured it out. I also had some difficulties finding a picture for energy and security, yet after some hard thinking I thought of some images to use and ventured out to take pictures. Aside from selecting images for security and energy themes, all the other images came easily to me. In one day of class I brainstormed 8 images I could use for various themes. Going out and getting pictures wasn't hard either because the images I was going to use were all near my neighborhood and school. My favorite image is of Liberty Place. The photo I have makes the building look godly and epic. Also my other photos weren't of the best quality (due to camera phones and my crappy camera) and I thought the picture of Liberty Place was the best of the best. My photos alone don't really capture the evidence of globalization, however my paragraphs do. Based on my findings I believe the evidence of globalization is quite prevalent in Philadelphia since there are various cultural neighborhoods all throughout the city. While Philadelphia is a very globalized city I think other large U.S cities are just as internationalized as Philadelphia, such as New York and Chicago. These cities are just as or even more globalized than Philadelphia because they are the main hubcaps of business in the United States and in order for business to flourish cities need have worldwide interactions.
The Little Train That Could
Beach and Things to do
Here's my to do list. i need to post here because then I can't lose it
ACT shit
Foreign Film
Math HW
Urban Ecology
I felt bad, but she understands. I'm seeing a movie with this dick next Tuesday. Wish me luck
Movie Review
Just Saying
"Do you want Coldstone!?"
I tell her no, not really. She then gets upset and says,
"We'll i'm going to get Coldstone, but I'm only going to get a small!"
As soon as we get to Coldstone my mom has the biggest trouble selecting a flavor. Once she finally settled on a flavor, she then has the problem of picking the size of her cup.
"I don't want a small. It's to small. Maybe I'll get a medium. If I get a medium will you split it with me?"
I tell her no. I'm not hungry at moment.
She makes a sad face and then says,
"Whatever i'm getting a large. Fuck my diet!"
I'm really glad she got a large coldstone ice cream. She deserved it.
Time to complete it: 10 hours in 2 days
Time procastinating: 38 hours
Stress level: Very low
Food consumed: a shitload
How I feel now: stomach ache
I have BIG burps after I run.
I sleep on the couch not in my bed.
I have a lot of trouble paying attention when people talk aloud (maybe I do have ADD)
I get a wee bit anxious/nervous when I take the EL.
Bus rides relax me.
Too much snow depresses me
When I learn a new disease I tend to diagnose myself with that disease/sickness
I have cramps right now. FUCK YOU CRAMPS!
Just this
Trail Run
Sorry for posting this three times
Esperanza Renace
Cat Naps and Documentaries
My mom lost my school ID and now I have to pay for a new one.
I watched a documentary about lions, tigers, leopards, and cheetahs and Netflix. Apparently when a lion digs it claws into it's pray it hooks into the skin and it's impossible for it's meal to escape from it's latch. I also started to watch a documentary about dreams, but I only got 5 minutes into it because I feel asleep and started dreaming.
What I did
- I slept for 6 hours this morning due to my one hour of sleep the night before
- Got a phone call to go shopping
- Went to the mall
- Got an energy drink
- Got a dress
- Went to work
- Worked for only 5 hours
- Debated on paying for a cab ride home but then decided it was nice out enough to walk 20 minutes to my house from work
- Arrived at my house
- Was greeted by roommate
- Showered
- Currently watching a movie
Today I got made my mom a shrine for mother's day. I apologize for the bad pictures.
Thursday Nap
How nice
A props to you
Car Rides
Native Child
Progressive Day
Good Deal
Couch Potato
So happy
That sucks
What I did Today
-Got dressed
- Morning commute with mom
- Went to bakery
- Arrived at school
- Socialized
- Finished work for Urban Ecology
- Finished class work for globalization
- Socialized
- Read some funny stories
- Socialized
-Thought about studying for math quiz
- Cat nap
- Just failed math quiz
This Person
Day in the Life Nicaragua
There a few similarities of a life of a 12 year old Nicaraguan boy to my life as a 12 year old American girl. First comparison is that we both go to school, however his classroom was way smaller than mine and his class size was way bigger than mine. Although Nicaragua is the poorest country in Central America I wasn't surprised to know that 92% of kids go to primary school. I know this because I visited Nicaragua 3 years ago and during the day all the children were in school. While this was expected one thing that did surprise was how little people had healthcare. I figured the working class (which was my 12 year old boy's family) would have health care; however after I factored in the size of his family and went over some data I came to the conclusion that his family wouldn't be able to afford health insurance. I think that by age 40 the boy will be working, have 4-5 children who will attend primary school and possibly secondary but might not make it onto college. I think by the time the boy is 40 Nicaragua will have universal healthcare, however the boy and his family still might not have access to adequate healthcare.
Out of it
Story Slam
Kids Menu
"May I have some crayons please?"
Then she really looked at me weird and just left to get me some crayons. My mom said she was embarassed to be with me (and I don't blame her) but I love coloring. In fact, for my birthday I got two kids coloring books with a pack of crayons. It was my best (and only present). I started to color the kids menu as my mom sat there bored. I asked if she would like to color with me, which she did. I then asked for her opinion on which color to color spongebob, since there was no yellow crayon. She looked up at me and said,
"I'm not going to have a conversation with you about what color you should color Spongebob."
She put her head back down and continued to color until our meal came.
Room mate
I'm an idiot
Warm Blanket
Verizon Customer Service
Chad and Ethiopia 3rd Quarter Benchmark
My two countries were Ethiopia and Chad. Ethiopia is a poor country facing many problems such as famine, poverty, and drought. It located in North Africa. Chad is a poor country as well and deals with similar problems such as poverty, drought, and war. It is located in Sub-Saharan Africa.
