Warm Blanket

Have you ever placed a blanket in the dryer for 10-15 minutes and then take it out to cuddle with? I have. I do all the time. I remember when I first discovered the comfort of dryer blankets. It all started three years ago, I was folding clothes that came straight from the dryer.  Half way through folding I came across my favorite blanket. It was so warm. I placed it to my cheek. I then wrapped the blanket around my body a few moments later I was rolling around on the floor engrossed in the blanket. The warmth and fuzziness overcame me. I was in a happy place and I didn't want to leave.  After a minute or two my mom came down seeing me rolling around in front of half folded laundry. I usually would be embarrassed at a moment like this, but I was just to comfortable to care. My inner peace couldn't be shattered. Unfortunatley, the warmth of the blanket wore off and I continued back to folding the laundry.
