Enlisting in the Marines
1. Briefly summarize the bureaucratic 'task' that you selected.
We selected the bureaucratic task of enlisting in the Marines.2. Give an overview of your process.
I knew somebody who enlisted in the Marines and asked them the step by step process they had to go through in order to become a Marine. Once I got all the steps, Kim and I made a flow chart on Lucidcharts.com. Kim made another flowchart of the physical requirements for a Marine too.3. Reflect upon the paperwork that you needed to fill out. Was it straightforward, easy, difficult, perplexing, etc.
Bianca, who enlisted in the Marines, tried getting the paperwork from her recruiter but couldn't. However, she did inform us there was loads of paperwork and it was all very confusing and took about 3-4 weeks to fill out.4. If you could change one thing about the bureaucratic process that you flow charted, what would it be and why?
If I could change one thing about the bureaucratic process I would change the monstrous amount of paperwork to be done.5. Why do you think the systems have become so complicated?
I think this system has become so complicated because there are a lot of requirements to meet.
6. Other thoughts, reflections, feedback. I thought it was a little bit ridiculous that if somebody had a tattoo on their face or a scar somewhere on there body that they were not qualified to be a Marine.
Published link to flowchart: https://www.lucidchart.com/documents/view/4d08c4ed-3fd8-4682-99e3-7f590afcbe04
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