I did a lot of research which it was difficult for me this time around. Sometimes I had toruble finding sources of information relating to the countries five point framework today. Many of my sources talked about either hostile neighbors and friendly trade partners in previous years rather than in the present year. My other problem consist of the exact opposite. I found various the websites that had all this information on environmental problems and climate change for both countries. I had so many sites and information I was overwhelmed and struggled in grasping the important information. I even faced the problem of deciding where to use my sources for the climate change and environmental damage, but int he end I kind of combined the two sources (without repeating myself) since climate change caused environmental problems. After I had all my information organizing it was quite simple but then I had to give each country a rating, which I also had some trouble doing. After I rated my countries "collapse'ibility", I then had people overview my website and check to see if I gave an accurate rating. Overall, the whole process was difficult for me. Finding sources was problem, the overload of information was difficult, and rating the collapse'ibility of my countries.
It was difficult to find information on hostile neighbors for both Chad and Ethiopia. Both countries have had huge wars in the past between neighboring countries, but it was difficult to find news sources discussing their relations with those countries they have now.
If I could change one thing I would compare two different countries. I felt liek Chad and Ethiopia were to similar to each other based on the five point framework and I would have liked to have compare countries that deeply contrast from one another. Sometimes I felt like I was reading the same thing for research on both my countries.
I think this project could have more exciting.
Reflection (Emma C)
I learned that making a colleague isn't as easy as I thought it would be. In fact, there was much tedious work in finding pictures and cutting them as close to perfect as possible. It was also a wee bit difficult to fit the poem on the board but after some time we figured it out.
My group split up the work easily. The three of us all found a board which marina cut in the shape of the female sign. I found pictures that represented empowered female women. After two days of scanning through magazines and finding various photos for our colleague, I then cut the pictures as perfectly as I could. Once done with that Marina and I organized the board, and then glued the pictures. While Marina found a poem that related to empowered female women, cut out the poem, and pasted the poem, Jonas wrote a 3 paragraph summary about the colleague, with Marina and my input.
If given a second opportunity I would have added more pictures. I originally wanted to cover the whole board in pictures but I didn't realize how much the poem would take up and how it can be difficult to find pictures representing empowered hispanic women.
I feel like people have the sense that women in Hispanic culture aren't empowered and that men reign much more power over them. However, that is changing and there are many powerful and influential women in Hispanic speaking countries and this colleague definitely shows that. It shows how so oftenly women are used for sex appeal, but it also shows the side of how that view of women is breaking.
No time
Another Rainy Day
Other House
Annoying Habit
"Me and Susannah went to the ice cream store." I correct them and say, "You mean Susannah and I." It's awfully annoying. I know this because people use to do this to me all the time. It always really bugged me. It makes me such a hypocrite for constantly correcting people, but I am helping them improve their grammar. Anyways, i think the past people in my life who always corrected me should really be the ones to blame. They made start this awfully irritating habit.
Little Thoughts That Race Through My Head
- I think I might have low blood sugar.
- Ooooooo popotart. I want a poptart.
- My teeth aren't white enough. I should get white strips. Are they really noticeable? They claim they aren't, but so do the folk who created invisalign and yet invisalign is noticeable!
- I wish I could fly. That way every morning I can fly over the river to school and over the Ben Franklin Bridge. It's such a pretty view. However, if I were flying in the city I would get freaked out. Being high up in tall buildings looking down always creeps me out, but I don't get creeped out when I'm repelling of a mountain or something.
Something Sweet
Emma C. Diario 3/7/11
Pedro Almodóvar no le gusta subvertir definiciones más convencionales del género en sus películas. De hecho los personalidades de los generos de las protagonistas eran enfrente. Por ejemplo la mujer ( una actriz) tiene un trabajo de mas poder y tiene un personailidad dominante. El charaistico de Anotonio Banderas era timidoo, vive con su madre, y escucha a su novia y toda otra protagonistas quienes son mujeres. El novia de Antonio Banderas mira muy masculino y en su relacion ella era mas dominante.
En tu opinión y en tus experiencias, ¿cuál es el género de tomar acción y hacer cambios? ¿y según Almodóvar? ¿y según tus telenovelas?
En el media, como telenovelas, el hombres son el género de tomar acción y hacer cambios sin embargo en la pelicula de Almodóvar las mujeres son el género de tomar acción. En mi experiencia dos generos tomar acción igualmente.
¿Cómo son diferentes las representaciones de género en Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios y la telenovela popular que miras en clase?
Las representaciones de género en Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nerviosa es las mujeres toman acción y tiene mas poder y personalidades dominantes mientras las hombres hacen nada y tiene personalidades dóciles. En la telenovela los representaciones de generos es reverson compara a pelicula Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervioso.
My Day
Summary of My Day Today
Hunger satisfied
Feeling okay
Feeling better
A wee bit stressed
Hunger passed
Not occupied
Not happy
Not happy
Time going by so slow
Lyrics Overheard on my Ipod
I listen for your footsteps running up the drive
The food that I'm eating it suddenly tasteless. I know I'm alone now. I know what it taste like.
But nobody cares when it gets in their heads. It gets in their lungs as it floats through the air.
I want to be forgotten and I don't want be reminded.
Birds in the sky you know how I feel. Fish in the sea you know how I feel.
Her she comes. She's gonna break your heart in two.
I lay down my life for you and do you think you deserve your freedom?
You've got her in your pocket. and there's no way out now. Put it in your safe and lock it because it's home sweet home.
Morning Routine
Me After Two Cups of Coffee
I Hope It's a Nice Day
Nothing to do
- Bananas can set of radiation sensors in US airports.
