Collapseability Reflection

The two countries I chose were, The District Republic of the Congo and New Zealand.They are both located fairly far away from one another but still have warm tropical climates. New Zealand is located in Oceania, and The DR Congo is in Africa. They both have extremely different economic histories, so it was very interesting comparing the two countries.
My process consist of a lot of research! It was really hard finding good sources in order to make my project accurate. The first thing that I did was write a script for everything I wanted to say. Of coarse I followed the 5 point framework for each country so it took quite a bit of time. After I found out what I wanted to so say I began to design my presentation using pictures, and graphs to make the my research understandable. Using the framework was a little difficult at times but it was helpful, because it gave me a good structure to work with. The only one that I thought might not have been the most unnecessary was "The Societies Response to Environmental Damage", the reason I say this is because this could have been clumped together with "Environmental Damage". I felt like I was writing the same things for both points in a way.
If I could change one thing about the project I would have done a website, instead of a PDF. I say this because I think the website organized the information much better, and it looked a lot better. In the end though I am very satisfied with my project . I worked extremely hard and I hope that it is shown through my final presentation. I think that if Ms. Laufenberg were to assign this benchmark next year, she should only make it one country so that students could be thorough about what they say about the countries they choose. I felt as though I was rushing with the Congo because I spent so much time on New Zealand.
