Relationship between power and language #3

When I got into arguments with my mom she would laugh at me.
"Mom! Swhy's shdo she have shto so shat? Shat's shnot ssfair!"
Her ever so serious face dropped when the words blasted from my mouth. I would storm off in even more anger then I came in as. When I read long paragraphs or sentences in my class come in even stronger. The whole class would be laughing at my lisp with me no longer laughing with them. From this, teachers stopped calling on me in class. The only time I did have power in my voice  was when I was online and with a group of close and understanding friends. One somebody asked me why I don't talk anymore. I took a deep breath trying to speak my best.
"Becaushe every time I talk you shluagh and it getsh annoying."
They said they would stop and admitted it had been going on for a my surprise they up to their words.  By the end of the day I explained to my mom that she needs to stop laughing at me when I'm being serious with her.
"I understand I shound funny but you're my mom. You're shopposed to shupport me."
Luckily enough she got the message and apologized on account for her actions. Unfortunately  my message didn't get across to others.