- Potatoes can kill you. Potatoes have a chemical called solanine which can cause diarrhea, vomiting, sore throats, or coughing and wheezing. However, more severe cases include paralysis or death. But no worries there hasn't been a death due to solanine in over 50 years (in the U.S).
- Gum is outlawed in Singapore
- Hot water freezes faster than cold water
- A lion's roar can be heard from over 3 miles away
- The brain may process pain but it does not actually feel pain
- Your teeth grow before birth
- Feet can produce a pint of sweat of day
- Coughs can be as fast as 60 mph
- Left-handed people have a higher chance of dying than right-handed people. I believe this is because chainsaws are made for right- handed people.
6 word stories
The little man did something grand.
Coca-Cola Hershey Kiss. This is bliss.
Saw dog. Wanted dog. Dog bit.
Wanted to fly. Tried flying. Failed.
Wanted light and got the sun.
Relationship between power and language #4
Relationship between power and language #3
"Mom! Swhy's shdo she have shto so shat? Shat's shnot ssfair!"
Her ever so serious face dropped when the words blasted from my mouth. I would storm off in even more anger then I came in as. When I read long paragraphs or sentences in my class come in even stronger. The whole class would be laughing at my lisp with me no longer laughing with them. From this, teachers stopped calling on me in class. The only time I did have power in my voice was when I was online and with a group of close and understanding friends. One somebody asked me why I don't talk anymore. I took a deep breath trying to speak my best.
"Becaushe every time I talk you shluagh and it getsh annoying."
They said they would stop and admitted it had been going on for a while.to my surprise they up to their words. By the end of the day I explained to my mom that she needs to stop laughing at me when I'm being serious with her.
"I understand I shound funny but you're my mom. You're shopposed to shupport me."
Luckily enough she got the message and apologized on account for her actions. Unfortunately my message didn't get across to others.
Relationship between power and language 2
My speech improved but I sill struggled. When saying a long sentence I would stumble across words and would have to repeat myself multiple times. It was irritating but I managed, with the exception of one thing; people couldn't take me seriously. Every time I opened my mouth when I was mad, frustrated, or sad people would just crack up. The more I talked the more they would laugh. I was powerless. My voice became my enemy. I could no longer use it to my advantage. I decided to keep my mouth shut and not talk. It was the only sensible thing to do. When I was around people who would constantly laugh at my lisp even after the entertainment weared off, I would just keep quiet.
....to be continued
Relationship between power and language
"Say yes."
"Yesh," I said.
"Say Sexy."
"Say best."
"Besht," I replied.
A crowd of people were huddled around me spitting out words for me to say and laughing at my lisp. It was just the other daythat i had gotten my tongue guard, which gave me a pretty noticeable lisp when I spoke. It was hilarious even I thought so.
"Say Sassafras."
Laughter came bursting out. My lisp was the new fascination. I was excited for the rest of the day to come. I would be the center of attention because of my goofy speech. I was relieved. I thought the tongue guard would damage me but to my surprise it captivated me. As the day went by people would laugh at my lisp, along with myself.
"Say so."
"Say soda."
"Shoda," I replied
Another episode of laughter came bursting out. After the first and second week the humor worn off. Others adjusted to my lisp, as did my tongue adjust to the tongue guard on the roof of my mouth.
.....To be continued
This is a short story
Time goes by so slowly. It just ticks away second by second. Everyday in school Heather stares at the clock, watching time go by painfully slow. Reality sucks. Heather escapes it by being in a constant state of daydreaming. By being separated by reality Heather achieves little in school. She can't help it. She's tried various times to pay attention but came to the conclusion she just can't. It's impossible to sit for 6 hours listening to a teacher lecture on and on. Instead Heather slips into fantasies. She imagines ways of making time go by faster. Well not faster but exciting or at least different. See, time goes by slowly because Heather is bored, however by adding a thrill to life, time goes by faster. Perhaps pulling the fire alarm would make a good thrill?
"No, it's to risky," she thought.
"I'll get caught, go to principle's office, and be grounded for a month, so in the end I’ll just make my life even more boring. However, there is always the chance that I won't get caught. And we'll all rush out of school and wait for the fire department to come, but that will only take up an hour or so."
Heather sighed and decided to take up some time by wondering throughout the school. She went to the stairways. She was hoping some kids would be hanging out there skipping class, but no luck. This was usually a good spot to go to. Everybody was always hanging out there, but after the school got a lecture about cutting class kids stopped. Heather sat on the steps. It was nice to just sit in silence, but after a while Heather could smell the stench of the stairways. She never really noticed how bad it was before because she would only walk up them to get from class to class or would always be distracted by being engaged in a conversation. Heather decided it was to time to leave the stairs. Anyways they were too gray and insipid leaving her drowsy and bored. Heather began to wander through the hallways. They were the exact opposite of the stairs. They were so full of color and bright lights. This was a good adjustment from the stairs, but they were empty. It was as if the school was abandoned. Heather felt lonely and a little spooked out. She felt as if she was on an episode of the Twilight Zone, where she was the only person alive. She would never have another human interaction again. She’d go crazy from lack of socialization, become schizophrenic and die alone, and nobody would care or know because nobody would be alive. Heather walked around school more in hopes of finding someone, to calm her fear. She found an exit. Heather had a decision she could leave school or stay. She was afraid of leaving, because then she might get in trouble and her belongings were in her class, but Heather’s fear was slowly consuming her. She hadn’t seen or heard anybody for a while now. She had to go outside and see human civilization. She pushed open the door that leads outside. She saw no one and for the first time Heather wanted to be in reality.
