Kids Menu

The other day my mom and I ate a diner. I saw that they had a coloring kids menu. I know I'm officially an adult now, but I love coloring. I immediatley asked the waitress if I could get a kids menu. She looked at me kind of weird and brought one over, however she forgot the crayons. I asked her
"May I have some crayons please?"
Then she really looked at me weird and just left to get me some crayons. My mom said she was embarassed to be with me (and I don't blame her) but I love coloring. In fact, for my birthday I got two kids coloring books with a pack of crayons. It was my best (and only present). I started to color the kids menu as my mom sat there bored. I asked if she would like to color with me, which she did. I then asked for her opinion on which color to color spongebob, since there was no yellow crayon. She looked up at me and said,
"I'm not going to have a conversation with you about what color you should color Spongebob."
She put her head back down and continued to color until our meal came.
