Relationship between power and language #4
Unfortunately my message didn't get across to others. When I got more comfortable with my speech I dared to say longer sentences and talk more but I still stumbled across words and would sound dumb. When a group of people came to inspect our school I was one of the students chosen to talk to them. We had an intelligent conversation about parenting of today's world and physhcology. our chat went smoothly, but right after I stepped out of the room my friends who sat close by said I sounded dumb even though I was saying smart things. I was devastated. I had just started talking more and gaining confidence in my speech but i was smothered the instance my friends told I sounded dumb. There wasn't much I could do but just keep on talking; it was the only way I would get better. Days, weeks, and months went by and each day my lisp would fade away more and more, until I reached a point were my lisp was barely noticeable. When I look back at my experience I realize how much power my voice gave me. I used it to win arguments, to express myself, and to show who I am. When I'd stopped talking as much because I got made fun of or sounded dumb a piece of my dignity was lost. I let my power be swept away. This meant I lost my arguments, my self-expression was lost, and people didn't see who I was as much. Although there were sometimes when I stumbled across words and be teased I learned that the only thing to do was to talk more therefore making my speech better.
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