Late Night Text
Me: What? You woke me up
Harrison: Is my wallet at your house
Me: I don't know
Harrison: Can you check?
Me: ugh fine.
Me: I don't see it
Harrison: Can you check outside?
Me: Not there
Harrison: Check under the couch
Harrison: oh nvm. It was in my coat pocket. LOL
The Little Gnome
Who ate every piece of food in Rome
When he was done, he we home
Skated along the shiny chrome
Thoughts racing through his little dome
When he arrived, he settled into the loam
But not long after, his mouth started to foam
You see, the gnome had rabies
Such a sad, sad disease
Kills many
Killed this gnome
Might kill you
Moral of the story: don't share needles.
You're Marvelous
I want to tell you that you are okay
And you'll be okay
And you'll do okay
Actually, you'll do great
You'll be great
You'll be marvelous
You are marvelous
So have a fantastic day at work
I know you are supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Today and Yesterday
Yesterday I skiid
Today I worked
Yesterday I ate pork
Today I wore black
Yesterday I took a nap
Today I felt sore
Yesterday I wanted to be at the shore
Today was alright
And right now it's night
70% Chance
Ginger - died
Lucky -died
2 Lizards - died
Fish- died
Nip - still alive
Fluffy - died
Ceaser - still alive
Tanner- died
Oreo- still alive
A Hard Craving to Fix
Holly Holy Poem
If I had you, you learn
how it feels to fly
The joy you feel
twisted the saddest song I got
Wake up, Holly Holy
At the end of the day, be my friend
I go to extremes Holly Holy to make you feel my love
I'm not living in the real world
I am the walrus
You oughta know You're the star
You're the one
Let me be the one
I love you
Terrible Dream
Me: Oh goodness what a terrible dream! I would never do such a thing! You know me I never become violent. Meet us in an hour at 2nd and Market.
Christine: I am close by....but a few moments away.
Me: Okay dokes!
Voice Thread FAFSA
Emma's 2nd Quarter Government Benchmark
It was really hard for me to find 12 laws, cases, or offices that impacted me directly. Whatever I found first I used as one of my 12 laws or cases. After much research I discovered that as I get older and as I begin to pay taxes, buy a house, own property, get my own health insurance, etc. more laws, acts, and cases will affect me. The government affects my life a fair amount right now with such acts, laws and cases like the No Child Left Behind Act, The Civil Rights Act of 1964, FAFSA, and Tinker vs. Des Moines. However, as I get older the government will GREATLY impact/influence my life, because the older I get the more I participate in society like having a job and paying taxes. All of these activities are monitored or set by the government meaning the government has more authority over my life. Overall, this project gave me a better understanding of the three branches of government, which are legislative, executive, and judicial. By having a stronger knowledge on these branches I now am more aware of my rights and restrictions, and the overall and basic knowledge of how the government functions.
Lobbying 5 Healthy School Meals
Hershey y Coca-Cola Contrapublicidad
Elijo este anuncio porque Hershey es un muy popular barra de chocolate y el anuncio es famosa. El producto es un barra de chocolate y la compañía es Hershey. Creo que las valores es que chocolate trae personas unidos. En la anuncia el chico da a el amor y la unidad la chica un “Hershey kiss”. Hershey quiere que los consumidores a valoréis amor y unidad. El público meta es también, Hershey enérgicamente anuncia en televisión durante las vacaciones en la televisión. La información crucial no representa da en este anuncio, es que hay efectos negativos. Los niños pueden ser fácilmente adictos al chocolate. Chocolate destruye los dientes y hace personas locas. En mi contrapublicidad esta una chica con un expresión malvado en su cara mientras mirando a la barra de chocolate. Mi anuncio muestra la reacción real de niños cuando comen chocolate. En mi contrapublicidad, cambio el niño y el tipo de Hershey chocolate. Conozco tres valores de SLA que viene en conflicto con el anuncio original. Investigación es un valore por que consumidores no llevan el tiempo a investigación los ingredientes en Hershey cual son malo por tu salud y los consumidores no investigación los efectos de comiendo Hershey chocolate que son también malo. Indagaciones es otro valore que viene conflicto con el anuncio original porque personas no preguntan como viene comiendo este chocolate efecto me y que ingredientes en el producto de Hershey? El ultimó valor que está en conflicto con el anuncio original es reflexión. Reflexión porque nadie refleja. Mi anuncio está en el baño platea. Mi anuncio viene efectivo porque esta en un lugar detestable. Por supuesto mi contrapublicidad viene efectivo porque mientras personas están haciendo sus negocios ellos tienen mi anuncio exactamente en tu caras. Adoro chocolate pero intento no comer chocolate porque no quiero caris. Mi anuncio esta en el baño platea. Mi anuncio viene efectivo porque esta en un lugar detestable. Por supuesto mi contrapublicidad viene efectivo porque mientras personas son haciendo sus negocios ellos tienen mi anuncio exactamente en tu caras.
En este anuncio el producto es un refresco. La
compañía es Coca-Cola. Elijo este anuncio porque Coca-Cola es muy popular. Casi
todo el mundo bebe Coca-Cola. Todos los días estoy veo estudiantes en mi
escuela bebiendo Coca-Cola por la mañana y por la tarde. En este anuncio,
la compañía Coca-Cola demuestra que con una Coca-Cola uno puede estar contento
y alegre como Santa Claus. El anuncio revela a los niños que Santa Claus, una
figura a que todos los niños les ama, es bebe refresco; los niños quieren beber
soda. Adulto son también afectan a
este anuncio porque Santa esta una persona quien es simpático y quien da a
otros. Durante las vacaciones adultos dan los otros como Santa y desde que
Santa bebe Coca-Cola entonces adultos deban bebe Coca-Cola. El compañía
quiere personas a crean que Coca-Cola es bueno (cual lo es) y que bebiendo
Coca-Cola hace tu sentir mejor. Coca-Cola tiene muchos anuncios en todas partes
de Filadelfia. Están Coca-Cola anuncios en SEPTA, vallas, televisión, el
cine, y la radio. También, muchos estudiantes beben Coca-Cola y sus
amigos también.
