Chelsea Ann Smith's Song

vengo de mi familia;
mi mama, mi papa, mis hermanos y
mi tia y bisabuelos
te amo, mucho te amo.

Vengo la musica favorito
escuha Blink 182 todas las días
audifonos  en mi orejas
mi musica es muy fuerte
sin ninguna preocupación (without a care in the world)
estoy muy contenta porque musica,
mucho graicas musica, tu importante musica

vengo de mi familia;
mi mama, mi papa, mis hermanos y
mi tia y bisabuelos
te amo, mucho te amo.

vengo Jesus Christ
leí la Biblia y fue iglesia
fue el servicios tres días in la semana
no asistia iglesia.
no sé porque.

vengo de mi familia;
mi mama, mi papa, mis hermanos y
mi tia y bisabuelos
te amo, mucho te amo.

me amo fútbol
deportes por la escuela
dos la años con SLA.
Me gustan mis niñas

vengo de mi familia;
mi mama, mi papa, mis hermanos y
mi tia y bisabuelos
te amo, mucho te amo.
  • What are you especially proud of?
    I really like my refrán, i think it really works as a good part to repeat.

  • What do you anticipate having to change before recording your song?
    I don't think my second verse is very strong nor do I think it makes sense. I need to get some people to look over that for and with me. 

  • What did you talk about in your song?  Why did you choose to talk about those things in talking about where you come from?
    I talked about how my family made me and my love for them. Also how soccer is a huge thing in my life, Jesus made me who I am and shaped my life and also about how music has a huge impact on me.

  • What kind of music are you planning on setting your lyrics to?  
    I want something kind of fast, not really sure what to use though, I have to continue think on this now.
