

On the news you hear about violence, rape, crime, but you never hear about catcalling because it happens a lot and it’s not considered illegal. Catcalling is a form of street harassment and it is very disrespectful to women. This is when men or a man and even teenage boys call out to a random beautiful women. They usually whistle at them, ask for there number, and saying that they are very beautiful. They do this because most of the time they think that they can get sex. They go for women who has some type of issue in their life with there family or anything else.

When a women are teenage girl is catcalled it is very disrespectful and most of them don’t feel good about themselves. It doesn’t matter of thr guy is really hot and sexy most women don’t like it period. It makes women feel unsafe and uncomfortable. Most of the time women are catcalled the person is in a group and they are scared that they might get raped. If the women doesn’t say anything back such as “thank you” they are considered to be a slut, bitch, or a whore.  Even though most women don’t like it some actually do, they just really like the attention. Women don’t want to be just focused on their looks and if you absolutely need to comment try to get to know the person first.

Men proclaim that women should not complain about being catcalled when other men are being catcalled and not making a big deal of it. People say that men scare women, when they go somewhere in a crowded space or walk at night they are most likely to be harassed. This is why women go places unusual with her friend so they can try to prevent this. Women get catcalled everywhere, in the subway, on the street, it doesn’t matter.  You may think that part of the reason for catcalling is from what women are wearing. Sometimes this is true but sometimes it doesn’t matter what they are wearing, you could be fully covered up and it still wouldn’t matter. Men will use their imagination to see women in a more pleasing way. This happens everywhere in the world, some places more than others.

One person who was involved in Catcalling was Bill O'Reilly with Perquita Burgess. There offices were really close to each other and he walked by her most of the time without saying a thing. Sometimes he would grunt at her for no apparent reason. Every time Bill passed he r he would look up and down at her to check her out, it this gave her chills. He would call out to her when they walk by and in the elevator. At one point he called her “Hot Chocolate” and she immediately felt creeped out. Donald Trump stood by Bill and said that he did nothing wrong. She just couldn't believe that our president would defend him on this and how he uses his power to intimidate women.