Coca-Cola contenía cocaína. Cuando Coca-Cola fue primero en poner cocaína en sus bebidas, mucha gente fue adicto a Coca-Cola. También, Coca-Cola tiene afectos malos. De beber el refresco, dientes amarillos (cual es uno de mis valores). También, contiene ingredientes malos para la salud como high-fructosa corn syrup. Mi contrapublicidad demuestra los afectos negativos, los afectos reales, de Coca-Cola. Mi anuncio demuestra la presencia de el refresco y el afecto que tiene. Como se puede ver, cuando Santa Claus bebe Coca-Cola la soda no hay hace alegre; en cambio, el refresco le hace Santa loco y les hace a los niños gritan. En el anuncio original, hay un Santa Claus feliz bebiendo una Coca-Cola pero en mi contrapublicidad, visualicé el ingrediente, cocaína, en el producto. También, visualicé el efecto negativo de Coca-Cola. En mi anuncio no visualicé un feliz Santa-Claus. En mi anuncio agregué los niños tristes con Santa. La expresión facial de Santa es diferente también. Además, Santa esta alegre, el está loco y malvado por que Santa consume cocaína. Los valores de SLA como investigación y indagaciones que viene en conflicto con el anuncio original a consumidores no investigación los ingredientes y los afectos negativos de Coca-Cola. Amo soda pero bebo un pequito soda porque es malo por mi salud. Voy a estar encimar de bebedero porque este lugar es donde mucho gente ir a agua y vea mi anuncio.
Enlisting in the Marines
1. Briefly summarize the bureaucratic 'task' that you selected.
We selected the bureaucratic task of enlisting in the Marines.2. Give an overview of your process.
I knew somebody who enlisted in the Marines and asked them the step by step process they had to go through in order to become a Marine. Once I got all the steps, Kim and I made a flow chart on Lucidcharts.com. Kim made another flowchart of the physical requirements for a Marine too.3. Reflect upon the paperwork that you needed to fill out. Was it straightforward, easy, difficult, perplexing, etc.
Bianca, who enlisted in the Marines, tried getting the paperwork from her recruiter but couldn't. However, she did inform us there was loads of paperwork and it was all very confusing and took about 3-4 weeks to fill out.4. If you could change one thing about the bureaucratic process that you flow charted, what would it be and why?
If I could change one thing about the bureaucratic process I would change the monstrous amount of paperwork to be done.5. Why do you think the systems have become so complicated?
I think this system has become so complicated because there are a lot of requirements to meet.
6. Other thoughts, reflections, feedback. I thought it was a little bit ridiculous that if somebody had a tattoo on their face or a scar somewhere on there body that they were not qualified to be a Marine.
Published link to flowchart: https://www.lucidchart.com/documents/view/4d08c4ed-3fd8-4682-99e3-7f590afcbe04
School Meal Enhancemeant Act and Healthy Food for Healthy Schools Act of 2009
I am lobbying for two bills. The first act is the Healthy for Healthy Schools Act of 2009, sponsored by Blanche Lincoln. This aims have nutritious school meals that meet dietary guidelines. I have emailed Blanche Lincoln the following message.
To United States Senator Blanche Lincoln: Hi I’m Emma Connell. I am currently attending Science Leadership Academy and for my American Government class I have been assigned the task to lobby for an issue. I decided to lobby for something that affects me and many other kids all across the nation: this issue is school lunches. I currently focused on lobbying for the Healthy Food For Healthy Schools Act of 2009, proposed by you Blanche Lincoln. So far the Act has been introduced on September 8th, 2009 and reviewed by the committee and has been referred to the committee of agricultural, nutrition, and forestry. But even if the Bill does get passed many schools aren’t up to date with kitchen standards. Although, the United States Department of Agricultural can offer nutritious foods, schools still won’t have the materials to cook nutritious food and instead unhealthy food such as chicken nuggets and pizza will continue to dominate school meals. How do you plan to fix this problem? Are there any issues you are having with this bill?
I also emailed people supporters and non-supporters of the School Meal Enhancement Act, which strives for a higher percentage of kids to receive free or reduced school meals. I focused on this act because if the Healthy Food for Healthy Schools Act of 2009 gets passed this will allow for nutritious food to be available to a larger percentage of kids. I emailed supporters of the act such as Joe Sestak and Robert Brady. I also emailed representative Jim McGovern who is against the bill. In my email i asked him why he is not in support of the act and if there is anything that can be changed in the bill, that would get him to support the School Meal Enhancement Act.
To Joe Sestak and Robert Brady: Hi I’m Emma Connell. I am currently attending Science Leadership Academy and for my American Government class I have been assigned the task to lobby for an issue. I decided to lobby for something that affects me and many other kids all across the nation: this issue is school lunches. I currently focused on lobbying for the School Meal Enhancement Act proposed by Joe Sestak. So far the School Meal Enhancement Act has been introduced, referred to committee, reported by committee, and has been presented to the House of Representatives who earlier proposed voting on a Senate-passed version of the child nutrition bill. However, 106 House Democrats addressed Speaker Nancy Pelosi and said they were no longer in support of the Senate version. Instead they called for their own House bill, which does not contain the food stamp cuts. Further debate and discussion on the bill will not take place until winter 2010. I was curious if you knew anything about the date( s) for debate and discussion of the School Meal Enhancement Act. I was also wondering if you have enough support of the Act and if you do need support, how do you plan to gain support of democrats against the bill. Would it be by reducing how the act cuts into food stamps? If there is anything I can do please let me know.
