I was freaking out this morning. I couldn't find my phone. I was running all over the house like a headless chicken looking for it. I traced all my steps and looked at all the places where I was last night at my house. I searched under the couch, in the living room, in my bed, all over my desk; which is piled with junk, in the kitchen, in my backpack, and in my suitcase. I just simply couldn't find it. I wanted to call it, but nobody else was home and I don't have a home phone. I was pacing back and forth thinking of how dumb I was. This always happens to me. I was really frustrated with myself and started looking furiously for my phone. It wasn't even a good search I was just hopelessly trying to find it. I was looking in places where I knew my phone wouldn't be. This is my angry search. I look in all these pointless places, throw papers and other shit around, curse to myself, and never find my phone. It's a huge waste of time and not efficient in any way, shape, or form. After about 45 minutes I went to my bed to just lay down and relax. I went to get under my covers and in the process disturbed my cat who hissed and ran away. I discovered that the entire time she was laying on my phone. I was so glad I found it and am in a much better mood now.
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