Closing Of Schools - Last Blog

Hello, I'm back once more to sum everything up. But before I do that I would like to give out my acknowledgements. 

I give my acknowledgements first to my English teacher, Alexa Dunn. If it wasn't for her I would have never did all this research nor made the superb video I would show you at the end. I also I give my acknowledgement to a 9th grade student/one of my close friends, Azaria Burton. She peer edited my video and led me to make some changes to my video. And my last one goes to myself. I did this because to put a lot of effort for this work and I was happy of my work.

In my first blog I stated some facts about child abuse and what the Philadelphia School District is planning on doing in the future. I also showed some new reports I found that show you what is other people's opinion about the closing of the schools.

In my second blog I basically stated my opinion and how we could make a chance.

As last blog, after you read this you will see a video I created with the theme Closing of Schools. Enjoy.

For my bibliography click here.

Comments (2)

Sabian Rosales (Student 2015)
Sabian Rosales

It is wonderful to have someone help you. (Peer-Editing and such) The video was motivating and showed what you think about the Closing of Schools. The music went well with the video and the pictures described what needs to be done.