-Thank you
Not only did I send out emails but I also made fliers and posted them around the city. On the flier the two bills pending for legislation and the issue of unhealthy school meals is addressed. I have links for people to go to and vote in support of both bills.
Below is proof that I emailed people and pictures of my fliers posted.
School Meals
1. What we’re lobbying for. America is currently facing the issue of childhood obesity, yet school lunches don’t delver nutritional food to students worldwide. Instead of offering healthy quality meals school lunches serve food that are high-fat meat products such as pepperoni pizza, hot dogs, meatloaf, and cheeseburgers. Many school meals contain more than half a day’s worth of sodium and saturated fat. Studies show 39 percent of the children who eat school-provided lunches are overweight, compared with 24 percent of those who bring lunches from home. Experts at the Institute of Medicine and other organizations have recommended that Americans eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and less saturated fat and sodium. However, the Improving Nutrition for America's Children Act, passed July 16th 2010, will change high fat and sodium meals into healthy ones. Not only will the act improve the quality of meals students eat but it will also put a stop to childhood hunger, and establish nutrition standards for all school meals. http://www.philly.com/inquirer/opinion/20100503_Lousy_school_lunches_fuel_childhood_obesity.html
3. Main Supporters of Lobbying Idea.George Miller Chair of the House Education and Labor Committee unveiled his Child Nutrition bill on Thursday June 10th 2010. The bill proposes that about $8 billion in additional funding over 10 years for child nutrition programs, including school breakfast and lunch. The bill sets strict nutrition standards on items in vending machines and school lunches. It also requires low-fat milk to be sold and an additional half a cent per lunch to fund nutrition which might include redesigns for cafeterias to encourage students to make healthier food choices. It also provides start-up grants for school breakfast programs and year-round meal service in some states.http://voices.washingtonpost.com/all-we-can-eat/food-politics/congressman-proposes-8-b.html
Here is a YouTube video link of George Miller announcing his Child Nutrition bill: http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=EdLaborDemocrats
Michelle Obama is another supporter of the bill. Not only has she initiated the Let’s Move Campaign, which is a nationwide initiative for kids to make healthier choices, improve food quality in schools, increase access to healthy foods, mark food at affordable prices and encourage physical activity for kids, but she has recently proposed a $1-billion annual increase for Child Nutrition Act programs. The act covers the payment of school district meals, summer and after-school food programs, food served at various day-care facilities for children and adults, and last but not least the Special Supplemental Nutrition program for Women, Infants and Children, which provided food to more than 8 million people in 2007. http://articles.latimes.com/2009/aug/26/nation/na-child-nutrition26http://www.letsmove.gov/learnthefacts.php
Earlier this year, the first lady visited Bancroft Elementary School to talk to the students who helped her plant the White House vegetable garden, and stressed the importance of healthy eating habits. Michelle Obama also plans to eliminate processed foods and teach children how food effects their body. In fact, Mrs. Obama said, Malia and Sasha “ate up that information and they started schooling me and lecturing me about what I should be eating, and what a carrot does, and what broccoli does.” Mrs. Obama sees the potential that school lunches can have on shaping a child’s eating habit. She changes the school districts non-nutritional lunches by introducing foods kids don’t eat at home. She believes once students try and accept new, nutritious foods, maybe they’ll ask their parents to serve those foods at home. “Maybe they’ll spur some changes in the way their whole family eats.” http://www.schoolfoodpolicy.com/2009/05/30/michelle-obama-school-lunch-should-be-a-lesson/
Just as the Improving Nutrition for America's Children Act, Michelle Obama is also working with food-industries to reduce the amount of sugar, fat, sodium, and salt in school lunches. However, increasing the number of fruits and vegetables in school lunches is a pricey buy. Fruits and vegetables have increased 50 percent faster than other food of the last 20 years. Nutrition experts had hoped the presidents budget would add a dollar a day to the school lunches in order to pay for higher-quality foods. Unfortunately, the programs only added 20 cents more per lunch. http://www.newsweek.com/blogs/the-human-condition/2010/02/10/michelle-obama-s-plan-for-healthy-school-lunches-still-faces-funding-hurdles.htmlhttp://www.mass.gov/?pageID=gov3pressrelease&L=1&L0=Home&sid=Agov3&b=pressrelease&f=100730_School_Nutrition_Signing&csid=Agov3
6. Other Background Information
It has recently been noted that 20 percent of the food in school cafeterias comes from the USDA commodities program, which is a food distributor program. Although the USDA commodities provide food to schools, 75 percent of the food on their list are beef and chicken. “Many districts divert fresh commodities to processors, said Margo Wootan, who is the director of nutrition policy at the center for Science in Public Interest. (http://www.time.com/time/2004/obesity/speakers/wootan.html) "Too many schools turn chicken into nuggets, or pork into pizza toppings," she said.“In Philadelphia schools, much of the food comes from a Brooklyn, N.Y., distributor, which prepares, packages, and ships frozen meals to schools to be warmed,” says food services chief Wayne Grasela. According to Sandy Sherman, director of nutrition education at the nonprofit Food Trust in Philadelphia, two-thirds of city schools have no kitchens.http://tdn.com/lifestyles/article_ce17affa-3617-11df-892e-001cc4c03286.html
