Conversación 2: Televisión en Lima,Peru
What is television like in Lima, Peru?
What did you learn about your partner?
I learned that my partner, Felipe, is from Lima, Peru. I also learned that Felipe likes to watch American Series. He doesn't like reality shows, including the Kardashians. He likes comedies and also serious shows. He likes 2 and a Half men, just like I do. He watches American Idol and is routing for Jessica Sanchez to win.What did you learn from them?
I learned that American shows do get watched in Lima, Peru. I thought that they would have their own television series to watch but American series are aired there.What did you learn about yourself?
I learned that what I like to watch on television will not always be the same as others. Others might not enjoy these shows like I do.
What were you surprised about?
I was surprised at the fact that American series do get watched in other countries such as Peru.What are you proud of?
I am proud that I got to achieve my goal of researching what type of television is watched in other countries.What follow-up questions do you have?
Do other countries watch the same movies as Americans?What will you improve on for next time? How? s
Next time, I will try to move into that conversation a little more easier. It seemed weird to jump to a subject like that. I might chose a subject to talk about that is more broad because the conversation seemed a bit awkward.
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