Although many schools have a poor meal system there are some striving for better. Cities around the nation have taken the initiative to refurbish what and how children eat. New York City for example, devised a farm school program with the help of state legislation and the department of agriculture and education. The program offers raw, fresh, local, and healthy menu items. http://youngphillypolitics.com/time_rethink_school_lunch_programJust like New York City schools are initiating healthier school meals so is Philadelphia. West Philadelphia school has a full kitchen where many meals are prepared practically from scratch. The school gets $5,000 a year in extra funding from the district to buy fresh produce and even has its own vegetable garden. http://tdn.com/lifestyles/article_ce17affa-3617-11df-892e-001cc4c03286.html
Health and Medical Associations
While some schools endeavor to have healthier meals, The American Public Health Association and the American Medical Association have called for vegetarian meals to be offered in schools to lower the percentage of childhood obesity and other health discrepencies. Both associations agree that familiarizing children with healthy, plant-based foods at an early age shapes them to have healthy eating habits for life, therefore decreasing the risk of Type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses. Experts of medicine say, “A child who chooses a veggie burger instead of a hamburger just two days a week reduces his or her saturated fat intake by 37 percent. On the other hand, one who eats a meal of chicken nuggets has to run three miles just to burn off the calories it contains.” http://www.philly.com/inquirer/opinion/20100503_Lousy_school_lunches_fuel_childhood_obesity.html
Petition letter: Below is a link to read and sign a petition for healthy lunches. It was started by the Healthy School Lunches. http://www.change.org/healthy_school_lunches/petitions/view/tell_congress_to_provide_vegetarian_and_vegan_meal_options_in_public_schools
Problems with Bill:
Supporters of the food reform believe much more money will be required to overhaul unhealthy school meals. In the New York Times, Alice Waters, a famous American chef, stated, “schools need $5 per lunch per student, almost twice the $2.68 they receive from the federal government for students that qualify for a free lunch.” The problem that lies ahead is whether the House can find the money to pay for the $10 billion dollar bill. Unlike the Senate, which proposes enough cuts in other programs to pay for the increase, the House Education and Labor Committee, has found only $1 billion so far. To pass its version, it will need to persuade other committees, such as the House Agriculture Committee, to help fund its proposal. http://voices.washingtonpost.com/all-we-can-eat/food-politics/congressman-proposes-8-b.html
The following is a link to a discussion, talking about how the Nutrition Bill might not be as affective one would think. Money for the nutrition bill should mean students eating healthier foods, yet the bill is in competition with fast food places right across the street.http://marketplace.publicradio.org/display/web/2010/09/15/pm-can-a-school-lunch-overhaul-beat-junk-food/
Representative and their District
A Pennsylvania representative that is in support of healthy school lunches is democratic member of the House of Representaives, Chakkah Fattah. Fattah, represents Pennsylvania’s 2nd congressional district, which includes North Philadelphia, West Philadelphia, Montgomery County, and parts of Northeast Philadelphia and Cheltenham Township. Pennsylvania’s 2nd congressional district has a large democratic party, in fact it’s so large that it is the fifth most democratic congressional district out of 435 others in the nation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pennsylvania%27s_2nd_congressional_district
Chaka Fattah was born in Philadelphia on November 21, 1956. It was during his youth that his mother and father decided to start a home for homeless boys and girls. By the tender of age 14, Chaka went to the bank and got them to provide money for funding the home for homeless boys and girls. Although already having an influential impact, it wasn’t until his junior year that Fattah realized his passion for politics. After receiving a masters degree in government administration in 1986, Fattah became the youngest man to be elected to the Pennsylvania Legislature as a Democrat. http://pabook.libraries.psu.edu/palitmap/bios/Fattah__Chaka.html However, before becoming a member of congress, the now positioned congressman, worked as a serving member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and the Pennsylvania Senate. Before being a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representative and representing Pennsyvania’s 2nd congressional district, Fattah was the special assistant to the Office of Housing and Community Development in Philadelphia from the year 1980-1982. His other careers included being state representative of Pennsylvania General Assembly from 1982 to 1988 and state senator from 1988 to 1994. http://www.answers.com/topic/chaka-fattah. It wasn’t until 1995, when Fattah represented Pennsyvania’s 2nd congressional district. Being a democrat Fattah endorsed Obamam for president in 2008 and in 2007 ran for mayor of Philadelphia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaka_Fattah. During his 12 years of a state lawmaker, six being a state representative and six being a state senator, Fattah began focusing on issues such as quality schools and equal opportunities for inner-city students. In fact, each year Fattah inches his way to making bigger changes of improvements. http://pabook.libraries.psu.edu/palitmap/bios/Fattah__Chaka.html
Policy and Community Interest (How has my legislator voted on my issue in the past?)
One example of how Fattah is developing plans of action to improve Philadelphia is that he is currently launching a program called Growing Together that provides nutritious meals for Philadelphia schools in poor urban areas. Fattah believes that, “It is important for young people to be exposed to quality food,” and in order to do so congress must advocate for nutrition among schools. Fattah does so by successfully leading the Philadelphia Congressional Delegation to temporarily stop termination of the city’s highly successful school lunch pilot program. Fattah also works to include free lunches for student’s of low-income families into Improving Nutrition for America’s Children Act. The Growing Together program aims to coordinate agriculture and healthy cooking programs in West Philadelphia. If passed the program will engage 120 students in after-school and summer activities that will encourage healthy eating habits of students and improve the health status among communities. In order to improve community health, Growing Together supports school gardens that heightens community food and donations of fresh produce to the City Harvest Program. Growing Together will support healthy cooking workshop series led by teen peer food educators at community and school-based settings across West Philadelphia.http://politicalnews.me/?id=1767&keys=Congressman-Chaka-Fattah-LowIncome
Along with his interest in school lunches, congressman Fattah's also has focus in policy interests such as education, community and economic development and last but not least legislative policy. http://fattah.house.gov/index.cfm?sectionid=59§iontree=6,43,59
Fattah's top legislative priority is H.R 2130 The Comprehensive Transform America Transaction Fee Act . The plan calls for the elimination of federal taxes and then replaces the taxes with a fee on transactions. This allows for the elimination of federal taxes which therefore stimulates the economy and increase the number of jobs by allowing businesses to expand their work offices and hire more employees.http://fattah.house.gov/index.cfm?sectionid=19§iontree=2,19
Although Fattah’s main pivot is legislation policy, he is also in support of health and education by voting yes on a bill that aspired for an additional 10. 2 billion dollars for federal education and health and human services. Fattah also voted yes on a bill that wanted $84 million grants for black and Hispanic colleges and voted yes for a bill that strived for 40 billion grants for green public schools. http://www.ontheissues.org/PA/Chaka_Fattah_Education.htmAlong with voting yes on various bills that support improvement of education systems, Fattah continues to emphasize his education policy by endeavoring to improve poor communities that suffer from under-qualified teachers, low- quality facilities and inadequate assets. http://fattah.house.gov/index.cfm?sectionid=92§iontree=4,73,80,92Video link focusing on Fattah’s educational value:http://chakafattah.com/
Here is a link of additional legislative and policy achievements. http://fattah.house.gov/index.cfm?sectionid=18§iontree=2,18
What We Have In Common
We both went to Commuity College of Philadelphia. I had psychology classes there and he attended college there. http://vote-pa.org/Intro.aspx?Id=PAFattahChakaLike me, Fattah was also in support of Barack Obama’s presidential election.Both of us are pro-choice (for abortion) and both of us want to reduce/stop crime, especially anti- gay hate crimes. http://www.ontheissues.org/PA/Chaka_Fattah.htmVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wm7-fx1o8jA&feature=youtube_gdata_player
1. What is the status of your issue at the legislature? Is this a "good" year?How many elected officials have indicated support for your issue? Is there public support behind it, with good media attention? Who are your opponents, and how much power do they have? Has a policy been written to address your issue, or do you need to work with an elected official to write one?
Initiated by George Miller, The Improving Child’s Nutrition Act ameliorates the quality of meals students eat, stops childhood hunger, and establishes nutrition standards for all school meals. The act was passed earlier this year on July 16th. The Child Nutrition Act has much support and has inspired others to establish various acts and programs that require nutritious meals and exercise to reverse childhood obesity. Supporters such as Michelle Obama initiated the Let’s Move Campaign, which increases access to healthy foods, marks food at affordable prices and encourages physical activity for kids. Not only has Michelle Obama commenced campaigns in support of healthy food, but she has also brought positive media attention to the issue by lecturing and educating schools on healthy eating habits. Schools have also been in support of the Act. Various cities around the nation have taken the initiative to refurbish what and how children eat. New York City for example, devised a farm school program that offers raw, fresh, and healthy menu items. Although the bill has much support there are many opponents. Representative Jim McGovern and many other democrats are against a bill that has a plan to cut funds for food stamps to give more funding to school lunches. The senate already cut food stamp funds by 13.6%, $26 billion to aid education and medicaid costs in states. Other opponents include Labor unions and anti-poverty groups who are also against cutting food stamp funds. Many opposing democrats have the power to veto the bill, just as they did in August 2009 when 100 House Democrats called on Speaker Nancy Pelosi, not to bring the Senate bill to the floor. Actions such as this prevent bills from getting passed and put a halt to improving child nutrition. Although the bill brings up much concern on the subject of food stamps supporting House leaders and President Barack Obama worked on dealing with those concerns, eventually leading to the legislation of the Improving Child Nutrition Act. However other act and bills that branch of from the Child Nutrition Act might not be as lucky, such as the School Meal Enhancement Act proposed by Joe Sestak. The act strives for nutritious schools meals, however democrats argue yet again that the act cuts to much into food stamps. In order to get the act passed good media and representation on the act must be presented. Just as Barack Obama and other House leaders defended and supported the Improving Child’s Nutrition Act so must others in support of Joe Sestak’s act for the state of Pennsylvania. Another solution is to adjust the cuts in food stamps in order to please the main opposers, democrats. Support the Healthy School Meal Act at http://www.healthyschoollunches.org/wyntergrace/
5. What is the time frame?
So far the School Meal Enhancement Act has been introduced, referred to committee, reported by committee, and has been presented to the House of Representatives who earlier on proposed voting on a Senate-passed version of the child nutrition bill. However, 106 House Democrats addressed Speaker Nancy Pelosi and said they were no longer in support of the Senate version. Instead they called for their own House bill, which does not contain the food stamp cuts. Further debate and discussion on the bill will not take place until winter 2010. Links:http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h111-2690http://www.takepart.com/news/2010/09/30/healthy-school-lunch-bill-stalled-in-congress
6. When are key dates - meetings, committee hearings, deadlines, etc.Bill was introduced and Refereed to House of Commitee on Education and Labor - June 3rd 2009House of Commitee on Education and Labor voted for Bill. Passed on a vote of 32-13 - July 15 2010http://www.votetocracy.com/house_bills/hr2690-school-meal-enhancement-act-of-2009-18816.html
Emma, Luna, and Franky
Emma Connell's Comic Book
Emma's Election Questions
What would you like to see change in our political system?
Do you vote every elections?
Do you know why we vote on Tuesday?
Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning?
What was the most memorable campaign ad you have encountered?
Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating?
What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?
Did you learn about voting in school?